The fact that we’re talking about stigma still, in a time when people are having near misses, is disturbing.” ~Ryan Graves ~~~ If you like what you see on my blog and my Twitter and appreciate the time and effort, here are my Patreon and Pay Pal. PayPal – ~~~ In case this is […]
aatip, alien, graves, notam, ryan graves, uap, uap task force, ufo
If you like what you see on my blog and my Twitter and appreciate the time and effort, here are my Patreon and Pay Pal. PayPal – ~~~ by Joe Murgia (Note: This was first published on March 12th, 2021) In the past week, the story of Añjali (not her real name), who […]
alien, anjali, channeling, contact, experiencer, telepathy, uap, ufo
“I think there’s a lot of evidence that the government has known, but the problem is, it’s so outside the realm of of human comprehension that they can’t deal with it on a legislative basis, they can’t deal with it on a military, operational basis, they can’t deal with it on the basis of a […]
admiral wilson, alien, basement office, Davis, eric davis, greenstreet, sap, special access program, uap, ufo, wilson davis
Crash Retrieval, Will Miller, Wilson/Davis
June 18, 2020 Interview with Commander Will Miller – See my other blogs for background. Joe Murgia: What’s your overall opinion on the Wilson/Davis documents and the story told within them? Sound plausible from what you know? Will Miller: It’s been awhile since I looked at a photo copy of them; my only comment is […]
alien, arv, crash retrieval, Davis, disclosure project, greer, miller, uap, ufo, wilson, wilson davis
If you like what you see here and on Twitter, this is my Patreon. I appreciate any and all support. ~~~ by Joe Murgia – @ufojoe11 on Twitter In the final part of my four-part blog on the Wilson/Davis documents, I included an alleged, 1961 SNIE (Special National Intelligence Estimate) document related to UFO […]
alien, crash retrieval, dr. eric davis, eric davis, uap, ufo, wilson davis
“If the existence of intelligent alien life is established, it will prompt the biggest transformation in humanity’s outlook since Copernicus.” ~Christopher Mellon responding to James Iandoli @EngagingThe ~~~~~ By Joe Murgia – @ufojoe11 on Twitter Former United States Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, Christopher Mellon, answered questions related to UFOs/UAP on Twitter today. […]
aatip, aawsap, alien, ama, christopher mellon, Delonge, mellon, To The Stars, tom delonge, TTSA, uap, ufo
If you like what you see and hear on my blog, my Twitter and YouTube Channel and appreciate the time and effort, here’s my Patreon, Pay Pal and Venmo. ~~~ Patreon = PayPal – Venmo – ~~~ “Project Blue Book, as a named Project Blue Book, didn’t continue. It’s just that other programs were set up, with different names, all over the place.” […]
aatip, aawsap, alien, antigravity, earth tech, earthtech, Elizondo, eric davis, hal, hal puthoff, interstellar, Puthoff, secret space program, TTSA, uap, ufo, ultraterrestrial
By Joe Murgia – @ufojoe11 on Twitter Back on November 22nd of this year, George Knapp and Mystery Wire posted an interview Knapp conducted this past August with billionaire and space entrepreneur, Robert Bigelow. Bigelow spoke about UFOs and referenced their technology, which he described as, “the epitome of potential that we are barely able […]
#ufos, alien, aliens, bigelow, coast to coast, inflatable, microgravity, uap, ufo, zero gravity
By Joe Murgia – @ufojoe11 on Twitter Over the past few years, investigative reporter, George Knapp, and filmmaker/researcher, Jeremy Corbell, have given lectures, gone on various radio shows and podcasts and described how the Pentagon’s UFO program, AATIP and it’s relative, AAWSAP, came to be. AAWSAP was first mentioned publicly by researcher Paul Dean, who […]
aatip, aawsap, alien, corbell, interdimensional, knapp, mobius, mobius strip, skinwalker, skinwalker ranch, uap, ufo
“I can’t think of anything that comes close that mankind has even started to approach that even remotely equals the dynamics of that subject.” ~Bob Bigelow on UFOs ~~~~~ Edit: I linked to the new Bigelow interview (it was just posted) and provided a partial transcript below. ~~~~~ By Joe Murgia – @ufojoe11 on Twitter […]
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