I’ve seen the pictures of, “a big huge, like, natural gas tank. It was a big, long Tic Tac with rounded edges and stuff like that. And it was like fifty feet away and you can tell he just turned because you can see the interior of the cockpit.”
~Daniel Sheehan at UFO MegaCon
After several years of working on this, I’m finally sharing it. There’s plenty Sheehan has said that I don’t agree with but I wanted to make sure I put this out because, in my opinion, some of this is important, and I know many will enjoy it. This couldn’t have happened without help from that one anonymous person who spent hours checking for typos and fixing broken links. At 74,000 words, that was no small task. So, thank you!
If you like what you see on my blog, Twitter and YouTube Channel and appreciate the time and effort, here are links to my Patreon, Pay Pal and Venmo. I appreciate any and all support. Without that support, I would struggle to do this as much as I do.
Patreon = https://www.patreon.com/ufojoe
Pay Pal – ufojoe11@aol.com
Venmo – www.venmo.com/u/ufojoe
Read Daniel Sheehan’s biography here.
Read Daniel Sheenan’s Curriculum Vitae here.
A few loose ends…
In various interviews transcribed in this blog, Sheehan spoke about a complaint filed in 2021 with the DoD Inspector General by his client, Lue Elizondo, regarding alleged reprisals/threats related to Elizondo’s access to classified information via his security clearance. In 2022, that case was closed.
Your client alleged that a senior government official directed an investigation into his security clearance based on allegations that he made unauthorized classified disclosures, in order to negatively affect his eligibility for access to classified information, in reprisal for (b) (6), (b) (7)(C)
The evidence we reviewed does not support your client’s reprisal complaint because no action affecting his eligibility for access to classified information was taken or threatened against him. Specifically, he was interviewed by a representative of the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) as part of a periodic review of his security clearance and his eligibility for access to classified information has not been impacted in any way. DTM 13-008 defines “eligibility for access to classified information” as the result of the determination whether an employee:
Is eligible for access to classified information in accordance with Executive Order 12968, “Access to Classified Information,” August 2, 1995, as amended (relating to access to classified information) and Executive Order 10865 (relating to safeguarding classified information with industry), and,
Possesses a need to know under such orders.
Your client’s eligibility for access to classified information remains intact. Accordingly, we are closing his case.
Sheehan also spoke about the DoD Inspector General conducting an evaluation, “the objective of which was to determine the degree to which the United States Defense Department had ever undertaken any actions with regard to the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.”
That evaluation was completed in August of 2023, and the results were published on January 25th, 2024.
As the unclassified summary explains, the DoD OIG found that the DoD does not have a comprehensive, coordinated approach to address UAP. For example, the DoD OIG determined that DoD Components developed varying processes to collect, analyze, and identify UAP incidents.
The DoD OIG also found that the DoD’s lack of a comprehensive, coordinated approach to address UAP may pose a threat to military forces and national security. For instance, the DoD OIG determined that the DoD has no overarching UAP policy and, as a result, it lacks assurance that national security and flight safety threats to the United States from UAP have been identified and mitigated.
To address the issues identified in this report, the DoD OIG made 11 recommendations to the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security, in coordination with the Director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office; the Secretaries of the Army, Navy, and Air Force; and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. For example, the DoD OIG recommended that the DoD issue a policy to integrate roles, responsibilities, requirements, and coordination procedures regarding UAP into existing intelligence, counterintelligence, and force protection policies and procedures.
Read the full report here:
The Danny Sheehan MegaBlog
Excerpts from “Unacknowledged” – 2017
Daniel Sheehan (DS): These are some of the highest ranking military officials in our defense program. They’re trusted with nuclear weapons, they’re trusted with top-level security clearances and secrets, but the minute that they start talking about this particular subject, they become pariah.
Of all things to keep secret, the fact that there is this bountiful option that we have of reaching out into the stars and being friendly neighbors with other civilizations and sharing information, sharing resources and sharing knowledge and sharing spiritual insights and values. To suppress that information, and to conceal it, is part of the efforts of the national security state that is threatened by that reality, so this is the one of the ultimate secrets that needs to be exposed.
When President Carter was elected, I was the legal counsel for the Jesuit national headquarters in Washington, DC. He called the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, George H. W. Bush, to a meeting, and asked Bush if he, as the Director of Central Intelligence, would give to Carter, as the President Elect, all of the information he had on the potential existence of extraterrestrial life and the issue of whether or not any of the UFO vehicles might be vehicles from another star system. And George H. W. Bush refused to give him the information. He said he’d have to go to Congress and get Congress to have the Congressional Research Service at the Library of Congress declassify it, to get it to him, if he was going to get it. That’s a true story.
Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress, their science and technology division, based on all the information, classified and declassified, that they had reviewed, their projection was that there were at least from two to six, other, highly intelligent, highly technologically developed, but non-human, civilizations, just in our Milky Way galaxy.
Based upon what Jimmy Carter has said, and based upon what Bill Clinton has said – they were refused this information – I believe that is unconstitutional for them to refuse to give the information to the President of the United States.
There have been dozens and dozens of totally, absolutely important, credible people, who’ve had their careers ruined, intentionally, by the national security bureaucracy because they tried to come forward and fulfill what they viewed to be their duty to report this to their superiors.
Internal documents from Defense Department intelligence agencies, explicitly stating that they want to have this campaign of ridiculing and destroying the credibility of completely credible, completely honest eyewitnesses to UFO sightings and even sightings of extraterrestrial beings on the ground. That they want them discredited, they want their credibility destroyed.
There’s a finding that the Pike committee made, that they had verified forty-two, full-time, Central Intelligence Agency paid employees that were inserted inside the major, national news media centers. And most of them ended up being the so-called national security reporters. I know reporters for “Time Magazine” who’ve told me, specifically, that they’ve provided the stories and their editors had spiked them. Based upon my experience representing NBC and representing the New York Times, I know that they will refuse to publish information which, in my judgment, is clearly important information for the public to know.
Witnesses to UFOs…
And they’re ridiculed and their careers are destroyed, pursuant to a very specific, self-conscious, official program. There’s been a decision made within the nation security state infrastructure to ridicule and dismiss cases that they know positively are cases of genuine sightings of UFOs and extraterrestrial beings. That’s perfectly clear.
False Flags…
U.S. military officials, for example, have planned, through a project called Operation Northwoods, back in 1962, to dress up Cuban refugees in Cuban, military uniforms, have them attack Guantanamo base and kill U.S. military personnel, sink U.S. military ships and blow up shopping centers in Miami, targeting and killing refugees from Cuba, to infuriate the American population so they can invade and occupy Cuba. It’s astonishing that anybody would dare to make a recommendation like that, but they did.
Efforts on the part of a certain element within the kind of ruling structures of our planet, to try to utilize the discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence as an ultimate threat, the ultimate, other bad guys, to justify the national security state dream of locking down and putting under complete control of an authoritarian ruling class that control the planet and resources.
There was an invitation extended, from the Vatican, to some forty world scientists to come to Castle Gandolfo, outside of Rome, where the Pontifical observatory is and they spent a week briefing the highest-level members of the Vatican. They came out with an official press statement that extraterrestrial life is going to be discovered much sooner than anybody had previously expected. And for this reason, the time has now arrived for the beginning of a very serious discussion about the philosophical and theological questions that are posed to our human family, by the discovery of extraterrestrial life.
Kids are the future…
It’s a mission that we, as the baby-boomer generation, pass on to you.
You have to adjust your cosmology, you have to adjust your whole concept of our human species being at the apex of all biological evolution in the Universe, and you also have to, of course, modify your judgment that the entire Universe was created just as the stage upon which the drama of the human development is unfolding, and that there’s a lot more going on in the Universe than just that.
From “Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind” – Full Interview
Daniel Sheehan (DS): I’m a 1967 graduate of Harvard College, 1970 graduate of Harvard Law School, the co-founder of the Harvard Civil Rights Law Review at Harvard Law School, initiated the case that established the right of journalists to protect their confidential news sources that went all the way the United States Supreme Court, while I was still a second year law student at Harvard Law Review. I went on to the Cahill Gordon firm as their chief counsel for NBC and was there when we did the Pentagon Papers case for the New York Times. I was on that team with Floyd Abrams and then went to F. Lee Bailey’s office. Was one of the three trial lawyers in F. Lee Bailey’s office and did the Watergate burglary case where we represented James McCord, the CIA wiretap specialist who was arrested in Watergate. He’s the one that wrote the letter to Judge Sirica, blowing the whistle on Nixon and the Plumber’s unit.
Went from there to Harvard Divinity School to do my master’s work and then later my PhD work on comparative social ethics, and it became clear to me that at the big, number one Wall Street Law Firm and then in Bailey’s office that I was on kind of a different wavelength than both of them were. And so I went back to the Divinity School to do a study of comparative social, ethical systems, and got recruited to become Chief Counsel for the United States Jesuit Headquarters and their national social ministry office that was actually in charge of public policy positions on the part of the largest order in the Catholic Church. And I was there for ten full years, and we set up the Christic Institute to work with all fifty-four of the major religious denominations. The Union of American Hebrew Congregations, the National Council of Churches, Unitarians, as well as the US Catholic Conference of Bishops and Jesuits.
And it was there that I had the first encounter with this issue. I was contacted in 1977, just after Jimmy Carter was elected president. After he was elected, President Carter had been trying to get George Bush Sr., the Director of Central Intelligence, to turn over information about UFOs because President Carter had actually seen one when he was governor. Bush refused to give him the information and he kept insisting that he be left on as the Director of Central Intelligence and if he wasn’t going to get that, he wasn’t going to give the information to President Carter. And so President Carter went to the Congressional Research Service to have the Science and Technology Division do a major investigation about what information was available within the government about the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence, and whether at least some of these sightings of these UFO vehicles might be actual extraterrestrial craft. So, that’s why I encountered it.
And because of that, I ended up being given access to the classified portions of Project Blue Book in early 1977 and actually saw the photos of indisputable UFOs, one of which had crashed into this field and you can see it plowed this great big trench through the field. And so I went back to the Jesuit Headquarters and met with Father William Davis, who was my superior – I was a candidate for the Jesuit order at that time – and showed him the stuff that I had seen and heard. So, he interestingly reached down and slid open the drawer of his desk and took out a manila envelope and handed it to me. And I pulled it out and it was a big 8.5″ x 11″, black and white glossy photo of a UFO. And I said, “Where’d you get this?” And he said, “Well, my sister Dodi gave it to me. Her husband Mike was an air traffic controller at the Seattle airport, and his best friend, who’s a commercial pilot, had taken this photograph out of the window of his plane, and he didn’t want to get in trouble by reporting it so he took it and gave it to his best friend, Michael, who was the air traffic controller. And Michael didn’t want to get in trouble by reporting it and so he took it and gave it to his wife Dodi and said, “Here, give this to your brother, he’s a priest (laughs).”
So, I said, “Well, something’s going on, at least people think that it’s relevant to give it to a priest.” So we tried to get the Washington Inter-religious Staff Council, which is made up of all 54 of the major religious nominations, to actually set up a task force – this is 1977 – to look into this issue to try to prepare for the impact that this was going to have on their various constituents. They didn’t want to do it. And I was asked later to go and brief the top 50 scientists at SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, on the theological implications of contact with an extraterrestrial civilization.
So that’s been sort of the niche that I have as a lawyer and when we got ready to do the Disclosure in 2001, I was working with you (Greer) and we were helping to vet the people and we said, “Look, we’re only going to be able to put on a limited number of witnesses here at the National Press Club.” So we wanted to get our best ones and so I got to work with you to figure out who the right people would be. And because of that, then I started being asked to do presentations as a Harvard lawyer and legal counsel for the Jesuits etc, on what this issue was because there were only a few of us that were in that type of capacity that were willing to talk about this publicly. And that’s how it’s come to pass that I’ve been viewed as an attorney who’s helping people to protect them against having their pensions revoked, for example, in the military, if they come public with this and if they’re going to get prosecuted for violating alleged, non-disclosure agreements. So I’ve served as counsel for a number of the people to help them come forward on this. So that’s my sort of general background on this.
(This blog is about Sheehan but Greer’s input here is interesting so I’ll include it, too)
Dr. Steven Greer (SG): I’m gonna pick up on a couple of issues there. In 1997, we did the briefings for Congress. It was quite clear to me at that point that neither the president nor the Congress were going to act on this, so we decided that we were going to take it public. And so, what had been Project Starlight, a private briefing process that took me to the CIA Director and other people, became The Disclosure Project.
DS: Yes.
SG: So in that process, one of the things that you and I discussed – and I don’t know if you remember this – but because I had gone through the chain of command, and found out that not only President Clinton, but then also the president you had tried to help, Carter, but also some of the senior people in the military and the CIA were being denied access…
DS: Yes.
SG: …as well as members of Congress on oversight committees that I think we decided that those were illegal operations.
DS: That’s right.
SG: And I learned that they were called Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAP), and these UAPSs, being run illegally, and what that meant was it vitiated (destroy or impair the legal validity of) their non-disclosure agreements because it’s an underlying criminal enterprise.
DS: That’s exactly right.
SG: And so that is the foundation for all these people coming forward. If you can just speak to that in a succinct way about the reality of that. What we were able to do is prove those projects were illegal and therefore, they’re not bound by those oaths.
DS: That’s what happened in 1997, after 1994, when I had been at the Harvard faculty challenges, that I’d come to understand that a number of the people who had had encounters, close encounters with extraterrestrial beings, were being ordered to not talk about it, being told that it would violate their classification, they will violate their security agreements. And I did the research and said, “Look, this is not true. This is unlawful, it’s unconstitutional, and it’s unlawful and therefore it vitiates and sets aside this contract that you think that you’re obliged to abide by.” And what I did is I promised to represent them. That’s where it broke it a little bit loose. I said, “Look, I’ll represent you if anybody tries to dock your pension or tries to prosecute you in some way for violating your security clearance.” And so the availability of an attorney with kind of the experience that I had had in winning controversial cases, they then started talking, so that was really helpful for us at that stage.
Greer asks about the Vatican not wanting to share their UFO-related information…
DS: That was actually in 1977 when I was asked to participate with this Congressional Research Service, Science and Technology Division. We were doing this set of reports for the President, and I sent a letter to the Vatican as Chief Counsel for the Jesuit national headquarters in Washington. I said that we would like to be able to get access to the classified sections of the Vatican Library that might have information about extraterrestrial intelligence with the position of the churches, etc. I was shocked. They said “no.” In fact, I wrote them a second letter and said, “You know, there must be some misunderstanding, you’re not aware of who we are. We’re the largest single order in the Catholic Church, where almost all the foreign diplomats [are based]. We would like to get a copy of what you’ve got. And they still said “no.” And it was only years later that I ended up talking with with Father José Gabriel Funes. And José Funes was the president and director of the Vatican Observatory. And so I had a set of conversations with him about what his position was on all this, and he acknowledged to me that the Vatican was now aware of the fact that they were going to have to come forward on this issue. And he actually took the position – it was after the launch of the Hubble, when the Hubble telescope started discovering what they understood to be probable planets, and then they put up the Planck and were able to actually get confirmation that these were planets. I mean, it’s kind of bizarre that the scientific community on our planet just believed that we were the only star system in the entire Universe that had planets around it (laughs).
But the bottom line is, once we crossed that threshold, it was clear that the Vatican knew they had to get out in front of this. So what José was saying is that they needed to start a major conversation among the laity (ordinary people, as distinct from professionals or experts) to examine the fundamental, philosophical, and theological questions that were being posed to our human family now by discovering that we were not only not in the geophysical center of the Universe – which that had already had that controversy with Copernicus and Galileo – but we were not even any longer on the apex of the pyramid of conscious life in the Universe. So that the people have to start getting acclimated to this to start adjusting their worldview to this. And so, I’ve been participating in that process of trying to talk to various people and universities, etc, asking them to start this conversation so that we can identify the right questions, get people talking about this, and so that the Vatican has now actually issued an official statement. It was it was on November 10 of 2011, actually, publicly calling for such a conversation on the part of the laity. So, they’ve now crossed the Rubicon, at the Catholic Church, of acknowledging that not only that extraterrestrial life virtually certainly exists, but when I talked to José Gabriel Funes, he said, “Look, we’re not talking about just micro-biotic life or amoebas somewhere under the ice on a moon somewhere. We’re talking about another highly intelligent, highly technologically developed, but distinctly non-human species, right here in our galaxy.” And that’s the conversation that we need to have and that’s the position of the Catholic Church as of right now.
SG: Has the Pope, to your knowledge, been informed of this and have you heard his take on it?
DS: No, I’ve talked with José Gabriel Funes and I know that the head of the Pontifical Academy of Science has now authorized José to leave his position as the director of the Vatican Observatory and is now teaching the first course on this at the Jesuit university in Argentina and he’s putting together a curriculum. I’ve had conversations with him about it and I’m going to be getting a copy of that, the draft of it, to actually identify the profound philosophical and theological questions that are posed to us, and start working on the curriculum on that. So that’s just starting now, right this year.
SG: So in the course of your involvement with the Iran Contra case and Pentagon Papers, if you could share with the crew and the public what you’ve found about the extent to which the intelligence community and media have contained and controlled stories, and to what extent that happens and is happening today?
