To The Stars Academy, Wilson/Davis
~~~ If you like what you see and would like to support my work, here is my Patreon. URL: ~~~ by Joe Murgia – @ufojoe11 on Twitter For more on the Wilson/Davis documents story, start here and prepare to be reading for a few hours. ~~~ The following is from researcher Melinda Leslie, owner […]
admiral tom wilson, admiral wilson, cia, Delonge, jim semiva, phenomena, phenomenon, semivan, thomas wilson, To The Stars, to the stars academy, TTSA, uap, ufo, wilson davis
by Joe Murgia – @ufojoe11 on Twitter. In March of this year, Luis Elizondo was the keynote speaker at the first annual, Anomalous Aerospace Phenomena (AAP) conference put on by the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU). I finished transcribing the entire lecture many months ago and since the main part was already online, I posted it on this […]
aap, aatip, aawsap, alien, aliens, Elizondo, et, interdimensional, phenomena, phenomenon, scu, TTSA, uap, ufo, ufology
“And some of the physicists now have come to the conclusion that really, what we’re seeing, all these capabilities, may, and I’ll emphasize may, be a manifestation of a single type of technology. I think it’a still a little premature right now to come out with any type of real theory on it, yet. We’re hoping […]
aatip, beck, department of defense, dod, Elizondo, glenn beck, navy, pat gray, phenomena, phenomenon, physics, propulsion, space time, uap, ufo
On August 8th of this year, Sgt. John Burroughs, (USAF Ret.) an eyewitness to the three-day, Rendlesham Forest UFO incident, was the guest on UFO News Network Sunday. I suggest you listen to the entire interview because there’s some very valuable information presented by Burroughs. Click on this pic to hear the segment about Green and […]