If you like what you see on my blog and my Twitter and appreciate the time and effort, here are my Patreon and Pay Pal. https://www.patreon.com/ufojoe PayPal – ufojoe11@aol.com ~~~ “I don’t know why [the DoD] wouldn’t want to put this to sleep, unless there’s something to it.” ~Former Senator Harry Reid ~~~ by Joe […]
#ufos, aatip, crash retrieval, Elizondo, lockheed, reid, sap, senator reid, uap, ufo
Crash Retrieval, Edgar Mitchell, Eric Davis, Wilson/Davis
If you enjoy these articles and would like to support this work and the blog, here is my Patreon and my Twitter – @ufojoe11 URL: https://www.patreon.com/ufojoe ~~~ by Giuliano Marinkovic – @OmniTalkRadio on Twitter And if you’re new to the Wilson/Davis saga, read this first and then you can come back here in 8 hours. […]
Area 51, crash retrieval, dr. eric davis, edgar mitchell, Elizondo, eric davis, harry reid, lockheed, nids, TTSA, uap, ufo, will miller
Transcript by Joe Murgia – @ufojoe11 on Twitter. Tom DeLonge was the guest on The Kevin and Bean show on KROQ on July 17th. The following is an edited transcript of that interview. Tom DeLonge: What happened was is about 12 years ago, I started “Angels & Airwaves,” when Blink first broke up, to be […]
#ufos, aliens, congress, contact, Delonge, disclosure, Elizondo, et, extraterrestrial, kevin and bean, kroq, lockheed, lockheed skunkworks, senate, To The Stars, tom delonge, TTSA, uap, ufo
If you like what you see on my blog, my Twitter and YouTube Channel and appreciate the time and effort, here’s my Patreon, Pay Pal and Venmo. ~~~ Patreon = https://www.patreon.com/ufojoe PayPal – ufojoe11@aol.com Venmo – www.venmo.com/u/ufojoe ~~~ By Joe Murgia – TheUfoJoe on Twitter Episode 6 of “Unidentified” begins with a summary of Episodes 1-5. If you missed those, you can watch them here: Episode […]
aatip, aawsap, aliens, Delonge, Elizondo, et, extraterrestrial, harry reid, john, justice, knapp, lockheed, mccain, mellon, reid, skunkworks, TTSA, uap, ufo