DS: Absolutely. Yes, One of my first cases coming out of law school was for NBC television to establish the right of journalists to protect their confidential news sources. It was clear, at that point, NBC agreed that that was helpful for them to be able to get access to interview people who had national security information. I did the amicus briefs for the New York Times and The Washington Post, and also for CBS and ABC. We got them all to agree to that. They were so surprised that the Supreme Court had agreed to take up that issue, based on a case that we’d initiated at the Harvard Civil Rights Law Review, that they were all kind of kind of scrambling to catch up with it. And so, I got them all to agree that this was a good thing. And then we had the big acid test on that, immediately, while the case was still being considered by the Supreme Court, when Jim Goodall, called me because I knew Jim, who was the chief counsel for the New York Times, because I was working on the amicus briefs for the New York Times. And so, he called me when they got the Pentagon Papers because their law firm, Lord Day and Lord, had threatened to turn them into the FBI if they didn’t give the documents back right away. I came in at a meeting with Jim Goodale, along with Floyd Abrams and Jean Schiemann, and our firm, and we agreed to defend them, to publish these papers.
And it was at that time that I began to realize that there was this close working relationship between the board of editors of the New York Times and the national security community because Whitney North Seymour, who was the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York and for the Nixon administration, took the position before Judge Murray Gurfein. They were seeking an injunction to stop us from publishing the papers and then William North Seymour took the position, “Well, we can’t have the New York Times just deciding willy nilly, what national security information they’re going to publish and whatnot.” And I said, “Well, as a matter of fact, that’s exactly what we do. There’s conversations going on all the time between the board of editors and national security people. And we actually got an affidavit from Teddy Sorensen, who prepared an affidavit for us, saying that, “Oh yes, the national security state and CIA and everybody, consult regularly with the New York Times, to get them not to tell information that is about covert operations that we’re engaged in.” I was surprised to find that out at that point and I began to do an investigation about this as the lawyer for The Times now and for NBC and found out that there were forty-two, full time, Central Intelligence Agency or NSA people employed by the major, national news media, And they had a entire project called Project (he meant Operation) Mockingbird.
And they were deeply embedded with the major, national news media, and they were constantly, from their point of view, safeguarding of the information that was going to be allowed to get out. And it was quite clear that they viewed themselves as all part of the same basic fraternity and that they all shared in the patriotic vision of the Central Intelligence Agency being able to go around the world. The biggest challenge we had with the Pentagon Papers case is they didn’t want to reveal the fact that there was a massive assassination program going on and it was being funded by heroin trafficking, to keep it away from the Congressional funding investigations, etc. I thought this was a terribly newsworthy thing (laughs) to tell about, but it was beyond the pale, that was not to be talked about here. You can talk about how bad the Vietnam War was and even the fact that they lied about the Bay of Tonkin incident, but not this. And so then I took this away from the law firm when I went away and I said, “Look, I now know, because I’ve read the 47 volumes, and I know that they’ve got this program called the Phoenix program where they’re assassinating people. 200,000 people have been assassinated by it. Not 20,000, but over 200,000 people have been assassinated by this program and it was being run by a guy named Theodore G. Shackley, who was the ADDO, the Associate Deputy Director for Operations under George Bush Senior.”
And so, these people were all involved in this and so, when I left the Cahill firm, I dedicated myself to trying to figure out how we could get this revealed and how we could stop it. That’s part of how we did the Iran Contra case because we caught them now smuggling cocaine coming in from Colombia and funding a major assassination set of programs. And so we actually brought it forward and when we brought forward that information, I brought it to the New York Times, and gave it to them and they wouldn’t publish anything about it. They would publish anything that denied the story, but they wouldn’t publish anything that set forth the evidence. And so I was upset about that. And then they shut off the entire investigation. The New York Times, NBC, CBS, all of them, were involved in trying to pretend that the Iran Contra scandal was too complicated, they couldn’t really understand what was happening. It was perfectly simple what was happening. It was a continuation of the same kind of assassination programs funded by illegal drug trafficking and the CIA was up to their elbows in this.
In fact, I had the head of the DEA Strike Force, the Drug Enforcement Agency said, “The Central Intelligence Agency is there as a creation of every single one of the major drug cartels that they’re there.” I sat down with the…I have a copy of the data for where they were smuggling the cocaine in the Iran Contra case, into the United States. I had the house where they were delivering it. They were delivering it through these big shrimp company boats that were bringing it in, I knew where they were bringing it into Miami, the house where they were selling it, I had the unlisted telephone number of the house and I had the code words you use to call on the phone. I knew that it was Gambino’s daughter that was running the operation. And I sat down, along with Gene Wheaton, the chief of security the U.S. military mission in Tehran, who was one of my investigators with the head of the DEA Strike Force. I pushed the memo across the table to him, he looked at it, read it, pushed it back to me and said, “Look Dan, you know what this is and so do I. I plan to live to see my retirement.” Okay. And you couldn’t get anybody to write about it, couldn’t get any of those papers because it wasn’t allowed. Okay, all the news that’s fit to print, but only that news that’s fit to print. And so I saw it up close, in detail.
SG: And so we fast forward to the UFO subject, where we have, on the one hand, the blacklisting of the kind of evidence we put together, The Disclosure Project in “Unacknowledged.” But now, in the last year and a half, you have cutouts from the Pentagon and CIA and others, who’ve been involved for thirty, forty years in the cover up, putting information out that’s being covered, but with this spin.
DS: Oh yeah. So one of the issues that I discovered in doing this investigation, as the lawyer for NBC, one of them and the New York Times, I was disturbed about the fact that it was quite clear that they would only cover certain aspects of the story. So they were engaged in this process of, I guess what Richard Nixon referred to as kind of a modified hangout position. They would give the impression that they were telling the truth, but it was only a portion of the truth, and it had a certain spin to it that they wanted out. And it was the National Intelligence Community that wanted it out. It was clear to me that we were actually in a national security state and that the Central Intelligence Agency was primarily the coordinator of this, and it was coordinated through the operations directorate that was engaged in certain types of operations around the world, that which they disguised as being part of intelligence work. And it wasn’t intelligence work, it wasn’t gathering information for our own self defense, it was engaged in active operations to engage in specifically overthrowing certain governments, assassinating certain leaders or potential leaders. And what they did is they had a whole, what they call, counter intelligence operations set up where anybody who started to find out about those types of illegal and unconstitutional programs was targeted, basically as an enemy of the state.
And so that we in the public interest realm, and I had thought, the New York Times and The Fifth Estate realm were supposed to be gathering information to find out that the government was acting illegally or unconstitutionally. But the national security state has succeeded in characterizing those people as enemies of the state, because they conflated the state with the national security state, and what they were doing. So when I got involved in the issue of the UFO issue and the ET issue, starting in 1977 with President Carter and then later with John Mack, I realized that the work that I was doing was characterized by the national security state as a target for counterintelligence activities. And they didn’t really attack me. They didn’t say, “Oh this guy’s got no credibility” because I had already done those other cases, which they agreed with. When they decided they wanted to have the Vietnam war stopped because it was unwinnable, The New York Times came on board and agreed to help get it stopped, never really telling why they did the war. It was just, “Oh, it was just a bunch of lies and people got kind of carried away.” But they never talked about the seeking of resources in Southeast Asia, they never talked about any of that until the new, deeper analysis going on. And it was because the national security state didn’t want that analysis given publicity.
And so that with the extraterrestrial issue, I thought this was probably the most profound piece of information available and so I was pretty much into wanting to help get this out. And I succeeded in getting the Jesuit Order, which I thought was pretty important, and our entire board, all the assistant provincials for social ministry, all came on board with this to get this information out. But the other churches weren’t there, yet, because, to be frank about it, the Protestant churches don’t have the same kind of throw weight that the Catholic Church has on a global scale. And so I wanted to then talk with the people inside the Vatican about what their position was on this. That’s why I went to see José Gabriel Funes, and I figured I’d go right in through that door, but I couldn’t get in the door of the Vatican Library, which I’ve now gotten into, as a matter of fact, but I didn’t at that time. It took years to actually get to meet with the head of the Vatican library and get to talk with him about this. So, what I was doing is just coming right at it and saying, “Look, I’m completely aboveboard, this is part of my constitutional responsibility to get this information out and I think it’s an extraordinarily important issue.”
And so when I see this thing happening with this “To The Stars Academy,” where they suddenly appear on the front page of The New York Times, and CNN all of a sudden wants to talk with them and they’re on MSNBC and all this kind of stuff. I immediately kind of realize, wait a second, this is part of what I’ve been worried about coming out, because they were constantly spinning this story, that this is a threat. The famous story Lue Elizondo is constantly saying, the guy who was the head of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Evaluation Project inside the Pentagon, he’s constantly introducing the subject saying, “Oh, isn’t this wonderful that the Pentagon and the Defense Department,” strangely enough, “are acknowledging that UFOs are real, but you know what it’s like” he said, “we can’t figure out who these are, we know they’re not Russian, we know they’re not Chinese, we know they’re not ours, because they wouldn’t be flying like this around a U.S. carrier battle group. So, he said, “But we don’t know who they are or where they come from. But you know what it’s like? It’s like if you lock all your doors before you go to bed at night and you lock all your windows and you wake up in the morning and you find muddy boot prints across your living room rug, you now know that something’s going on and you don’t know what it is.” That’s how Lue presents the issue of UFO things, but they will not, they will not talk about extraterrestrials. You couldn’t make them talk about it. They say, “Oh, we’re not we’re not talking about that, we’re just talking about these craft, like we don’t know where they are.”
But the fact is that if you remember that Rear Admiral Thomas Ray Wilson talked about the fact that he talked to the head of one of these major, private military contractors. He didn’t tell who it was but it’s almost certainly Ben Rich, it’s almost certainly the Skunk Works at Lockheed Martin, for those of us who know it. But who said, “Yeah, we’ve got one of these craft, and it’s not of this Earth. It is not something made by human hands.” Now, that is important. But to try to get the New York Times to publish a thing about that, or to get CNN…they won’t talk about that, yet, because they’re part of the national security state, and we have to come to grips with this and this is something we’ve been trying to deal with inside the Jesuit order. Now we got Pope Francis, who’s the first Jesuit in history, who’s now the Pope. I’ve talked with Peter Turkson, Cardinal Turkson, who is the head of the Pontifical Academy on social justice.
We’re dealing with this national security state thing we’ve got to be able to unwind this national security state thing and that’s why I’ve ended up getting to talk to the head of the Vatican library now. We’ve made a deal. They want me to be willing to go in and look at the internal files on Pope Pius the 12th and Pope Pius the 11th. Pius is the one that signed the Concordat with the fascists, with the Nazis and with Mussolini and stuff, in return for getting the Vatican state given back to them. And I said, “Look, I’m willing to do that and show that Pius the 12th actually consented to the assassination of Hitler to try to redo his reputation about that.” But I said, “What I want to know about…” And he went, “Ohh yes, oh yes.” This is Johan Ickx. Johan is the head of the Vatican Library. And he says, “Yeah, I know, I remember your letter…that you wanted to get…” I said look, “I’m perfectly willing to write letter to the editor of the New York Times, recommending that the Vatican Library be open to take a look at the documents on Pius the 12th, but I want this in exchange.” He said, Well, let’s get the first thing done first. Okay, so that’s that’s where I am now in the negotiations with them and I was going over to see them actually July 11th to July 26th but we’re right in the middle of it here so I wanted to do this, and I wanted to do the MUFON thing that I’m doing now. So I’ll go back and meet with him later.
What’s happening is the “To The Stars Academy” people, who are all, you know, Jim Semivan, who’s there…the chief of covert operations, domestic for CIA, which in and of itself is totally against the law. The National Security Act of 1947 completely, clearly and unequivocally prohibits any kind of covert operation stateside, but that’s who he is and there he is there. And you got the guys from the DIA and the Defense Department and Hal Puthoff and they’re all there, and what they’re doing is they’re putting this intense spin. Every single thing they talk about all has this kind of gestalt to it, that this is a threat. It’s a threat to our national security, it’s a threat to our airspace, it’s a threat to our sovereignty. What it is it’s a threat to our dominion over our own planet and, of course, they think that’s their job (laughs). Our job is to assert full spectrum dominance over the entire planet. We actually have the documents from the 1992 United States Defense Department policy-planning guidance document where they said that right at the dissolution of the Soviet Union. They said, “Oh, we’ve got to not cut back on our military spending, we have to increase it, so we can establish full-spectrum dominance over the planet.”
So you know what their agenda is, the national security state. It’s not for the defense of our sovereignty. What I recognized right away when the “To The Stars Academy” was announced, that the entire staff came out of the national security state. And when a pickpocket meets a saint, all he sees are his pockets. Or, if you’re a hammer, everything looks like a nail. It’s not that this isn’t a genuine perception on their part, because they’ve been raised…their entire political and professional career has been designed to have this kind of artificial construct of this. There’s this national airspace and nobody can come into the airspace unless we say so. And they’ve got this super-control mechanism going and there right at this really important place right now where they’re attempting to establish a kind of one-world government. They’ve gotten the communication systems up, the transportation systems up and they want to establish a planetary government. And there’s nothing that is going to motivate the creation of a one-world government like the discovery of an ultimate other. It’s a fundamental, second-paradigm dialectical worldview, bipolar worldview. There’s good guys and bad guys. (Dialectical thinking refers to the ability to view issues from multiple perspectives and to arrive at the most economical and reasonable reconciliation of seemingly contradictory information and postures.)
They lost the Soviet Union because Gorbachev withdrew from the whole thing, they’re trying to get China into that position but China is just playing the game of “Go.” They’re not playing checkers with them or even chess, they’re playing a game of “Go.” And so that now that they’ve got this in their crosshairs, they’ve got a temporary period where they’re going to be dealing with Islam because they invaded their holy space, their sacred grounds to get the oil. And so, strangely enough, the local people are upset about this, and they’re retaliating against them, trying to drive them out of there with jihad. But they view this as a temporary thing. And so they’re starting to line up now to get ready for the big one. This is the ultimate dream of the national security state, is to have an extraterrestrial civilization, and no doubt they’re infecting not only the reporting on this but very importantly, Hollywood and the entire media of Hollywood productions. Nine out of every ten of these, at least, is some horrible nightmare of them coming to attack Los Angeles and kill them, coming to eat us. It’s hard to get a decent story about this issue.
I’m in conversations right now with CBS about trying to get them to do one of these things through the John Mack prism of that eighteen months that we went through, to try to replay. Who were the people we talked to, what is it they said, what were the experiences they had and what were the kind of enlightened kind of perspectives they came to from having these encounters? So, we’re in the process of doing that right now and hopefully they’re gonna say yes to that. And I’ve told them that I’ll agree to be the executive producer of this and they’ve asked me to do it. And I said, “But I’m not going to allow any of these kind of fictionalizing in these horrible, ET experiences.” I said, “They’re a little bit frightening. I mean, our whole bodies have been trained to be kind of…to recoil against something that’s completely alien and strange (laughs) like that, but people get over that.”
But the media at large, that is not just the New York Times and CNN and the cable station, but it’s the movies that are doing this. And again, there’s no doubt about the coordination of this in the same way that the military people coordinated with Hollywood for World War II, to get everybody all cranked up for this. Even with Vietnam. They had all kinds of movies, kind of semi supporting…John Wayne and the Green Berets and all that stuff until the bottom started falling out of it. And then, they’re smart, they shift positions, just like the New York Times did on the Vietnam war eventually. They said, “Okay this is a really bad idea. Let’s get out of there.” But on this one, they’re still caught in the first fervor of the national security state and so it’s a very serious problem. But how we deal with the “To The Stars Academy,” because on the one hand, it’s helpful, of course, for them to say, “Oh, UFOs are real.” That’s quite helpful as we’ve been trying to get people to understand that now for the last thirty years, forty years, actually now as it’s turning out. But it’s all immediately wedded to this fact that they’re this horrible threat.”
And so we have to come forward with a positive set of programs, a positive vision of this, and that’s what I’m trying to help get the Vatican and the Jesuit order to become involved in, in putting forth a discussion about the theological and philosophical challenges that this presents to us, but it’s not a national security threat. It’s not a threat to our species, it’s not a threat to our planet. It’s a threat to our view of ourselves as the be all, end all that the entire Universe was created as a stage on which to play out the human drama of one single species. That ain’t so. But let’s get used to it and let’s figure out what the new story is. What is the new story? It’s a positive story. What is our role in it? We may not be the star of it, but we’re a good supporting character in the unfolding of our Universe and let’s figure out what that story is.
It’s clear…we’ve had Ronald Reagan, standing in front of the United Nations, he said it, right out. He said, “I oftentimes think that the way to unify all of our people in the world is to have a threat from outer space, an extraterrestrial threat.” He was silly enough to say it, you know, that’s part of his naïveté. But the fact is, that is their agenda. If there’s any one thing that is going to mobilize people to allow the national security state to establish full- spectrum dominance over our planet, it is this. It’s not going to be Islam. They’re trying to get at it with terrorism, terrorism is everywhere, they’re under your bed, they could be anywhere. Anybody who’s not a European Anglo Saxon is a threat. But that isn’t gonna wash because there’s too many people putting out the other story. But this one, the beings themselves, interestingly and very importantly, aren’t putting out their own story. They’re not doing that, yet. They’re trying to get us to understand it. They’re trying to give us warnings, they’re trying to help raise our consciousness, which is a critical part of this entire operation going on, and trying to get us to do this for ourselves. That’s what this is all about.
But the national security state realizes that that’s a slower process, so they’re now trying to hurry this up. There’s a kind of an emergency process underway right now. This coming forward with the “To The Stars Academy” is a very major move on the part of the national security state. Make no mistake about that. And again I’m not doubting the good faith, in a sense, of the people that are involved in it because they believe in the national security state, they believe in world dominance on the part of our national security people. So they’re just following out their lifetime pathway. But there are those of us who don’t view the whole world as a threat to the national security of our nation state. So we’ve got to come forward with this positive information about this, and that’s why it’s so important to reach out directly to the extraterrestrial beings, through the citizen’s diplomacy process, through the CE5, to actually establish direct communication with them, to find out what their positions are on things and we need to share this with people. And I think that we can do it.
I think that the structures…with the internet available to go around these major media, The New York Times and at CNN, we can go around them and get the positive story out, so we have to be extremely careful about the effort to get control of the internet on the part of the national security state. And they’re doing it, they’re trying to do it. Oh you can’t have, you know, child pornography, you can’t have hate speech, you can’t have people opposing vaccinations, you’ve got to get those people off the internet. That’s what’s happening right now. They’re trying to take away from us, the access that we have directly to the people to share the information, if we can have a successful line of communication with the extraterrestrial beings. And they’re gonna come threatening us and say, “Oh, you are becoming agents of a foreign power.” I’ll defend anybody against a charge like that and we can succeed in front of any American jury, even over the top of virtually any trial judge, we will win that argument.
SG: Yeah, I’ve already been called a traitor, for what we’re doing.
DS: This, up to this point, has been sort of identifying the problem for the national security state. The solution to this, in addition to having direct communion with the extraterrestrial beings, is getting our people to understand that this is a spiritual experience that is coming, and that the Catholic Church, for example, has developed a whole set of institutions and doctrines and that were actually designed 2000 years ago, or a little, thereafter, three hundred years later. And they were attempting to try to share issues of consciousness, spiritual experiences, etc, with people, 99.9% of whom were completely illiterate, 99.9% of whom never went more than fifty miles in the spot they were born. And so they’ve dumbed it way down and they’ve established all kinds of mythologies and like, God is a white male who sits on the throne and has a scepter like a king. You know, because those were idioms that were available to the people at the time. And what we’re really going through is a revolution inside the spiritual community to try to come to grips with a new perspective on religion. And religion, the Latin root of course is religare, which is the relinking of our consciousness, which appears to be rooted in the intellect. The Latin root of intellect is intellectus, which is the ability to distinguish the difference between.
So we’ve been quite successful now in recognizing the difference between ourselves and the whole rest of creative reality, what we have to do now is get ourselves reintegrated and that’s the key to this thing. And that’s a matter of consciousness, con science, it’s another way of knowing. It’s like seeing, or hearing, or taste, or touch. It’s something immediate and experiential. It’s not intellectual. It’s not passed through the ability to distinguish the difference between a and b, or here and there, it’s a unification experience. That’s what the spiritual experience really is is the pan-hinetic experience. This is an entire, new development that has to be undertaken. This is what (Pope) Francis knows about, this is what the Jesuits know about. The Jesuits were brought into being in 1547 to reform the Catholic Church. That’s our job, okay? So they have to do this, they were supposed to stave off the Reformation, they didn’t succeed in doing it, they got corrupted, but since Pedro Arrupe came on board back in 1962, the mission of the Jesuits, the Society of Jesus, is to actually get to understand what Jesus was really about. You know, not about establishing a big, huge hierarchical church with big stained-glass windows or any of that stuff. It was to try to get you to understand, as he said to his friends, “If you come to understand that the stuff of which this bread is made of is the same stuff that my body is made up of. And if you can come to understand that the stuff of which this wine is made of is the same stuff of which my blood is made up, then you will understand who I am. And you will understand who you are, you will understand who we are, and you will do much greater things than I when you come to understand this.”
This is what’s in front of us right now, this is the eschaton. We have arrived at the eschaton, and it’s time now to readjust our spiritual insights and to evolve our faculties. First the sixth faculty, which is really super underway. ESP, telepathy, etc. But, there’s a seventh chakra and an eighth chakra. We have to participate in consciously evolving these faculties that we have, that can directly experience dimensions of reality that at the present time are out beyond our direct, immediate sensorial system. That’s what we’re engaged in, that’s what this is all about and that’s what these beings are. These beings, obviously, probably come from like a red dwarf star, some of them, where they’ve been around ten billion years longer than we have. So they’ve evolved these other faculties, in addition to being able to see and touch and taste and do the things they do. And so people are saying, what is our relationship to these beings? Why is it that they even look as much as they do like us or why we look like them? These are all profoundly important questions of our relationship with other sentient life in the Universe, and to understand our place in the order of things. That’s the role of the church, that is the role of the Catholic Church to come to grips with that.
[Pope] Francis has got a big job ahead of him. It’s not just routing out all the fascists that are left over from Pius the 12th and Pius the 11th from the Vatican and their progeny. That’s a major mission we’ve got. It’s not just getting over the issue of pedophilia and homosexuality and whether or not people who are divorced can go to Communion. These are all very prosaic kind of logistical issues that go on in the church. He’s trying to raise the church to a much higher level to prepare for this experience and it’s extraordinarily important, it’s a key central role of the Catholic Church right now. And part of my job is to reach out to the other denominations and the American Hebrew congregations and others, to get everybody on board. This is a major mission of our human family right now. We play a part in it, in the quote, UFO community, because we’ve devoted our lives to this and we’ve spent forty years, you and I, working on this thing. And so we need to participate in this and get people to understand that this is a spiritual experience that is being offered to us, this is not a threat to the national security of our country. It’s a threat to the dominant power of a 1% elite on our planet who want to control all the natural resources of the planet, and they want to control this technology. You want to get access to it, they want to project out into the stars, their dominion. Our job is to get people to understand that that is not what our mission is, as a human species. We need to lay back, participate with all other sentient life in the Universe and merit a proper position in the Galactic Federation, not be the big bully on the block.
One of the challenges that we face in this positive program that we’re talking about is the fact that there is a counterintelligence operation in the field against us. We’re not attacking them, we’re not engaging in a dialectical confrontation with them, but they are with us. And so therefore, they’ve got an entire set of propaganda operating right now. The principle one of which is – and they’ll say this in addition to the muddy footprints analogy – and that is that…you remember that whenever one of the very primitive cultures on our planet is discovered in modern times, like in the Fiji Islands when they discover a tribe that’s been on one of these remote islands, way back in the jungles and they’ve never had any contact with the outside world, the minute that a highly technological society encounters them, what happens is that tribe disintegrates, basically. They’ve had an entire 1000 years or 1000s of years, believing in a kind of a primitive worldview, believing that there is a God upon their mountain and the water flowing from the mountain waterfalls is the source of sustenance from the Gods or whatever it is. And they all of a sudden discover that there’s this super-technological society out there and they discover that their whole worldview has been so primitive and so completely restricted to the limited experiences that they’ve had, that their entire culture collapses.
And so the national security state people, in potentially working with and through the “To The Stars Academy,” are going to be pitching this problem. They’ll say, “Well, we can’t just let our whole civilization know that there’s this highly advanced, technologically superior society out there because our whole culture will collapse and we won’t know what to do. I guess we’ll be running around, banging into walls and starving to death because we are so distressed.” They’re going to pitch that. And whereas, in fact, it’s quite clear that it’s their defense of the elite. This 1% of the human family that basically ends up controlling over 40% of all the wealth on the planet that they’re really defending. And it’s their world that they’re trying to defend. So you see that this is a subset of a larger question about how spiritual consciousness and the evolution of consciousness of understanding what we really are in the makeup of the Universe, is a threat in itself to this elite. Because that is the dissolving away of these kinds of differences among ourselves and this coming into a full ownership of our proper place in the Universe, puts these people out of business as the ruling elite. And so the raising of consciousness of our human family is so closely related to the opening onto the extraterrestrial experience, that both of them together are viewed as a threat by the elite.
What they’re afraid of is that this is such an accelerator of the consciousness of our human family, as we’ve discovered with the people having these direct contacts, these abduction experiences with these ETs, as John Mack pointed out over time. As people have these repeated contacts with the extraterrestrials, their whole consciousness starts to rise, they start becoming aware of the fact that we’re damaging our environment, they can become aware of the fact that nuclear weapons are kind of an insane thing to have and war is a really bad idea. This is a spiritual experience, it’s a spiritual stimulation that’s coming, and what we have to try to be careful of, is not to have it collapse into kind of a reductionist, simple-minded thing like, “Oh, these must be the angels that we’ve been talking about forever”, or the demons, that these are demonic forces. So we have to do our work on the ground here, with our human family, to help raise the consciousness of our people. Not because we think we’re at such a low level of consciousness that our whole culture with collapse with the encounter of extraterrestrials – I don’t think that’s true – but we do have to try to get our people to participate in a genuinely spiritual process.
And that’s the problem. The major institutional churches are locked in like a 2000-year-old set of mythologies and analogies and stories. And so what we’ve got to do is modernize that entire presentation on the part of our human family to reach out to our people. We have to be able to craft what is basically a Sufi story. Sufi stories are on four or five different levels. That they tell a Sufi story and children can understand it as a simple fable, intelligent people can understand it as a really intelligent, moral insight and very spiritually evolved people can see it as a spiritual tale. It’s all the same story. But what we have to do is we have to be able to present a Sufi story to our people, about the extraterrestrial presence and its relationship to us and relationship to our consciousness, and the relationship to our previous, religious institutions so that they can open on to this and participate in this process. We need them to be on board, to help us on this whole thing. That’s why our reaching out to the Vatican, to the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, to the Vatican library, to get them to come on board this, is such an important part. It’s just a small part that I play in the community. I’ve been on this issue for some time, as you know, but I also have the advantage of being a lawyer and a constitutional litigator so I can actually provide counsel to people who are afraid of losing their security clearance or afraid of losing their pension.
So, I’m trying to help package these particular charisms that I happen to have joined together with yours that are known by people throughout the community and help figure out what the whole team has to look like, so that we’re not all working at odds with each other. We have to be able to have the courage to identify people who are saying things that are totally wrong and totally false, and trying to engage in some aggrandizement of their self. But we can’t be hostile and antagonistic to them. We have to try to just like, with the traditional peacock feather of Baba Muktananda. He just brushed the peacock feather away and just let it dissolve on its own accord. So this is a major mission that we’re involved in, we’ve definitely reached a new phase, there’s no doubt about that in my mind, this thing with the “To The Stars Academy” and the revelation of these documents from inside that are coming out.
We’ve reached the new stage in this and it’s time for us to help train up a new generation. The millennial generation is standing by, wanting to know about what we know about here. It’s part of our passing on to this next generation, the work that we’ve done. So there’s this transition period that is underway right now, but we have to get to it, because the threat to the environment now, through the fossil fuels, the concealment of the technology that has been discovered now, by the national security state, that belongs to this extraterrestrial civilization. We need to help bring that forth, we have to bring that into our culture, to have a new world, and we have to somehow figure out how to overcome this kind of terror that seems to be the motivation of the people in the national security state that they’re so afraid of losing control. This is an important learning experience we have to all go through, but I’m glad we’re doing this together.
SG: We have the Space Force that’s a new branch of government being announced. I originally put together dozens of people who had been involved in national security issues and ICBMs and facilities being surveilled by these ET craft. So, the people I’ve worked with said to me, they felt the ETs were trying to say, “Please don’t blow up this beautiful planet, but if you do a full, Mutual Assured Destruction launch, we could stop that because this planet is precious. But the people who then subsequently, sort of kidnapped or hijacked those same witnesses and people I had and cases, then spun it as “They were violating our national security, they were degrading our nuclear regiment.”
DS: Right! (laughs) Right!
SG: The same set of facts, but spun that way. And what I’ve been concerned about, I’m speaking personally of thirty years doing this, is I was the guy who initiated the whole global disclosure movement. But what I’ve seeing is that a lot of the same assets and information that I put together and released in the 90s and onward, is now being repackaged as a national security threat.
DS: That’s right.
SG: And so I began to question my life here. But it’s an existential crisis for some of us who’ve been on the forefront of this, speaking personally.
DS: This is true. I’ve encountered this now for, it turns out, a full fifty years. I was surprised, I just got my first invitation to our 50th reunion of Harvard Law School graduates, Class of 1970, coming up next summer. And I realized I’ve been at this for fifty years. The attempt to assist in raising the consciousness of our people to not be taken in by this national security state operation that’s going on, it’s a hard sell. I had hoped that I’d be able to bring in the number one, litigation law firm in the country, but no, they weren’t going there. I thought I could go to (F. Lee) Bailey and bring in the number one, criminal defense attorney, we could do that. No, that’s not going to happen. I thought I could reach out to the major media, The New York Times and NBC and get them on board. No, they’re not coming. And the church. I could get the Jesuits to start opening onto this, but they don’t seem to be willing to do it themselves. They’re so insular. And so what we have to do as the laity, basically, and whatever our traditions are, we got to rise up, stand up and start taking over this process ourselves. This is a Citizen’s Movement.
This has to be this and that’s where I think the CE5 experiences, reaching out with direct communication, citizens diplomacy. This is how we did it with the Soviet Union, that we reached out to the Soviet Union and had exchanges with citizens diplomacy, and we ended up getting the dissolution of the Soviet Union that was making mistakes. We’ve got to be able to reach out and have the national security state of different nations, start to dissolve itself. China’s perfectly willing to go there, they don’t have anywhere near the kind of nuclear arsenal that we do. Russia was perfectly willing to start disassembly. But it’s the United States that’s got this national security state thing, and they think they have to maintain the nuclear weapons because they can’t confront China in a traditional war and so they have to keep these things. But that constricted, contracted experience of themselves is a worldview, which I think is a function of their lack of training of their chakra system (laughs), frankly. There’s knowledge that is known by the Buddhists and the Hindus and the others and we need to be able to open up all of that information that’s flowing to our human family and get the institutions of Western civilization to take into it, this information and knowledge and help our people learn how to rise up ourselves.
And that’s why the church plays such a role in this because you got to get them to let go of this hierarchical, institutional, punishing, threatening, fear-driven type of religion. They got to come out and understand that this is a positive experience we’re having here in this Universe. and to open onto the Universe. The Catholic church is literally the universal church, and they used to think it just means this world, but they’ve got to open up.
SG: What do you think of the Space Force?
DS: Well, this thing with Trump, it’s a subset of the larger question: What do you think about Trump? And we have to be careful about that because that could go on forever. But the bottom line is, he is so knee jerk, and eclectic and short term in his motivations that he just thought that was a cool idea. Because, he’s a reductionist. I was talking to people earlier and the one word, if you want to look at Trump, he’s a reductionist. He just puts everything in their most simple, straightforward terms. Now, okay, let’s acknowledge the Republican Party is elitist, let’s acknowledge that it’s majorly capitalist and it’s dominated by white males. So let’s just stop pretending that it’s anything different than that and let’s get to it and really do our job. And so he looks at the space program and says, “Look, let’s get control. Let’s get control of the high frontier, let’s get control of the whole space program. Let’s stop pretending that NASA is a civilian operation like they got away with pretending for so long. It’s a military operation, that’s what they’re doing. There’s a whole military objective here of laying claim to the resources of outer space, so let’s just muscle this thing up.”
Hopefully, we’re going to be able to get there soon enough to keep this from happening, to translate this space. I mean, I think that the discipline of the military – the ability to have a hierarchical structure that can have people that are the most responsible and the best trained to be in charge of decision making, and other people being willing to participate in that – is a benefit. So I think that the space program can benefit from some of the qualities and characteristics of the first and second paradigm, you know, the first and second chakras in our human consciousness. So we have to understand, all of these are necessary and we’ve got to get everybody on board this thing. And so some of that type of discipline of the military in the space program is going to be helpful because this is challenging. And the diplomatic corps skills that our people have need to be brought to bear in our diplomatic relations with an extraterrestrial civilization.
There’s all kinds of talents, but we just have to get everybody to love each other a lot more. If we can get people to love each other a lot more, and fear each other a lot less, and we can see that we’re all on the same team here, that we’re all participating in this and that we are willing to understand we’re on part of a larger team that includes the extraterrestrial civilization. We’re part of it, but we have to merit it, we have to open on to it. It’s a door that opens from this side and so we have to open this door from our side by raising our own consciousness to be open to this, and I think the extraterrestrials are prepared for this, they want to facilitate this, but they can’t just come in and try to save a species that may not be the right species to do this. You know, all species don’t survive. I happen to be biased about our species. I view them as a great client, but you got to get your client to do their best, and they’ve got to be willing to face the truth, and they’ve got to be willing to do what’s necessary to prove that they’re worthy. And that’s the big challenge, I think, that we face now.
SG: I don’t know if this would surprise you but I put a briefing together for Trump as soon as he got nominated and it was given to him in September of 2016 by one of his delegates who was on my team. And within twelve hours of that, he had the CIA Director I had briefed, that then turned on us and took a big payoff from Booz Allen Hamilton in a trade disclosure and became an implacable enemy through R. James Woolsey, and was put on as his National Security Adviser within twelve hours of that briefing document being put in Trump’s hands. And what I’ve seen happen, just so you know, whether this goes in the film…the bubble that a president is in, when they begin to find the truth on something like this, they move their operatives in, that know the psychology of their client, the President and manipulate them.
DS: Sure.
SG: I know a colonel who was on the committee that was pitching SDI Star Wars to Ronald Reagan. And he said, “We used the alien threat card as one of the justifications to get Reagan to spend billions of dollars on Star Wars and weapons in space.”
DS: Yeah.
SG: So I think we need to comment on the fact that the reason that people need to engage in direct contact with these civilizations, we now have tens of thousands of people doing CE5, we need tens of millions of people. That’s the goal of this film, by the way. Because the people in power, tend to get surrounded by folks who manipulate them towards forming a Space Force.
DS: Yes!
SG: Or, in Reagan’s case, supporting the Star Wars initiative, SDI, Strategic Defense Initiative, putting weapons up in space. So, I don’t see that the solution is through our leadership. We’re out of time for that, I’ve done that for twenty-five, thirty years. I think we really need to bring this to the people, and that it is this citizens diplomacy of the Soviet Union, but on a cosmic scale. So I just wanted you to know, that’s the arc of history of what happened with Trump. And within twelve hours of receiving an honest briefing on this from us, he had this arch enemy put in place, who then dis-informed him and manipulated him on the issue, and that’s what’s gone on ever since.
DS: Yeah. The institutionalization of the national security state mentality is a profound challenge in a democracy. People still don’t realize, I mean people know about the October surprise of Bill Casey, the head of the Central Intelligence Agency, who was the head of the campaign committee for Reagan and Bush Senior, went and met with Hezbollah and talked them into holding our fifty-two hostages that were taken in the embassy, to try to make Jimmy Carter look weak so he could be defeated in the election. What they don’t know is that at the same time in 1980, millions of dollars were brought in from the (Guggenheim?) Bank of Australia, drug money from Vang Pao, and brought in and defeated Frank Church from Idaho, who chaired the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence abuse that was challenging the Central Intelligence Agency. They went after Dick Clark from Iowa, the senator from Iowa, who was challenging the covert operations in Africa. They went after Birch Bayh in Indiana, who was opposing their covert operations. The Central Intelligence Agency came in and destroyed the careers of those senators to get rid of them. This national security state is the bane of our human existence right now and so we have to start disassembling that national security state.
Say Bernie Sanders, hypothetically, were to become president, the national security state isn’t even going to tell him where the washrooms are. That whole group is going to descend upon him, and they’re going to give him at least as much trouble is they’ve given Trump. So that’s why they want Joe Biden in there, you know, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to come in and kind of get things, quote, back to normal, where the national security state is functioning, they’re all going to brief Goldman Sachs and they’re putting people from Goldman Sachs in charge of the economy, you know, that kind of thing. We have to rise above those kind of dialectical politics, bring the people up, raise the consciousness of the people and have this function through democracy. We’ve got the tools here, they’re in front of us, and we’ve got access to the internet, still, they haven’t taken that away from us yet, but there’s a short window here. There’s a short window and the issue of global climate change is descending upon us. This cascading event of the potential thawing of the permafrost on our planet and the release of the methane into our atmosphere, is very close now. You know, we’re looking at five…I don’t think we have a whole ten years. We’re looking at like, five years or so, four or five years.
This next administration coming in has got to buckle down on this thing, and we’ve got to get to this thing. So, I hope that people are aware of this, and that we can protect ourselves, but the time has passed for relying upon the elite to do it for us. The Vanguard theory of social change has been tried for fifty years and it ain’t working. Lo and behold, the answer turns out to be the power resides in the people and that we have to mobilize it and we have to conscientize (raise awareness) it. We have to help conscientize our people to raise our consciousness to step forward, not only to be able to establish a cooperative family on our planet, but to reach out to the stars and the time is now and we can’t put it off any longer
This issue of the role that spiritual communities are going to play in dealing with this, is extraordinarily important because there’s a certain topography to reality itself. There are dimensional phases of this, there are linear dimensions to this thing in the three-dimensional world we have to deal with. But this question of what this new spirituality is going to look like, how we can open up and take in the information that’s been developed by all of the spiritual communities of the world, and what kind of response. As I pointed out a bit earlier, the national security state views this to be a threat to them, as well as the ET experience. The evolution of consciousness on the part of the people ourselves is going to cause us not to be trapped into waiting and listening to them to tell us what to do. That kind of whole rising of a consciousness of our own. That’s, I think, the thing that we have to take a look at here. And to the extent to which there is an experience that is being had by people who have encounters with extraterrestrial beings, they start talking about as a spiritual experience. These two are related.
The kind of direct, spiritual elevation of our own people trying to move up from the traditional spiritual traditions and the more esoteric dimensions of them and the interface with this mysterium tremendum (a great or profound mystery) of the encounter with extraterrestrial beings who are operating at such a high vibrational frequency, right now. This is a huge area that needs to be developed on the part of the people. It’s not just being part of the ET community or the UFO community, or any kind of spiritual denomination, it’s the human endeavor that we’ve got to move to right now. And, I think that we know an awful lot about the vibrational frequencies that have to do with consciousness and the chakras in our body and the vibrational frequencies of the different chakras. We can get access to the actual functioning of the chakras in our body, through meditation, and through certain diet, and lack of overstimulating your sensory systems, etc, and cultivating this subtle experience of access to a unit of experience, that gives you access to remote information, time and space.
This is an astonishing array of information and those of us who are now approaching having spent fifty years or so in this field, we’re at a point right now where we can turn our full attention to this, to give this the kind of attention that it needs, and the help to our community that we can do. And open ourselves to learning, to actually being open to some of the people that we had not been open to before, realizing that it’s all hands on deck now because there’s a hole in midships here, we’re sinking. So, we’ve got to get everybody on board to start bailing fast and tossing out old, no-longer-needed, paradigms and belief systems and attachments, etc, not just to save ourself. This isn’t just a short term, utilitarian motive, we got to be able to get over onto the side of the positive experience. The Attractor force of the adoration of experience, the adoration of created reality, to draw our people upwards into this experience, is our job, not to get caught trying to motivate them by being antagonistic to somebody else. That’s somebody else’s job, and hopefully, our human species is destined to survive, but we’ll find out. We’ll find out in the near future, I believe.
This spectrum of worldviews that our human family has, the traditional worldviews that are authoritarian, reactionary, conservative, moderate, liberal, utopian, these kind of nodal points along the linear bar graph of consciousness is an opportunity and a challenge to get a perspective on this. Because what Dr. Ralph Potter taught us, in the department of comparative social ethics at Harvard University, is that you can’t convince a person to change their worldview, simply by giving them a bunch of more facts about something you and they disagree about. They just won’t move. What you’ve got to do is you’ve got to get down to the pillar beliefs of a person, which has to do with their cosmological assumptions about how the Universe came into being and why there is this instead of nothing, how do we perceive this as having started, what is the teleological (exhibiting or relating to design or purpose, especially in nature) unfolding of our Universe, are we evolving and unfolding towards some particular end, does the Universe, ultimately disintegrate through the half lives of the disintegration of the elements and the expanding, ever outward of our Universe, does it dissolve into no-thing-ness? And what then?
Is there some infinite and eternal sea of completely undifferentiated consciousness that dwells within the center of our own sense of being? What are the fundamental ontological (relating to the branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being) questions, as they say. It’s just a big fancy word for where did consciousness come from. Do we believe that consciousness is just kind of an epiphenomenon (a secondary effect or byproduct that arises from but does not causally influence a process) of the interplay between mass and energy, or do we believe that perhaps mass and energy is actually condensed consciousness, actually? These are these are profound and fundamental questions, but what we have to do is figure out how to come to grips with these issues and how to share them in an entertaining, engaging way so that we’re going to have to do more than just our documentaries here that we share with people, which is a start. But we have to have the major media, which we now have access to ourselves, we don’t have to go to some major movie studio to do to get them to do a movie for us. We have to craft Sufi stories. We have to craft Sufi stories that have a high-frequency communication system.
Because the reality is, there is a subtle plane, on which if we can generate a high-frequency energy field, that it draws everybody up to it. It’s a sympathetic resonance. There’s an actual technology to this. I don’t think we’re gonna get technological machines that are gonna just zap people and make them all higher consciousness but there is a phenomenological topography to their realm of reality. And we have to start coming to grips with this. This is stuff that I’ve talked about with Funes and the people in the Jesuit order and stuff. If the Jesuits are going to be known as a kind of intellectual element and the educational element of the largest religious denomination of Western civilization, you know, start doing your job! (Greer laughs) Let’s get to it! You’re aren’t dumb. And if you love and care for the people, you’ll get to it and raise up the consciousness, get to the technology, get this vibrational frequency going to draw our people up into this thing. Let’s get to this thing. I’ve had those candid conversations with them. Their problem is that they’ve got major, what they view as, institutional responsibilities of lugging and hauling all these institutions. I say, “Well unfortunately, I didn’t become a full Jesuit, so I haven’t taken the vows to protect those major institutions as they are. I’m out at the edge, I’m here to assist in this and I’m just trying to share what I think about this after fifty years, and help get this vibration going.”
This is science, this is vibrational science that we’re talking about here. And the ETs know this. They come and go, they come and go, they manifest and they de-manifest. They’re aware of what this is all about. And they know that they can’t just sort of slap it on us because of the way we’re going to react to it. But that doesn’t justify keeping the secret by the national security state. That’s not the answer to this.
SG: They’re waiting for us.
DS: Yes, they’re waiting for us.
SG: The whole reason I came up with the concept of CE5, aside from when I personally experience it since I was eighteen, was that, they’re out there, they’ve been doing everything to let us know they’re there but they’re waiting. It’s like, they’ve been calling and knocking on the front door, the back door, the basement, the attic and da da da da da, and every bedroom window. And no one’s answering the call.
DS: That’s right,
SG: We’ve got a bunch of psychopaths in the military.
DS: Yeah, yeah.
SG: So, this is the answer to that call, is how I look at it. The people coming together, understanding their conscious mind is infinite, and using that to make contact, which is what we’re doing. That is how we advance.
DS: That’s right, that’s right. And so people have to stop asking, “Why doesn’t our government tell us about this? Why doesn’t the church tell us about it? Why don’t the extraterrestrials tell us about this? Because they’re waiting for us. They’re waiting for us to open on to this. So that’s our job, That’s a self-help job and it’s on the part of the people. And we cannot rely upon the elites and the vanguard people to let us in on this because they want to control it for their own benefit. So we’ve got to open the door, open the windows, slide open the doors and rise to the light. Rise to the light, that’s the secret to this. This is all vibrational frequency. This is the light, the infinite and eternal light of being shining upon us. We just have to be able to experience it, open ourselves to the experience and let it fill us up. That’s what we have to do.
SG: Thank you very much.
Below is the transcript of Sheehan’s interview segments included in “The Cosmic Hoax.” The interview was shot on April 24th or 25th at The Disclosure Project’s 20th Anniversary event in Scottsdale, Arizona. I’m hoping to get ahold of the entire interview.
Daniel Sheehan: The ultimate dream of the dialectical war machine, the military industrial complex, is to have this war with a potential extraterrestrial civilization. It’s their dream of all time. You know, you can roll into place all the kind of strictures of a national security state. You spend literally trillions of dollars a year on massive military equipment, super high-tech equipment, etc. And so it’s logical that they would use that as an excuse. And we do know from repeated examples of it, that the utilization of a false-flag operation, to initiate a war, goes on over over and over again. Our human family does that, the nation states do that, Hitler has done it. They dress up troops looking like some other neutral country they want to invade, they have their own troops dress up like that and pretend they’ve assaulted somebody and then they rush in and attack that country. It’s gone on and on.
This temptation to generate a false-flag attack on the part of some extraterrestrial civilization, you even hear people like Ronald Reagan make reference to it. RR: “Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.” Oh, wouldn’t it be clear if we all of a sudden found ourselves being attacked by an extraterrestrial civilization. We’d finally all come together. Wouldn’t that be really lovely? Well, it’s not really lovely for the industrial state. They don’t want to lose their other enemies first. They want to use up all that before they go to that extreme.
One that is clear is that the normal constitutional channels that you would think would be in control that. aren’t. Presidents that aren’t briefed in on this, heads of the Defense Intelligence Agency who aren’t briefed, and I’m convinced they’re not. From talking to them, it’s clear they don’t know what’s going on there, so there’s some other structure, I happen to be persuaded by the evidence that immediately after Roswell, when they recovered a craft, and bodies, from from UFO vehicle, that the Truman administration set up a body that was outside of the normal constitutional framework of our United States government. And it was made up of major, elite people that they view as the real power elite.
The fascist element that is owning most of the stock in the major corporations, especially the oil corporations, and the natural gas corporations, and the pharmaceutical industry, the railroads, the shipping lines. Virtually all these people are fascists. All during the robber-baron era, that’s what they did. They laid claim to those areas of our American economy, and they never relinquished them.
Fascism isn’t somebody wearing a monocle and six-league boots with a saber scar and all that stuff, strutting around in Nazi uniforms. A fascist is a person who believes that the best way to develop the economic resources of the planet, and to distribute them among people, is to get ahold of them and have exclusive, privileged access to these strategic raw materials and have the corporations that have access to these strategic raw materials, and to be able to put them through the machinery that they paid for and that they invest in and establishing, and producing these products and hiring people. And they believe that that’s the best way to have their economy function.
And so that the instrumentalities of the state, of the government, are put at the disposal of the private interests of the corporations. That’s exactly what was going on in Germany. The Krupps and the ball-bearing factories and the IG Farben corporations, all those big, huge corporations in Germany, they were all privately owned. In fact, they were financed by Brown Brothers Harriman in giving the loans to the post-World War I Germany to build them back up.
That whole concept of fascism is a word that gets totally misused because people somehow conflate it with just authoritarianism. But it’s a very narrow definition and it’s an accurate definition of what it was that the Central Intelligence Agency was doing, actually promulgating the private interest of the major corporations. And they were putting at the disposal of the interests of those corporations, all the instrumentalities of the United States government, most importantly, the military, and their intelligence operations and their covert operations. Because they basically believe that what’s good for General Motors is good for America. It was an entire theory of economic development. And so that they viewed anybody who interfered with that, in any way at all, as an enemy of the United States. And so that’s how the national security state got really established and institutionalized.
And so that when they encounter an event like Roswell, where this extraordinary technology crashes, they realize that there’s this extraterrestrial civilization that’s got this technology, that is way beyond anything we’ve got, their instantaneous response to that was, “Let’s get it for us and then we’ll have it and it’ll give us this this overwhelming advantage over any of our adversaries that are threatening our world dominion,” or what they call ‘full spectrum dominance’ was their actual term that they used.
And that was it. So that they began to take this in, and they started declaring it to be this huge national security state secret, because it was, other than the nuclear bomb, it was the ultimate potential weapon. So they wanted to be able to use it at their disposal for their for their private benefits that fascism and the fascistic proclivities.
There’s no question, whatsoever, that the elite that are in charge of the national security state infrastructure, both the official infrastructure and the unofficial infrastructure, are in fact, not only fascistic in their economic vision, but they’re racist. I’m telling you, when you see the documentation that goes on inside the Third Reich and the courses that they were teaching at that the thing called the Ordensburgen. The Ordensburgen was this series of four castles where they trained the SS people, and you get access to their documents where they’re talking about this eugenics and everything, why is it they hate the Jewish people the way they do, and people don’t have any idea. People got some weird, distant ideas about this, mainly because we allied so closely with the fascists immediately after World War II that they suppressed all of this information about them, so people don’t really know the details of what their thinking was. But the bottom line is, is that this issue of racism runs extremely, profoundly deep in this elite, white male, Caucasian elite that owns most of the stock and shares of their major corporations and are the promulgators of this fascist ideology, right? And these are the people that were put in charge of the UFO program right from the beginning.
Dr. Greer mentions how stories about the Nordic beings almost always refer to them in a positive manner but other beings, with different features and maybe darker, are looked upon negatively. He says it’s racism.
Daniel Sheehan: Not just racism, but speciesism, which is even deeper. We have to try to overcome this, we have to train ourselves.
The national security state apparatus and their media allies have been flogging that particular theory that these extraterrestrial civilizations are all here to eat us or to take over our planet, or rape our women. There’s there’s a whole scenario that’s always gone on, on the part of authoritarian, warrior states about the ultimate other. The Hun. 95% of all other movies that have ever been made about extraterrestrial life have portrayed them as hostile and dangerous to us and it sells that way. I don’t know why people watch those movies and on the other hand, I don’t know why people want to teach cage fighting, either.
I know, from direct conversations with Lue and with Chris, that they know that the major military authorities, with whom they’ve had very close communications, realize that if in fact the extraterrestrials were hostile in their attempt toward us, they could have done anything they want to do. They can come and go at their pleasure. So, that in that regard, they do not constitute a clear and present danger to our national security. But they also know that they’re in the habit of getting their funding for all of their entire organizations, etc, by flogging a threat. And so they’re inclined to do that because the simple fact is they don’t trust the people in Congress. They think the people in Congress are so Pavlovian in that they, in fact, distrust their constituency so much that they have to scare them. And so they say, “Well, if we’re going to be able to justify having hearings about the UFO issue, we’re going to have to tell our people that, ‘Oh, they’re a potential threat to us.'” And so, therefore, they’re conning their own constituents. And then they are getting conned by the military industrial complex, because they don’t trust them, either. And this is a question of integrity. But as long as people are not trusting each other, and they’re conning each other, this is dangerous. This is how wars start, this is how people lose control of the narrative of what’s going on here. Those of us in the CE5 community, etc, need to establish some kind of level of discourse with Lue Elizondo and with Chris Mellon. All they have to do is know that we’re obviously sophisticated enough to know that what they’re saying publicly, they know isn’t true. We have to be able to establish diplomatic relations with our own people if we’re going to establish diplomatic relations with an entire extraterrestrial civilizations. And so that we can’t just degenerate into the same kind of low consciousness bullshit We need to lay back, participate with all other sentient life in the Universe that we’re afraid of.
Regarding making contact with CE5…
Doing that in the concept of meriting citizenship in a galactic civilization is a very meaningful meme. We need to work on ourselves, we need to elevate our consciousness, we need to hearken to the higher angels of our own nature, etc. That’s all a dynamic that we do have control. That’s why I think this CE5 thing is so important, because that’s the best way to get data, not to be speculating from our own political ideology about what they might be like. We really have to have direct communication with these beings, the more the better. That dual role of elevating our own consciousness and rising to the highest levels of our human nature, on one hand, and reaching out to establish communion and contact with the extraterrestrial beings themselves, are the two pathways that we have. And in dealing with a national security state, we just have to take whatever steps we can, in the legislative realm, to impose treaties to keep us from doing things like militarizing space and developing space weapons and all that kind of stuff. That’s another third leg of the stool that we have to really do to exercise whatever kind of control we can have over the political realm.
The Disclosure Project – 20th Anniversary – April 25th, 2021
Besides giving a full interview that was used for “Cosmic Hoax,” Sheehan also spoke at this event for about twenty-five minutes (beginning at 3:59:50). You can watch the entire presentation at the YouTube link above or click here.
Daniel Sheehan: The is sort of the closing argument of the day. We’ve covered an awful lot of different subjects here, kind of different strands that you’ve seen. There’s like a whole dozen, different things that we’ve talked about and what I want to kind do is, I just want to bring it together here sort of at the end of the day and try to be clear about what the implications are of what we’re talking about here.
We know that one of the fundamental questions that we’ve got, that we all share, is whether or not an actual, other intelligent civilization exists, an extraterrestrial civilization of another intelligent and highly technologically developed but categorically distinct species, or one or more, exist. This is a fundamental question that has brought us all together. I think that, basically, the reason that we’re all together is because we have had a different, kind of unique response to standing out under the stars. When we look up into the nighttime sky and see a star pulsing in the distance, we have, since we’ve been small children, experienced that as an existence of another star, with other planets, and other beings. And that we’ve had a deep, kind of, overwhelming sense that what we’re doing here in our day to day lives is not in harmony with that reality.
We’ve got this kind of bizarre, reductionist view of reality that we end up drawing lines in the sand and threatening to kill someone if they come onto our property and use our intelligence to sort of dig into the earth and dig up the minerals and develop bullets and weapons to do that. And it is so incongruous (not in harmony) with this dimension of reality that we have known about and experienced since we were children. And so, that ultimate question we have, I think, have an answer to that in our own conscience, since we’ve been small and it’s baffling that other people have not acknowledged this. The schools we go to, the churches we go to, the political parties that we all participated in (laughs), have never wanted to acknowledge that. They stay completely fixated on this kind of reductionist view of reality.
So, this is one of the most important issues that we’re dealing with now and we’ve crossed, I think, into a new era on that, within our own lifetimes. Some of our lifetimes are a little longer than others here. But, I remember distinctly, when I first raised the issue when I was legal counsel at the Jesuit headquarters in Washington, DC, I got contacted by the Congressional Research Service, Science and Technology Division. They had been asked by President Carter to prepare two classified reports. One on the existence of extraterrestrial life, and the second one on whether or not at least some of these UFO encounters might actually represent vehicles from another civilization, an extraterrestrial civilization. And I was contacted by Marcia Smith, who was the head of the Science and Technology Division of the Congressional Research Service, and asked whether I, as legal counsel at the Jesuit National Headquarter Office of Social Ministry, whether I would be able to get access to the Vatican Library for the study and security information they had on these two subjects.
I brought it to Father Bill Davis, who was my immediate superior, I was a candidate for the Jesuit priesthood, at the time. And I went to Father Davis and explained to him why I thought this was so extraordinarily important that we ought to respond to this in a positive way. And he convened the assistant provincials for all ten provinces in the United States, who were in charge of social ministry, and we got their consent to doing this. And that’s an extraordinarily important step that took place there, with the largest single order of the Catholic Church, the largest single denomination in all of Western civilization, to agree that we will take the step of going forward and trying to get the Vatican to provide this information. And that was when I first became involved as a grownup, actually, and a professional in trying to do something about this, and that’s how it started.
And so, I became special counsel to the investigation and study for the President, and ended up being therefore invited to go to talk with the top scientists in SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, to deliver a closed-door seminar to them on the theological implications of contact with an extraterrestrial civilization, which it turns out they had been seriously concerned about, at SETI.
(The video on YouTube is edited and it skips to Sheehan talking about the John Mack inquiry at Harvard)
So, I said, “Well, look. Just let me ask you this then. Whatever the nature of this tribunal might be, can you tell me whether either or both of the following questions are going to be at issue here, as a matter of fact. Number one, whether or not another highly intelligent and highly, technologically-developed, but distinctly non-human species, exists in extraterrestrial life here. And secondly, whether at least some of these vehicles that are seen around in the UFO phenomenon might actually be a vehicle from another civilization, an extraterrestrial civilization. Relman, who was the chairman said, “Well absolutely, those two issues are at stake here, and it’s totally ridiculous for anybody to believe either one of those things is true.” This is Harvard University in 1994, making that type of declaration.
And from between that time in 1994, and then in 2009, that whole period of time, it turns out that you have the Vatican, with the Jesuit Order, convening a gathering of world scientists to come to the Vatican to Castel Gandolfo, where the papal observatory is, spending a whole week briefing the Cardinals on what the development are. And they come out and they go to the Vatican and deliver an official statement on the part of the Roman Catholic Church, saying that, “In light of the discovery of more and more of these exoplanets, it now appears that much sooner than we’d anticipated that we’re going to discover that there’s life elsewhere in our Universe, and therefore, the time has arrived for the beginning of a very serious conversation among our human family, about the philosophical and theological implications of this discovery. And so, that’s an official statement from from the Roman Catholic Church here in Western civilization.
2008 Associated Press story on Castel Gandolfo, the Vatican and Aliens…
DS: And so, now we have the situation where the United States Pentagon is announcing, basically, on the front pages of the New York Times that yes, the UFOs are real. They’re real. And yet, you hear this bizarre response from them all saying, “But we can’t figure out what they are. We don’t know what this really is.” And so, we’ve heard the information today about what the potential implications of that type of a situation is, what those implications are. That they know that they’re not Russian, they know that they’re not Chinese. So we have a couple of questions in front of us here that we really need to take away from our discussion today and all the thousands of people that are listening to this out around the world, is that there are some pivotal questions here.
We now know that the institutions of the major Catholic Church in Western civilization are taking the position that it’s now clear that there’s extraterrestrial life. Now, for the very first time, the Pentagon is acknowledging that UFOs are real. The question that we have in front of us here is – and the evidence is starting to roll in on this – has the United States government come into physical possession of any of these vehicles? And there’s ample evidence now that is perfectly clear that we’ve come into possession of some of these, right? And there are particular instances that we all talk about at Roswell and the 1945 crash and the others. And the next question is, is there any evidence that we are engaged in some effort to duplicate these, to back engineer and generate these things, so that we would end up having access to this technology. And there’s growing evidence that they clearly have been trying to do this.
So, the big question here that you’ve gotten posed to you today, with evidence that you may not have heard in the past, one of the pivotal questions is, have they succeeded in doing this? Or, are they still trying to do it? Like, in the deep background interviews, “Yeah, we haven’t been able to do it. Yeah, you’re right, you caught us, we’ve got some of these vehicles. We’ve been trying to do it but we haven’t really been able to do it, yet.” So that, that fact question is one that’s pivotal, if you were a jury and you had to try to decide when you go back into the jury room to try to figure out the answers to these questions, you have to ask yourself: Is there evidence now, that is going to cause you to be convinced that we have, in fact, some of us in this country, in some governing, elite circles have actually mastered the technology so that we’re actually flying these things around? So that we now are confronted, all of us in this room and the people that are listening around the world, are actually confronted for the first time in our life with: If we were out on a dark, starry night and a big UFO came around and landed in the field like this, instead of saying, “Fantastic! Great, I feel like Betty and Barney Hill! I’m getting set to be able to go and meet people from an extraterrestrial civilization!” And you find out they’re U.S. military people. I mean, what a bummer that is! (crowd laughs) You know? I mean, what a bummer! I mean, these people are messing with our life ambitions of getting to have that experience. And here we are dealing with guys in camouflage or something. So, we need to be able to answer that question, okay?
And, if we answer that question, that they have developed the technology, and they are flying around, and presenting themselves, and they know perfectly well that the response that our people are having is, “Oh my god! Great, the UFOs are here! We can see them! We finally get-“, and we know that they’re doing that. The second question that is posed to us here today in our discussions is: Why in the world are they doing that? Why are they doing that? Why haven’t they revealed this technology? Why are they spending hundreds of billions of dollars, building big rocket ships to put people in capsules and send them up under rockets to go to the Moon, and multibillion dollar programs that they’re lauding and praising and getting us all cheering them, going up in space with these gigantic flames rolling out of the bottom of their rocket? And blowing up people in the Challenger and getting people killed. I mean, why are they doing that? If that second question is answered that way, that yes, they’ve mastered the technology, and yes, they’re flying around and they know they’re giving us all the impression that these are UFOs. So that question is posed, the third question was: Why in the world would they be doing that?
These are the three questions we’ve brought to you today. Have they mastered the technology? And if they have, are they flying it around and giving us the impression that there are UFO people all around? And why are they keeping us from having this technology? Why is that? Who are these people that are doing this? And these are the three fundamental questions that have been posed to us here today. And, I know that for long periods of time…I’m counsel to The Disclosure Project, and counsel to the citizen’s disclosure, and counsel to the Jesuits, and have been counsel to John Mack. I’ve been doing this over all of the years now, and now I’m counsel to you, trying to make it clear what the clear questions are that you need to ask, and figure out yourself, along with all of us as a community, what the answers to these questions are.
Because, we’re faced with a very serious situation right here, where there are people in good faith, that have devoted their lives to this, who believe that these people are engaged in trying to set up a hoax. A false, apparent invasion or incursion of some sort, on the part of an extraterrestrial civilization, to try to get our human family, led by the United States, ruling elite, to view all extraterrestrials as a horrible threat and to establish this meme in our minds, for the next 5000 years in the future. This is an extraordinarily important period of time in all of our lives and the lives of our whole human family. This is going to determine how our relationship is established with the extraterrestrial civilization that we all are convinced exists. And we all have to deal with this. We all have to try to figure out how to raise our personal consciousness, we have to learn how to raise the consciousness of our religious institutions, we have to be able to raise the consciousness of our government institutions, and the bottom line is we have to learn to raise the consciousness of ourselves, as citizens, as individuals, and know that this is a key thing that we have to do.
Because the fact of the matter is, is that we have to merit our relationship with the extraterrestrial civilization. Because, as you might well imagine, they’ve got some fundamental questions about the worthiness of our whole species. And there’s a lot of evidence that raises fundamental questions about this, and we’ve all gone along through our life, some more or less, ignoring that challenge that we all have. [We need to] somehow participate in the process of helping to raise the consciousness of our human community here. But the fact of the matter is, the issue is now put to us in some pretty stark terms, because we have now for the first time, you’ve got, Marco Rubio, who was the chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, asking for a full briefing from the Office of Naval Intelligence now, on what their position is about this phenomenon. And we know that the person who’s the executive director of that new, UAP Task Force, inside the Office of Naval Intelligence, has told them, in closed-door sessions, that the majority of his staff believe that these are off-world vehicles. That’s what he has said, okay?
And so, we’ve got to deal with the fact that there are our low-consciousness, political structures of the United States, Senate Intelligence Committee, yes, low-consciousness institutions who are now in the process of thinking how to respond, institutionally, to that type of a communication. And there are people inside the military who are trying to tell them that this constitutes a threat because they find it in their institutional interest to be able to get billions and billions of dollars of more tax money, so they can have more jobs. This is extremely low-consciousness functioning here. So our question is: How can we, as a community, as a portion of our human family, mobilize from this moment here, onward, to try to help raise our entire consciousness on this subject, so that we can in fact become the messengers of an alternative way of approaching this whole thing? And, as you know, the medium is the message to a large extent. We can’t be hostile, we can’t be antagonistic, we can’t be accusatory, and we can’t be confrontational.
And so, we’ve got to be able to think about these things ourselves. And what it really comes down to is, we have to answer for ourselves the profound philosophical and theological questions that are posed to our whole human family, which are posed to us as well. That’s the discussion that we need to inspire, and that’s what we’re trying to do here this weekend, just to encourage this conversation among ourselves so that it’s no longer just some of us who have devoted fifty years, or more, to this, to come and talk with you and give you the information. The fact is, this has to be a collective activity on our part now. We have to respond to the call to figure out what the philosophical and theological implications are, and internalize our own answers to those things and go forward as messengers of this. At the minimum, we have to move very aggressively to stop the shifting of weapons up into space. We’ve just come out of an administration that is now actively advocated, and set up a U.S. Space Force, a military space force to go into outer space and to bring weapons and try to establish full-spectrum dominance over the planets in our solar system. And we know that that’s what they’re trying to do.
So, we have got to roll that back. Gotta roll back, that’s brand new. It’s only been here for a matter of months and we need to roll that back as best we can, and we need to go forward to help support the setting up of this treaty on the part of the nation states of our planet to ban the movement of weapons into space. First by banning the basing of any weapons in outer space, but also later prohibiting even the carrying of any of these weapons into space. And I don’t think that we need to emphasize the fact that the extraterrestrial civilization isn’t going to allow us to do it because that’s only going to inspire fear and antagonism and a dialectical perception of the extraterrestrials. What we have to do, is we have to make that argument ourselves. We have to make that argument to our own fellow citizens and everybody, that we shouldn’t be doing this, that we can’t be doing this. We cannot start our next thousands of years of experience with the extraterrestrial civilization on that footing. We just can’t do that.
And so that’s my attempt to try to draw it together for us to realize what the takeaway is from the beginning of our time here together. But there’s a whole set of discussions that we have to have among ourselves. It’s not just a matter of us standing up here talking to you. It’s a matter of you talking to us, us talking to each other, us talking to ourselves, of what we’re going to do about this, because this is a very serious situation. I’ve been in a lot of serious situations down through the years of having people come to me, having Jim Goodale of the New York Times, legal counsel, call me and say, “Danny, I’ve got to have a meeting with you right away. By the way, we’ve got forty-seven volumes of top-secret, classified Pentagon Papers. What are we gonna do with them?” I said to him, “The only thing you need to decide is how big the font should be on the front page of the New York Times tomorrow morning.”(Danny and crowd laugh).
But this is another situation. And I want to tell you that in every one of these situations, there’s a small group of people who have to make some very serious decisions to change history here. To change history. Not just to make history. Because there’s a momentum going now, in the wrong direction here. So we’ve got to make history here, we’ve got to change the history that will happen without us. And this includes all the other people that are listening here today. And that’s what our discussions are going to be for the rest of the time we’re here, these next few days together, to how we go about doing this. This is a practical question about a theological and philosophical issue. So that’s what I would like to say. Okay?
Danny Sheehan June 8th, 2021 Lecture at UFO MegaCon
Morning, everybody.
Bob Brown has asked me to come here this year in my capacity as the former Special Counsel to the United States Congressional Research Service investigation that was conducted on behalf of President Jimmy Carter back in 1977, when he came to office and asked the head of the Central Intelligence Agency, George Bush Sr, to provide to him – as the newly elected President, as of November of 1976 – all the information that the CIA and Defense Department people had on the UFO phenomenon. Because, as you know, President Carter had seen a UFO when he was governor of Georgia, so it was one of the very first things that he did when he came to office. And George Bush had told him that he wasn’t going to give it to him because, as the President elect, he had no need to know what the information was that the intelligence community had on UFO phenomenon.
Bob has also asked me to come in my capacity as the former 1994 legal counsel for Dr. John Mack, who, as you know, was the head of the Department of Clinical Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, who had had a number of very high-ranking military officers sent to him in his capacity as the head of the Harvard Department of Clinical Psychiatry, to submit them to psychiatric tests, because they had deigned to defy the unspoken protocol inside the military and intelligence community to insist upon filing UFO reports. And John began interviewing a significant number of these people and others, who began to be referred to him, who purportedly had not only contact experiences with UFOs, but who held a certain belief that they actually had direct face to face contact with extraterrestrial beings. And they had come to John, knowing that he had been conducting these types of evaluations of people. And so, I was asked by John to represent him when Harvard University dragged him up in front of a faculty committee to kind of challenge him for publishing a book about this particular subject back in 1994. And I had gone on to become the general counsel for the group that was set up at Harvard University called the Project for Extraordinary Experience Research, the PEER group.
And so, Bob had come to know me in that capacity back in 1994 and I had been asked to come to Bob’s International UFO Congress a number of times to give updates on how we were doing during that eighteen-month ordeal at Harvard University in 1994. And so, over the years, I have become more involved in this particular subject as an attorney, both as general counsel for the Special Counsel for the Congressional Research investigation for President Carter, and then representing Dr. John Mack. And so, I later became, in 2001, legal counsel for The Disclosure Project. As you know, back in 2001 in May, we gathered together some two dozen, major government officials, primarily to bring to the National Press Club in Washington, DC to present to the staff of congressional members, House and Senate, totally credible witnesses who could present information to them in the hopes that they would be given audiences with their congressional representatives and to explain this to them. I attended a number of those with various members of Congress.
And, I later was asked to become general counsel for the Citizens Commission on Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the ET Phenomenon, back in 2013, that Steven Bassett had put together. So, I’ve been in this process for some time, and had been proposing that we established a major center, an institute for the studying of this particular issue. And so, Bob contacted me months ago and asked if I would discuss that issue, which I will today. But that setting up of the designation for the topic for today’s discussion preceded my having been retained by Luis Elizondo to represent him. Lue Elizondo, as you know, was the longtime director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program in the United States Defense Department, long denied by the Defense Department. But, he in fact retained me after we already designated the topic that I was going to be talking about today as something a little different. He retained me to represent him, and helping to prepare and file a formal complaint with the United States Defense Department, complaining about the fact that Defense Department officials were publicly lying about continued denial that UFOs were real, lying about the fact that there was a secret program inside the United States Pentagon to officially investigate the UFO phenomenon, and also lying about the fact that Lue Elizondo was in fact the director of this particular project. And so, Lue contacted me and asked me to represent him in filing a formal complaint with the Inspector General’s office about this continued public lying on behalf of the Defense Department.
Thanks to Steven Greenstreet, we have the cover letter of the IG complaint.
ICYMI #3 – I exclusively revealed Lue Elizondo's cover letter to his lengthy complaint against the Pentagon filed May 3rd with the DOD Inspector General. Some serious allegations. #ufotwitter
My full report: https://t.co/JEw4MBvQTv pic.twitter.com/nlxU8sRuqH
— Steven Greenstreet (@MiddleOfMayhem) June 24, 2021
DS: And so, the selection of the topic for my discussion today, preceded that retainer and so it’s become important for me to sort of address that today. It also predated the same day that this complaint was filed. We filed that complaint on the morning, 9am on May 3rd of this year of 2021. That exact same day, later in the day, the United States Defense Department’s Inspector General’s office published a memo stating that they were going to be conducting a major investigation. This was a statement issued by Randolph Stone, who was the Assistant Inspector General in charge of space, intelligence, and engineering oversight inside the Inspector General’s office. And this announcement stated that there was going to be this new official evaluation that was going to be undertaken by the Defense Department- Defense Department Project D2021-DEV0SN-0116.000- and announced this in this big formal way that suddenly the Defense Department had sort of decided that it was time to have some kind of an official evaluation of this issue, stating that the objective of this evaluation is to determine the extent to which the United States Defense Department has taken any actions regarding the issue of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon. But they hasten to point out, directly on the face of that memo, that while that’s the objective of the evaluation, we may revise the objectives of this evaluation as it proceeds. And, we will consider suggestions from management for additional, revised objectives of this Inspector General evaluation.
Daniel Sheehan: And, they pointed out the targets of this evaluation to determine what steps, if any, the Defense Department have ever taken with regard to these Unidentified Flying Objects, or UAP – Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon. That these agencies would include the Office of the Secretary of Defense and all the U.S. military services. That’s U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, also Coast Guard is included in that. And also, the combat commands, and the combat support agencies and other defense agencies, including the military, criminal investigation organizations. And, they pointed out that they may well decide to identify additional agencies to investigate. But, they hasten to point out that this evaluation will not be investigating any potential violations of any type of rules or regulations by anyone in the Defense Department, but simply attempting to promote better efficiency or effectiveness.
So, this announcement on May 3rd, also preceded or post-dated our selection of a topic for me to discuss today. And this designation of this topic also post-dated the announcement that the United States Senate Intelligence Committee had attached to the 2021 Intelligence Committee budget, the demand that we all know about now. That the Defense Department’s Office of Naval Intelligence, UAP Task Force, file a report with the United States Senate Intelligence Committee by June 25 of this year – that’s coming up this next week – communicating to the United States Senate Intelligence Committee, what activities the Defense Department had engaged in over the years with regard to the issue of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon. So, all of these things predated my preparing my remarks here for today.
And, there’s also been another event that has taken place that people don’t know about that. On Thursday, The New York Times, just before we all gathered here, issued a major report stating that The New York Times had developed high-level administration sources, who had access to the classified annex that’s going to be attached to this June 25 report that’s going to be going to the Senate Intelligence Committee, which this annex will be kept secret. And that whatever is going to be made public about this particular report will not include certain information. But this classified annex, according to The New York Times, contained each of the three following findings.
Number one, that the Defense Department has not developed any evidence on the basis of which to conclude that this UAP phenomenon is of extraterrestrial origin. And this is the headline that was flogged by the New York Times. Certainly, DoD study finds no evidence that the UAP phenomenon is of an extraterrestrial source. But, in fact, when you read what the sources actually told The New York Times, it wasn’t exactly that. What he said is that they hadn’t found any evidence on the basis of which to conclude that it was, but that they were unable to deny that it was. And so that for the first time, you have an official report of the United States Defense Department, reportedly, talking about the potential of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon being of an extraterrestrial source, even though they were asserting that they hadn’t found any evidence to conclude that it was.
The second finding that was reported by the New York Times – to be contained in the classified annex to this upcoming report, which is an extraordinarily important one as it turns out – the DoD has concluded that the clear majority of the 120 UAP incidents that this report from the UAP Task Force, inside the Office of Naval Intelligence, has reviewed, do not constitute any ultra-secret U.S. technology, but rather something else. Now, this ostensible finding is, as you know, hotly contested by a number of people in the UFO community. One of the major ones of which, of course, is Dr. Steven Greer, who insists that he has sources that indicate that the United States Defense Department has in fact recovered crashed aircraft, UFO aircraft, and have been systematically engaged in the process of back engineering this technology, and in fact, have developed a number of craft that in fact, can replicate the activities of the UFOs that are from some other origin. But, this insistence on the part of the Defense Department in their upcoming June 25 report, classified appendix, actually is asserting that these are not U.S..
But then, it goes on to its third conclusion saying that the DoD report has not, however, been able to come to any definitive conclusion that the UAP phenomenon does not represent some entirely new, vastly more highly developed technology by some traditional foreign adversary such as Russia or China. So there we are, again, we come back with a flogging of the old, maybe this is Russian, maybe this is Chinese and so, therefore, the United States Defense Department may be compelled to engage in soliciting tens of billions more dollars to attempt to counter our foreign adversaries and turn this entire UFO issue into a sort of pedestrian argument on behalf of more military spending. Because they go on to say that, therefore, this could pose a potential threat to the national security of the United States.
Now, the one other event that is preceded my coming here today, is that on June 4th, the day after this Thursday report in The New York Times, I was contacted and Lue Elizondo was contacted, through me, to give a briefing to the reporters from the Associated Press, who could make public his statements in which Lue Elizondo has now, for the first time, flatly asserted to AP reporters Dan Huff, Nomaan Merchant, Nathan Ellgren and Robert Burns, that Lue Elizondo. as the director of this $22 million investigation on the part of the U.S. Defense Department, has developed a very high level degree of confidence that these UFO phenomenon are not, in fact, Chinese or Russian, and has for the first time now publicly stated that he believes that there is less than an infinitesimal possibility that this phenomenon could be that of some planet-based foreign adversary to the United States. In fact, he asserted that there were two really major reasons for this, and he told this to the Associated Press during our interview.
He said, number one, the development of any such extraordinarily advanced technology, as is being displayed by these UFOs…going at least 43,000 miles an hour, being able to descend from 80,000 feet down to 50 feet below the surface of the ocean, in less than one second, and then come to an absolute sudden stop, and then submerge and to be able to proceed underwater at up to 200 knots, underwater, and to be able to appear and disappear and travel at what appears to be in excess, potentially, of the speed of light. That for any such technology to have been developed by Russia or China, and not to have been discovered by the United States intelligence community, or any of the Western Allies would be the biggest, catastrophic intelligence failure in the entire history of the world. And so, it’s completely ridiculous for anybody to be suggesting that this is Russian or Chinese, and that the United States intelligence community, including Lue Elizondo as the head of the Pentagon investigation of this phenomenon, would not have discovered that.
And secondly, very importantly he pointed out, the second reason why it’s basically inconceivable that this could be Russian or Chinese, is that this would have required that the Russians or the Chinese had developed this technology as early as 1947, because he points out that this phenomenon has been being recognized and confirmed by the United States military as early as 1947, which, coincidentally, happens to coincide with Roswell. And so, he told the Associated Press that this phenomenon has been confirmed by the United States military and our intelligence community since 1947. And for anyone to make the argument that, “Well, you know they recovered the craft in 1947, and they may have back engineered it. So, by this time here in 2021, that maybe Russia, or even us, the United States, may have back engineered this technology to be actually one of ours, or Chinese or Russian.” But he said, “That’s completely preposterous because this has been going on since 1947.” And he told that to the Associated Press.
So, these two events that have taken place in basically just the past week before our gathering here. The assertion, on the part of high level administration officials who have gotten access to the classified portion of the upcoming June 25 report asserting that it’s clear beyond any doubt, that the vast majority of these 120 incidences of unidentified flying objects that they’ve looked at recently, that the vast majority of them are not possibly any type of technology on the part of the United States and the assertion by Lue Elizondo, now to the Associated Press, in this interview that’s yet to be published, actually asserts that it’s beyond any infinitesimal possibility that they’re Chinese or Russian, and so therefore they have to be something else. And so, Dan Huff, of the Associated Press, pressed Lue Elizondo and said, “By something else, you mean what?” (Sheehan laughs), and Lue Elizondo said, “Well, for example, how about extraterrestrial or extradimensional?”, he said to them. Leaving them somewhat aghast and kind of unable to pursue any further questions (Sheehan laughing as his says the last part of that sentence).
So, this has been asserted now by the head of the Defense Department project, who spent $22 million investigating this and Lue has opened this issue now that these are not ours, these are not Chinese, these are not Russian. There’s something else, and that the something else that we have to consider is they’re being potentially extraterrestrial or extradimensional in their origins.
When I heard Sheehan say that Elizondo told the Associated Press all of this, I wondered why it didn’t ring a bell. Then I found the two articles written by them and realized why. Here are the only comments attributed to Elizondo or direct quotes from him.
Luis Elizondo, former head of the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, said the one official’s claim that there was no indicated link to secret U.S. programs would be significant. But he called on the government to be fully transparent.
“I think that our tax dollars paid for information and data involving UFOs,” Elizondo said. “And I think it is the U.S. government’s obligation to provide those results to the American people.”
On June 5th, AP published another article.
Luis Elizondo, former head of the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, said he didn’t believe that the sightings were of a foreign power’s technology in part because it would have been nearly impossible to keep that secret. Elizondo has accused the Defense Department of trying to discredit him and says there’s much more information that the U.S. has kept classified.
“We live in an incredible universe,” Elizondo said. “There’s all sorts of hypotheses that suggest that the three dimensional universe which we live in isn’t quite so easy to explain.”
Did Elizondo really tell the AP that the chances these are Russian or Chinese are infinitesimal and did he mention the interdimensional/extradimenional hypothesis? If so, why didn’t the AP include those important points in their article? And why didn’t Elizondo tell other media outlets his thoughts on this?
He did.
Tom Rogan of the Washington Examiner penned an article the AP should have written. Here are the relevant excerpts.
Elizondo says it is a credible line of government inquiry that these UFOs are “extraterrestrial, extradimensional,” or the creation of an Earth-based intelligence entirely unknown to our human society. Elizondo says it is “nothing more than an infinitesimally small possibility” that these extraordinary UFOs are of either U.S., Chinese, or Russian origin (or Israel, or Elon Musk, etc.).
On that count, Elizondo pushed back against that report’s purported assertion, that the government has no evidence to indicate an “extraterrestrial” origin for these UFOs. Elizondo told the Washington Examiner that the government has evidence to indicate that the most extraordinary UFOs are not “human-made machines.” In deference to his continuing security clearance obligations, Elizondo would not offer more information on this specific topic when pressed.
Regardless, Elizondo’s comments to the Washington Examiner are striking. They appear to offer the first on-record corroboration by a former senior U.S. government official intimately involved in UFO research efforts that some UFOs are believed to be unknown machines of a truly extraordinary nature. Reflecting a stigma that flows across the media world and government, few want to state publicly what Elizondo has now said on the record.
Rogan added that if you examine Elizondo’s background and time spent heading up AATIP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program), the Pentagon’s UFO program, from 2010-2017, his “words should carry weight.” Excellent article by Rogan and major kudos to him for including the important points. But the Washington Examiner doesn’t have the same reach as the AP. Again, we have to ask ourselves why the AP dropped the ball and put forth such a weak and watered-down effort? Makes one wonder.
Daniel Sheehan: So this actually places us in a situation now where, unless the report that comes out on June 25, this next week, actually states that the Unidentified Flying Object phenomenon is real, then people are going to just laugh it off the block because everybody knows that they’re real now. And the Pentagon has acknowledged that they’re real in official statements. The New York Times has acknowledged that they’re real. The Associated Press is now going to acknowledge that they’re real. “60 Minutes” has acknowledged that these are real. So that’s been basically now foreclosed to this upcoming report that’s going to be coming in. And very interestingly, that all of them have conceded in little dropped footnotes, for the most part, that these objects are all intelligently controlled, that these are not some kind of, I guess, what, giant mosquitoes or something? But they’re intelligently controlled in that they’re not ours, they’re not from any of our allied nations, they’re not from any foreign adversary, that they’re something else, and that the issue has been explicitly raised that these may be extraterrestrial or extradimensional by the very person who was in charge of investigating this for the United States Defense Department.
So the question arises now is…in light of these fairly dramatically changed circumstances that had previously dominated our entire gatherings of the UFO community that have been constantly investigating these things and talking about these, that we have in fact progressed beyond the task that we seem to have been engaged in for all this time, for the past 75 years or so since Roswell, attempting to convince others that these are real, and attempting to convince others that these may be extraterrestrial. And that we’ve been kind of flogging those two tasks for the last 75 years, and it now seems that we have come suddenly, comparatively suddenly, to the position that, “Well, let’s talk about who these beings are. Who is it? If it’s not us, and it’s not any foreign adversary, it’s no planetary group that we know about, where in the world are these things coming from and what are their intentions?”
So, I would like to also further context what I’m going to be talking about here today, not only in the context of these dramatic events that have taken place just in the last couple of years, and even a couple of weeks, but one more issue that I want to again call to our attention here as the community. And that is, the event that took place back on November 11th of 2009. And that is that the Vatican in Rome called together a whole group, some twenty-five, major world scientists, and spent an entire week at Castel Gandolfo where the Pontifical observatory is. And they had long discussions with Pope Benedict, at that time, being there, and a number of cardinals from the science division, the Pontifical commission on science, and had these discussions about this issue of the UFO phenomenon and the issue of extraterrestrial intelligence. And, at the conclusion of that set of meetings on November 11th 2009, they went from Castel Gandolfo, where they’d been having the meetings, to the Vatican Press Office in the Vatican of the Roman Catholic Church and issued a public press statement saying, and this was Father José Gabriel Funes, who was the director of the Pontifical observatory, “In light of the discovery of more and more of these new exoplanets that are similar to our Earth – through the Hubble telescope and the Planck telescope and the other space-born telescopes of our human family, which are discovering more and more of these exoplanets…a huge number of which are in the so-called Goldilock’s zone, which are not too far or too close to their sun, and so they’re not too hot or too cold, so they may be able to sustain life – it now has become clear that much sooner than had been previously anticipated, our human family is going to discover that extraterrestrial life exists. And so therefore, the time has now arrived where the people of our planet need to begin an extremely important discussion about the profound philosophical and theological implications of the discovery of extraterrestrial life.
Now, in my capacity as the former general counsel for the United States Jesuit order and headquarters in Washington DC and their national, social ministry office, I was able to reach out, virtually immediately, to Father Funes, and sat down face to face with him. And within three minutes of the beginning of our conversation, he readily acknowledged to me that they were not talking about just some kind of microscopic, single-cell life under some distant moon’s frozen sea, they’re talking about another highly intelligent, highly technologically developed, but categorically non-human other species here in our galaxy. And that this is what stimulates the need perceived, on the part of the largest, single religious denomination on our planet, to necessitate the beginning of this important conversation about the profound philosophical and theological implications of this discovery.
So, what I am proposing, is that what this generates for us, in the UFO community that have been gathered together now in one level of incarnation or another for the past seventy-five years, trying to get people to believe that UFOs are real, and trying to get them to consider the likelihood that these are extraterrestrial in origin. That the time has arrived for us to transform the focus of our inquiries and the focus of our effort to direct our attention to: Who are these beings? What is the agenda of these beings? What should we do as a human family to begin to adjust our human worldview to the fact that we are not not only located in the physical center of the entire Universe, which we at one time thought we were, until Galileo and Copernicus had demonstrated that, in fact, that we were not at the center of the Universe. But our human family really immediately rushed right in and established the alternative theory that, “Well we need not be in the physical center of the entire universe, but we are at the apex of the whole pyramid of conscious life in the whole universe,” and so that seems to satisfy our anxiety about our level of importance. And now we’re confronted by the reality that, “Well that ain’t true, either (audience & Sheehan laugh).”
And so, the question arises, how should we go about attempting to respond to this new reality? Because, as you know, one of the major rationales that has at least consistently leaked out as to why it has been necessary to conceal from us in the human family the existence of the reality of UFOs, and the reality that they are understood, primarily to be of an extraterrestrial source…the reason for that is because we can’t handle it. You know, you can’t handle the truth. And so therefore, we ain’t telling you what the truth is. And so what we need to do, I think, in the UFO community, is we need to retarget our efforts from trying to convince people that they’re real and to convince them that they may be of extraterrestrial origin, to shifting our inquiry into: Who are these beings? What are the full implications for our human family? How do we adjust our human worldview to take into account a different place for us in the larger scheme of reality, without having the consequences that have been suffered? Again, an issue that’s been raised over and over, is when a primitive society is discovered by the outside world and the primitive society realizes there is a much larger world, that that primitive society tends to collapse in the face of the larger reality. And because that has been an experience that we’ve encountered with the primitive tribes that have been discovered deep in the equatorial forest or on some tiny South Pacific Island or somewhere that didn’t know that the rest of the world had progressed into the 20th century, that we now have to respond to that to show that that isn’t true. Our human family is in fact capable of confronting this reality and adjusting to it.
And so what I am proposing here today is that what we do is, our UFO community gather ourselves together and to establish a new institute, a center, where all of the disparate information has been gathered by all the different researchers, all the different organizations such as MUFON and APRO and all the others. That we come together at a centralized institute to begin to address these questions in a coordinated and amicable, diplomatic way. And so this is what I’m proposing, is the creation of a New Paradigm Institute, because one of the first tasks that we’re going to have to address is…how do we go about identifying and discerning a new, human worldview? What is the process by means of which that might most efficaciously be undertaken? And so, I want to discuss that this morning.
I want to just point out that this is going to entail, not only the issue of the discovery of extraterrestrial life, intelligent life at the farthest reaches of our galaxy, but also the issue of quantum physics, as we hear discussed. That we have crossed a river here from the old, classical Newtonian Cartesian, scientific, logical, positivist, radical, materialist worldview, and in which it was postulated that the physical, material universe functions in a way that is completely and totally independent of anything we care about, or anything we can do anything about. That there’s a radical dichotomy between our consciousness as human beings, and the functioning of the Universe. That this is an absolute postulate of the Newtonian Cartesian materialist worldview, there’s this radical divide between the two. And the realm of science and material science is left to the scientists. And this other realm of consciousness is all the religious community. That’s all got to do with human consciousness and religion. And so these two endeavors, these fields of inquiry of our human family, have been kind of bifurcated. And what I’m suggesting is that the new-paradigm worldview, that we need to explore here, has to take into account both things. The new discovery of quantum physics, in which it’s clear that direct, human intention actually has a discernible effect upon the next microsecond of the manifestation of physical reality. That we can actually have an effect upon the choice as to what the next microsecond is going to be because of the directed, human intention on the (sounded like “in query”) quantum fields that actually reside at the base of material reality. And, of course, the fact that we need to replace the 200,000 year set of world views that are all predicated upon our human family, being the center of reality, and that the entire cosmos exists simply as the stage on which our specific species is going to be playing out the drama of our ascent from the primordial slime, in single-cell life up, to reaching out to the stars. So there has to be some different quest that we have to be able to unroot at the center of our new worldview.
The second task that such a New Paradigm Institute would be having to undertake would be to investigate this UFO phenomenon in a non-military context. Not be perceiving it as some kind of a threat, but to, as I said, shift the focus of our community from insisting upon trying to get people to believe that UFOs are real, and that they are likely from an extraterrestrial source, into discussing who these beings are and explore the different hypotheses that have been generated by our community, discussed most recently by Richard Dolan in his conversations that he has been having on The Observation Deck. Talking about the different potential theories as to who these beings are and what their origins are and to what degree this extradimensional quality that they seem to have may be in fact a function of the method by means of which they transit from an extraterrestrial source, or it may be, in fact, extradimensional, here on our planet, or there may be some other explanation. And that’s, of course, an extraordinarily important one, and it’s one I think that most everybody will recognize that the UFO community, that’s been attempting to get everybody to pay attention to this issue for the past seventy-five years, ought to be primarily qualified to engage in rather than turning it over to the people that have been denying the existence of them for the past seventy-five years.
So, the third task that I think we need to direct our attention to – and it’s foreshadowed a bit by some of the activity in the past seventy-five years – we need to turn our attention to trying to figure out who is this elite group that seems to have known about this for the past seventy-five years, since the recovery of the craft at Roswell and the taking into possession of the bodies of extraterrestrial beings and bringing them to Wright Field and numerous other crash recoveries that have been undertaken. And it is quite clear that there has to be some group, some organized group that resides at the head of this thing that’s been actively engaging and suppressing the information and deciding to what degree they’re going to back engineer it or what they’re doing. There has to be some group.
It’s beyond reasonable conclusions that the different agencies inside the Defense Department intelligence community, the State Department and others are so stove-piped that they have no communication with each other. You you don’t have UFO phenomenon hovering over Minuteman, nuclear missile sites, and shutting off all of the missiles and hovering over our battleships and flying circles around our fastest fighter planes and not have somebody get concerned about this. And so, you just can’t believe these kind of protestations that are going on inside the Defense Department, intelligence community that, “Gee, who knew? Gee, we didn’t know, maybe somebody knew, we didn’t know who knew.” That’s just not true. Based upon my fifty years of conducting major investigations of who killed Karen Silkwood, how did the United States lie so long about the Vietnam War and get away with it? Who was really smuggling weapons to the Contras? We’ve conducted these investigations at our institute for the past fifty years and most of these targets of your investigation have to put their pants on one leg at a time, every morning, and they can be discovered, you can find out who these people are.
And so, I think that we do have an obligation to try to determine who these people are and what organization they have, whether it’s MJ-12, or whether you believe or don’t believe, at least one of the tranches of those documents or whether it’s some group called the Zodiac or whether it’s some other different type of group. Who are the progeny of the old Brown Brothers Harriman and the Sullivan and Cromwell law firm that used to sort of pull the strings during the robber baron era and control the actual policies of our government and actually deploy foreign military, Expeditionary Forces down into South America to overthrow democratic governments and instigate the Spanish American War and other things that have gone on historically. Who are the present representatives of that elite group, and it’s important for us to figure that out because these are the people who’ve been holding back this information about the extraterrestrial civilization, and they’ve also been holding back this technology while we, regular people, face daily, the potential threat of massive, thermonuclear annihilation of our whole species on the planet, and massive global climate change that are confronting us now. And yet, these people are sitting on this technology and holding it back. For what purpose, for why? So we need that we need to ask that question.
And the fourth task that I think we need to direct our attention to is, what other activities might this group, this organization, be engaging in, in addition to holding back all this information about UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence? There’s all kinds of different possibilities here and we’ve discussed these things a lot under the rubric of the deep state. Is there someone engaged in a secret program of depopulation, of population control on the planet? Are they trying to sterilize people from poor communities around the world? We’ve already caught them doing it in Indian Health Services and sterilizing young Native American women that come to the hospitals. We’ve caught them experimenting on black people in Tuskegee, you know, giving them syphilis and seeing how it works. These things have happened in the past, what we need to try to find out is what other activities might this this elite organization be engaging in other than simply holding back the issues about UFOs and extraterrestrial life.
The fifth major task I think that we need to undertake, and this is an important one, I think that we need to figure out how to mobilize an entire planet-wide, CE5 movement. That we’ve got to take into our own hands, the effort to establish direct communication with the extraterrestrial beings, the occupants of these UFO craft. We need to figure out the protocols for this. We’re working away at this right now, on going out into fields at night and meditating and shooting laser lights up into the sky and trying to attract their attention, and in trying to communicate with them, with some spotty success of people actually generating not just blinking lights in the sky, but entire craft appear. And people see them in groups and we hear numerous reports about the comparative efficacy of these CE5 efforts, and even CE6 efforts of trying to get this to happen on a global level. So the I think the fifth task that we need to engage in through this New Paradigm Institute is to do everything that we can do to facilitate and encourage the development of this planet-wide movement, the CE5 movement.
And task number six, I think this is an important one. I think that we need to establish and stand up a global, citizen’s diplomacy initiative. I believe that what we need to do is to formulate a mechanism by means of which we, as the citizens of our planet, can reach out to the extraterrestrial civilizations and establish direct, diplomatic relations. I think that we cannot trust the major institutions that have developed on our planet, driven by the major corporations, driven by the military industrial complex, driven by the mercantile class that tries to perceive everything in terms of how they can personally profit by their diplomacy, the setting of trade agreements that benefit this tiny elite, people part of the World Trade Organization etc. I think that we’ve come to the conclusion that these people in this elite are not trustworthy. They’re not trustworthy. And that we need to demonstrate to the extraterrestrial civilization that we as a human family are in fact worthy of trust and that we need to be able to develop that capacity, and to figure out formally how we engage in diplomatic relations.
Now, I’ve had some experience in this. We at the Jesuit Headquarters were directly involved in reaching out and communicating with Mikhail Gorbachev while he was still the secretary of agriculture in the Soviet Union, to establish direct, diplomatic citizen communication with him to help talk him into undertaking perestroika and glasnost in disassembling the nuclear weapons and standing back from the Cold War. When all of the people in the elite were dedicated to the continuation of this Cold War, that it was generating $700 billion a year of income to their major industries that they own the stock in, all they were engaged in was the SALT talks, the Strategic Arms Limitations Talks, under the whip hand of Henry Kissinger. All they were talking about and doing is coming to some agreement on how they could build fewer nuclear warheads every year than they were otherwise going to be doing, you know. That’s a classic example of what it is that these are going to be attempting to do with regard to these negotiations.
So, we need to develop a set of protocols for how we actually engage in direct, diplomatic communication with the extraterrestrial civilizations. Standing up, a well trained, carefully prepared, diplomatic corps of people who can – while engaged in the CE5 and CE6 direct communications with the extraterrestrials – stand up a diplomatic corps, that can actually have these conversations with the people. We need to have people trained, probably through the training of Stanislav Grof in the Holotropic Breathing exercises, so that each of these potential diplomats can overcome the kind of instantaneous kind of cellular reaction that people have (laughs) when they encounter an extraterrestrial being and it suddenly dawns on them, aside from all of their hypothesizing about it, well here it is, here’s an actual extraterrestrial being. And the entire cellular system of our human organism kind of recoils immediately about this and we give off all of these kinds of fear energies, and it causes the extraterrestrial beings to be afraid of us because we’re a violent, aggressive fairly strong species. And so, we need to help train our people through Holotropic Breathing and meditation, and in careful training, to try to get that particular reflex action under control so that we can actually have an easygoing diplomatic communications with these beings.
And, I think a seventh task that we need to engage in – this is extremely important – we have to try to figure out through a New Paradigm Institute – how to mobilize a planet-wide movement, totally decommissioning, destroying every single nuclear warhead on our planet. We’ve got to get all of these things destroyed, we’ve got to get these things put away. (audience applauds). We can’t have them just agree to, “Oh, we’ll take the warheads off the missiles and put them in a little box, which we can put back on within a few hours”, because they just want to avoid an instantaneous, erroneous war. If we’re going to do an erroneous war, let’s take at least an hour to put the warheads back on. That’s not a solution. We have to mobilize a planet-wide, coordinated citizen’s movement to get every single warhead on the planet destroyed and eliminated and put away, where it cannot be gotten at.
And also, we need to decommission all of the fission-based nuclear power plants that are generating this massive amount of nuclear waste material, which in fact is buried on 103 different sites all throughout North America. And 449 such plants, all around the world, over 110 of which are all located within a half a mile of the coastlines of our oceans. So that with the rising sea levels that are all absolutely predicted, through as a consequence of global climate change, they’re talking about the threat of 110 Fukushimas pouring radioactive waste material into the Pacific Ocean every single day. And everybody’s standing around like deer in headlights, knowing that this thing is in the offing, but we have to mobilize. We can’t sit back and just wait for our governing officials and the elite to rectify the very problem that they are creating. They’re not going to do that. They aren’t even capable of stopping Fukushima. Why? Well, because they’re afraid of embarrassing the Japanese government and not saving face over the fact that they’re incompetent and can’t stop the flow of these radioactive materials into the Pacific Ocean. And so, the other diplomatic corps are all saying, “Well, we can’t jeopardize our trade arrangements with Japan to benefit the major corporations, so we’ll let them keep on doing this,” rather than go over there and say, “take a step back, let us shut this thing down and get these materials recovered and put into a secure place, instead of pouring them into the ocean.”
So what we need to do is we need to have a citizen’s movement, that not only insists upon demobilizing, decommissioning, and destroying every single nuclear warhead on our planet, but shutting down and decommissioning every single fission-based nuclear power plant, and getting rid of these waste materials that are threatening to contaminate our entire planet. And secondly, we have to mobilize a major, worldwide campaign to stop and reverse this process of global climate change. We’ve got to get past this continuing fantasy generated by Donald Trump and the rest of the people, “Oh, this is just some kind of mirage.” Just like they thought that the virus was not real. “Oh well, you know, 600,000 people killed in the United States. We were wrong about that. We thought it was nothing more serious than the flu. Oops!” They’re doing the same thing about global climate change. “Oh, this isn’t real, this is some kind of fiction of the progressives and socialists trying to take over the world.”
We’ve got to not only mobilize a planet-wide movement to eliminate nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants, but we’ve got to eliminate global climate change. We’ve got to reverse this process, we’ve got to move toward a new, sustainable source of energy on our planet. This dovetails with this issue of trying to determine who these people are that are retaining the technology of the UFOs and hiding this from the people and holding this technology back that could potentially provide a new, alternative source of electrical power for our whole planet, which is clean and sustainable and doesn’t jeopardize our entire climactic system.
So, the eighth task I think this New Paradigm Institute needs to promulgate and undertake, is how to develop an entire set of public policy positions that are commensurate with understanding our new place in the world and in the Universe. Not just the issue on UFOs, not just the issue on nuclear weapons and not just the issue on global climate change. But what are the public policy positions that we need to formulate as a planetary culture to participate in a coordinated and amicable way with the new, extraterrestrial civilization that we’re now encountering. We do not want to be in a position where we have to depend upon the extraterrestrial civilization to tell us what our public policies need to be. We need to be able to formulate that ourselves. We cannot have our human families substitute for the elite that we’ve been allowing to get away with this for the past 1000 years on our planet, to just substitute it for some other elite. And that we somehow are incompetent to be able to figure out our own public policy positions. I think what I’m saying here is we need to prepare ourselves, if we’re going to be having a direct, citizen diplomatic initiative with the extraterrestrial beings, we need to know what our policies are so that we’re engaging in an intelligent conversation with the extraterrestrial beings, so that they don’t think that we’re just a bunch of dummkopfs (a stupid person, a blockhead ~Joe) that somehow they can substitute their own idea on how we ought to conduct ourselves, for our own judgment. Okay? So this is an extraordinarily important, additional task that we need to undertake to be able to formulate these public policy positions that we have.
Now, this is going to call for our entire human family raising our consciousness so that we can transcend this bizarre, nation state, grounded dialectic that we keep engaging in all the time. I had Henry Kissinger for GOV182 at Harvard College as an undergraduate, and he said right to us on the very first day we were in the class…he said, “Gentlemen,” – since it was an all-male class at the Harvard College – “if there is any man in this class that believes that our nation state is not authorized to engage in stealing resources and killing others to promote our own national interest, then you shouldn’t remain in this class.” And I said, “Holy shit!” Here’s all these preppy graduates, public school graduates sitting in the class and here’s the weage (not sure that’s the word he used). Here they are, the weage, figuring out why it is that it’s completely legitimate to train an entire new generation of students at Harvard University how to run the world on behalf of the private interests of one nation state, over and against everybody else. Therefore, justifying our building massive military infrastructure to be able to garner continued, privileged access, as they refer to it, to the strategic raw materials needed by our major corporations. To continue to produce products, so they can generate jobs and they can stimulate an economy so that we, as 5% of the people on the entire planet, can continue to consume some 51% of all the natural resources that are developed on our planet every single calendar year. Okay? We have to overcome this, and we have to transcend this motive, on our part, here in the United States as one of the primary tasks that we have to deal with. Because if we’re not willing to give up this privilege, others are going to seek the same privilege on our planet and they’re going to continue to compete with each other. So, I’m suggesting that we have to, at a New Paradigm Institute, we have to be able to determine what the policies are that we are advocating not only for our country and our nation state, but for the global community. So that in our Citizen Diplomacy initiative with the extraterrestrial beings, that we know what our policy positions are, so that we can discuss this with the extraterrestrial beings, again, so that we don’t have a vacuum here where they’re going to be asserting what we ought to do on our planet.
So, the final task that I think we need to direct our attention to is…really, how do we go about developing an entire planetary human culture that is cooperative, that is that is productive, that is sensitive to each other’s concerns, so that we are worthy of actually sitting in conversation with an extraterrestrial civilization, and taking our place at the table with these beings? So that we can have an intelligent set of conversations with these beings, and figure out how we can lift up and grow this alternative culture on our planet and atrophy this other, mercantile driven, private, greed and profit operation, backed by massive, military force to the point where they’ve actually developed thermonuclear weapons and say that they would rather destroy the entire world and every living thing on our planet, rather than lose their elite advantage. We’ve got to develop another culture on our planet and we have to do this. We cannot continue reaching out to the same people, asking them to reform themselves because they’re not going to do that. They don’t believe that we’re worthy! They don’t believe that we’re worthy. So we have to demonstrate to them that we are, through our own citizen diplomacy, through our own CE5 program, through our own institute, where we come together to be able to demonstrate that we can overcome the potential tensions and differences of opinion that exists within the UFO community. We have to be able to demonstrate that we are capable of doing it ourselves before we can ask other people to do this as well. So, that’s the reason I’ve come here today to talk about the creation of a New Paradigm Institute.
So, the first task that we have to look at, in the final few minutes that we have, is how we would go about establishing such an institute. And there are two different pathways that we need to follow on this. One of them is looking at the old model of a brick and mortar Institute of Sligo place. We have been offered a place that’s a 70,000 square foot, Art Deco hotel on an eighteen-and-a-half-mile long lake, 100 miles north of San Francisco in Clear Lake, on Clear Lake in Lake County.
Andrew Beath, the founder of the EarthWays Foundation, has purchased it and is making it available for us if we want to base a physical plant there. But very importantly, we now have access to another technology, this Observation Deck technology that some of you are now becoming acquainted with where we can generate a virtual institute, that we can actually take photographs of the entire castle, we can see exactly what it looks like and we can generate it in a virtual world. Jordan Pease, who’s here helping to video all of these conferences we have and Captain Ron Janix and others, and Mark Sims and others, have been engaged in the development of this technology of the Observation Deck in that they’re talking about an entire next step in this technology to be able to generate a virtual institute, where each of the different UFO organizations will be able to have its own, little classroom with all of their data stored in there and they can make presentations, live presentations.
And this is an extraordinary project that we’re talking about now that we’re attempting to go forward with to develop a virtual, New Paradigm Institute in the virtual world, with the latest game technology of the graphics that look almost like real, live people. And that each person can generate their own avatar that will look just like you, they can train its voice to sound just like you. And what you can do is you can not only come and attend conferences, just like this with your avatar, but you can be sitting there, controlling your avatar, watching the presentation, asking questions in the q&a session. You can do all of this, virtually, and this is a new and promising technology that is going to make it so we don’t have to fly all the way to Laughlin every year, or go to Scottsdale, or do the other things. And what we have to try to figure out is how we can replicate the other extraordinarily important advantages of such conferences of being able to meet together privately, that this technology has these little private rooms where you can gather and have these private conversations which can’t be heard by anybody else. This is an extraordinary technology that is available now.
And our Romero Institute, which is the the mothership for our project on global climate change and Lakota people’s law office that have been fighting the major pipelines up in the Dakotas and etc.. We’re talking about setting up a New Paradigm Institute project inside the institute because we have 40 years of bookkeeping and how you satisfy the IRS, and how you keep track of all your records, and how you train all your staff to know how to use the fire hydrants. There are all these bizarre requirements, if you’re going to have a project, that we know how to comply with as a beginning process, so that so we don’t have to wait to go through a long waiting process on this. And we have in reserve, the potential of the actual physical plant up on Clear Lake, north of San Francisco, or other places where we might want to have any kind of physical gathering places.
So, there’s a whole process that we need to go through. Step one is to how to establish this institute, to what degree it’s virtual, what degree it’s actual for these gatherings. And then we have to undertake these processes, these tasks that I have set forth here. So here’s the Observation Deck memos…Jordan Pease has a bunch of these and this is being used right now by the Architects for a New Paradigm that Jordan Pease has founded and is running. So this is an amazing, new technology that we’re going to be using to try to develop this virtual, New Paradigm Institute at which all of us can participate, actively, in all of these processes, so that you can help organize your own CE5 group. You can get resources from this centralized place as to how to go about doing this. You can send your photos and your information to the facility so that we can have a record of the results of these CE5 meetings.
We hope to have your participation in the creation of this New Paradigm Institute in participating in its activities. We want you to participate in the effort to develop this new post-contact, post-quantum physics worldview, human worldview. We want you to help participate with us and investigating the UFO phenomenon so that we can look at each one of the alternative theories as to who these beings are and what their source is, what their agenda is, and also, how you participate in the diplomatic effort that we’re going to make to develop alternative positions for ourselves and to have these communications with the extraterrestrial beings. And importantly, investigate who this elite is and what they’re doing, and how we address them, how we deal with them. Because we’re not going to advocate that they’ll be arrested and incarcerated for the rest of their life. What we’re trying to do is figure out how to have diplomatic communications with them as well, to try to atrophy them to get them to stand out from this. But we cannot rely upon them to voluntarily go about standing down from what they’ve been doing. And I want you all to participate with us in determining what our public-policy positions are going to be, and how we’re going to go about this diplomatic communication with this extraterrestrial civilization. So there’s my presentation. I know that you probably don’t have any questions about how we’re going to do this. You can come and find me. I guess I’m sort of sitting at a table out here, and can answer any questions. So, I’m done.
Daniel Sheehan post-lecture Meet and Greet Q&A – June 8th at UFO MegaCon
I jumped in mid-answer as Sheehan was answering a question from Alan Steinfeld about the folks who want to keep all of this secret and if we’ll ever be able to get them to give up the data.
Daniel Sheehan (DS): We don’t know what the process will be, how much coercion is going to be necessary to kind of stand them down.
Alan Steinfeld (AS): They’re not giving up power easily.
DS: No, no. They’re not gonna voluntarily just say, “Oh yeah, you’re right, we hadn’t thought about that.” Yeah, no, no. So, we have to be analyzing what degree of coercion is going to be necessary, what degree of cooperation you can expect from them. Knowing all their historical past tricks of trying to buy you off by appointing a commission and we’ll study it and all that stuff. We know what they… (Steinfeld spoke over the end of DS’s answer)
AS: A very complex issue. But that was the best, formalized approach. Is that something you want to present in Washington, those eight points?
DS: Well, again, we don’t how openly IG’s (Inspector General’s) office is going to be. They’re in the process of trying to figure out the scope of their evaluation but they haven’t even really begun any investigation, as such. They’re all trying to evaluate whether or not their shop has jurisdiction or what the scope of their jurisdiction is. It’s all this…you remember “The Honeymooners” with Art Carney? Remember when he used to do this thing every time until Jackie Gleason would hit him with something and say, “Stop it!” So that’s what they’re doing.
Joe Murgia (JM): What did you think of the alleged leak to the New York Times?
DS: It’s not clear at all, yet. It’s interesting, whatever the board of editors is up to at the New York Times. You know that they’re in communication with the intelligence community all the time. And so, the question is: What was the thinking behind going forward and doing that? Who was their source that they say they have? It was described as a high-level, administration member that has access to the classified annex. Now, there’s only a limited number of people that that would be and so I don’t know what type of analysis people are engaged in trying to figure out who it was, if there was such a [leak?]. It’s not likely that they’d make up something like that because there are other newspapers that have gotten in big trouble, including the New York Times, for having a reporter that made up a source just because they wanted to say something or have a juicy story. So, somebody said something to them. They spun it at the beginning, on the first headline, on the story, when it came out on the Internet, was, “DoD Says No Evidence of Aliens.” And that’s not what they’re saying. They said that there wasn’t any evidence that caused them to come to a conclusion that it was. And that’s what it actually says.
AS: But how could they admit that on the front page of the paper: Intelligence Says There’s No Evidence [for Aliens], but would intelligence say that it’s Russian or Chinese? They would keep that secret, so that’s the contradiction, right?
DS: Well, there’s a whole lot of them. Whenever you’re trying to deal with a piece of information, you have to try to figure out: Who is it that is the ultimate, initial source of it, what kind of access to the potential information did they actually have and then how many layers has it gone through before it got to you? It’s like that telephone game. By the time you get to about the third person, or something, they’ve got it all formulated so it’s saying what they wish it was saying. So, we don’t know, yet. The Times editorial board is supposed to be very good at not doing that. They’re supposed to try to have it be as clear a communication of what they actually said, but the headline clearly was a distortion. The lead on the article was clearly distorted.
AS: I’m talking to [Ralph] Blumenthal today, I’m going to ask him about that.
DS: He may not know, because Ralph is sort of a stringer.
AS: Yeah, but he did that first article with Helene Cooper on that.
JM: Can I ask you a sensitive question?
DS: Sure.
JM: The whole…Steven Greer saying that you told him Lue (Elizondo) had seen an ET craft. Did Greer get it wrong? Because I know you’ve been asked about it but you kind of didn’t directly answer it.
DS: I’m not even going there.
JM: Okay.
DS: Despite this confrontation that people like to have in order to kind of draw attention, is not a good thing. It’s not a good thing. These horizontal…now I’m assuming Steven doesn’t view Lue as a horizontal ally that’s trying to do this. He views him as part of the other side, but that’s yet to be determined. With these latest statements that Lue has made, that I was talking about, I mean he has flat out said there’s [an] infinitesimal chance that these are Chinese or Russian, which basically defeats the big argument. But he’s also embraced this thing where the alleged source in the New York Times said, “Well, these aren’t ours. These are not ours.” It’s clear that Steven disagrees with that. So, what we’re trying to do at an institute like this, is have everybody put their information on the table. What’s your source, what’s the details on this, how much of this is speculation on your part, what are we going to do? So, I’m friends with everybody, so far.
JM: Have you ever spoken to somebody who told you they’ve seen craft, who’s been read into the crash retrieval program?
(Sheehan started to answer but damn Steinfeld (who I love!) jumped in and I never received an answer to that question. But, Steinfeld’s question lead to Sheehan giving us a very important piece of information)
AS: Didn’t Elizondo say he saw a craft within fifty feet on video during Greenstreet’s interview with him?
DS: Well, the photographs, I’ve seen those, but it wasn’t through Lue. I mean, I’ve seen…
AS: Lue said he saw one within fifty feet.
JM: Lue said that there’s a pilot that had an encounter fifty feet off the wing of a plane.
DS: That’s right. And he took photographs of it. The guy took photographs of it. I don’t know whether it was his phone or his camera…it’s probably not his phone because they’re not supposed to have them inside the cockpit because there’s too much going on.
AS: What would those pictures look like?
DS: It looked like a big huge, like, natural gas tank. It was a big, long Tic Tac with rounded edges and stuff like that. And it was like fifty feet away! And you can tell he just turned…because you can see the interior of the cockpit, where he took it. And so these kind of grainy, infrared, gun camera, [FLIR videos] of them are of secondary value, except that it’s got all the logistics data and all that stuff running concurrently. But these photographs of these things…there’s another photograph of them through a cockpit window of one of these things flying right in formation with them. They got two F-18s flying and here’s this other thing flying right along with them.
JM: Now, who told you that about these photographs?
DS: I’ve seen those.
JM: Even the one that’s a Tic Tac off the wing?
DS: Yes.
AS: You saw that through Elizondo?
DS: No. No.
JM: Your own sources?
DS: Yeah, I’ve seen that one. So, I know they’ve got ’em. So, we’ll see what’s gonna happen.
JM: Did you ever release what you saw in the Project Blue Book files, as far as the symbol?
DS: I know exactly what they look like. I had the little yellow pad on the inside cardboard, but half of my Jesuit documents got washed out in this thing at Riverside, this great big thing. And we went looking for it and it’s not there. But I know what they look like. They were like this (draws the symbols).
AS: Is it similar to Penniston’s and the Roswell symbols?
DS: No. It was like this, there’s a whole bunch of them. And I don’t remember…the reason that I traced them is because I wanted to make certain that they were right in the exact order they were in. Because if you’re going to subject any of those things to any kind of a computer analysis as to what they might be saying…so there’s a whole question about how many vowels, how many consonants, whether there’s anything like that in there. And they went all around like this on the whole 180 degrees I could see of this one side of the craft. They had these things all along the bottom like that. And there were just a hole…and they were all variations on these…a straight line with these things on either side of them. And they were dots and dashes and these little loops like those little horseshoe things and that’s what they looked like and there was just a whole bunch of them.
Drawing by Danny Sheehan of Symbols Seen in PBB Photo of Craft.
Nicole Sakach: You know what looks like to me, Allan? It looks like light language.
AS: Yeah, it does look like abstract, channeled. Yeah, it does.
DS: That’s what they looked like.
AS: These were the papers you found when you went into the…
DS: It was the photographs. What I did is I had my yellow pad – as you can see, these are the things that I use, these legal-sized yellow pads – and I just opened it up like this to the back cardboard part and focused the thing the same size exactly as that and just traced them like that.
JM: And that was risky and we appreciate you taking that risk!
DS: Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I just put them in my files at the Jesuit files, when we left and went to California, we were staying at Paul Haggis‘ place up in Lake Arrowhead. So, we put them in a big storage place down in Riverside and then we had this huge, gigantic rainstorm that went on for like, six, eight days. So, it must have been like 1992. November, no, probably spring of 1993, or whenever those big Santa Ana storms were. And so, we didn’t even know it, when we packed it all up and moved it up to Jackson Browne’s ranch where we were teaching up at the university, when we finally went to go looking for it.
AS: At least you remembered what they looked like.
DS: Oh yeah, yeah, no, no, it’s not something you forget. And they weren’t that complicated. It’s easy to remember that that’s what they were made up of.
AS: In 1976 you found that?
DS: Spring of 1977.
JM: You know what’s amazing to me, Danny? You’ve said – and I’ve checked on it and it’s accurate – that Eric Davis told Marco Rubio that the ONI and the UAP Task Force believe that these are off-world vehicles.
DS: That’s right.
JM: Not one member of the media has asked Rubio about that.
DS: No.
JM: Or any member of the SSCI. It’s like..ask the question!
DS: Yeah.
AS: It’s in the New York Times that Eric Davis briefed the Senate Intelligence Committee.
JM: Yes, yes, but Danny said something, it was more recently. But yeah, it’s connected to Davis. Davis actually spoke.
DS: It was Eric Davis.
JM: That’s their opinion. They’re not saying they might be Russian or Chinese.
DS: No.
JM: They’re saying they’re not ours. [They’re] UAP.
DS: Yes.
AS: The other thing you said Elizondo said, the higher ups are not concerned, they don’t consider this a threat.
DS: They’re not acting like it at all. That was what triggered it with him. He said, “Look, these people are not acting like this is…they perceive this as any kind of a threat.”
AS: Who are those guys? Because they obviously know something more than Elizondo.
DS: They do, because Elizondo thought that he was tasked with trying to figure out if they were, and yet all these other people, way above him, are not acting like it is at all. And he was just totally flabbergasted by that. Then he would go and try to talk to them, and then they would just brush him off and say that they don’t know anything about it, they don’t have any information about it, no one’s told them anything about it and that goes like, all the way up.
Unknown Person (UP): Do you have any information on the TR-3B?
DS: What’s the TR-3B?
UP: Triangular spaceship that we have a patent for?
DS: I’ve got some. Not from Lue but from other people. Yeah, there’s a handful of them, and more than that. I mean, there’s other other craft that we do have, but they don’t seem to be…they’re not using the electrogravitics that seems to be attached to the UFO stuff.
AS: Who gives Obama the go ahead to say, “Okay, you can talk about this”?
DS: That’s one of the questions we have to deal with. Who is it that is calling these shots? How much independence do… (Audio cut out. I can speculated that he said: How much independence do presidents have?)
NS: On a program with Grant (Cameron), you posed that the powers that be are kind of like a modern-day extension of MJ-12.
DS: One of the things we have to do at the institute is reinvestigate this whole issue of MJ-12. Because there’s a process that we’ve been able to discover, historically, in these investigations, where even if a legitimate tranche of documents comes out, the intelligence communities will put out a false set for the next installment, and then poison the legitimacy of the first. But they also are capable of putting out the false ones to begin with. But you can’t allow yourself to come to rest at a point of, “Well, who knows?” You can’t do that because that’s exactly what they want. So, you have to be able to work with, they call it decision-tree analysis, Bayes theorem, there’s a whole series of mechanisms that you use.
NS: Danny, do you want to tell us who you think our modern-day, MJ-12 players are?
DS: I don’t get paid to guess. Our whole program is to figure these things out. There are certain theories that people have and what I want to do is be able to gather all the different theories that people have and then inquire as to what the source of it is and how much interest, what do they think. And what we do is we start attaching probability projections to each of those and then we figure out how many more are out there that we don’t know about, yet. And you get some additional theories about what it is, and then start figuring out how to deploy our resources into evaluating each of these. It’s a process.
Unknown Person: Did you ask Henry Kissinger?
DS: (laugh) Just asking Henry Kissinger isn’t going to get you the right answer, at least you know that much. Whatever he says ain’t the truth, so you can eliminate that one.
AS: And how deep are the corporate interests, you think, manipulating the MJ-12 type information?
DS: It’s again, it’s a thing that is the subject of inquiry. In law school they call it issue identification. Somebody comes up and says, “Here’s a situation where this ship, called The Peerless, is tied up in this dock outside of Philadelphia, and it comes loose, and it floats out onto the river, and it flows down the river. And they didn’t notify the drawbridge because there was nobody attending to it and it runs into the drawbridge, and it collapses the drawbridge, it plugs up the river, which floods out and starts flooding out people’s homes and everything else.” And you say, “Well, who’s gonna pay for all this?”. So, the first thing you have to figure out is: What are all the issues here, what are all the different legal issues? And rather than jump up and just sort of flash an answer like that, what you do is you go step-by-step through the whole process. It’s like looking at a big mountain, you say, “Okay, how are we going to climb up that mountain?” You don’t just say, “Here, let’s let’s do this.” What you do is you have to figure out the entire contours of it, what the weather is like, where the pinions are going to get driven, all that.
NS: So what day on your four-day mountain climb are you on? How far into digging in this are you?
DS: Well, what we have is…I know most all of the people that are in the field, over the years. I’ve met them, they know who I am. I think most of the people trust me. I get a few people who say, “Oh, if you’re going to represent Lue Elizondo, I’m not going to trust you any more.” Well, that’s too bad. Or, “If you even talk to Steven Greer, I’m not gonna talk to you anymore.” Or, “You talk to Paola. Oh, Paola hates Bob, because Bob took over.” All of that stuff.
NS: I figured this stuff out, too.
DS: I just say, “Excuse me, spare me please. Just tell me what you think, tell me what you want to offer and so that we have a place, we have responsible people, we’re going to be evaluating all of these things. And if you want to put some particular theory on the table, put it on the table, knowing that I’m going to inquire as to where you get it, and what causes you to think that. And I hope that people are going to respect the process. This is a process and if I don’t instantaneously flash and confirm what they’re saying, that they don’t think I’m a horse’s ass, or obviously don’t know what I’m doing or whatever. So, there’s a whole process.
So, we’re at the stage now where we’ve been offered this big hotel. A 1929, 70,000 square foot, Art Deco hotel, on this eighteen and a half mile long lake, overlooking this place. This is an absolutely gorgeous place but it was built in 1929. It’s got 1929, electrical wiring in it and we had to get all the doors and exits adjusted for disabled people, we had to have an elevator in the whole place and you have to do all these things. And you have to be begging and pleading to have people give you contributions so you can do it. And then you have to get the elevators inspected every six months. All this crap that is so far below my levels of interest, but, absolutely has to get done. And so what we have to do is we have to get either volunteers or hire people to come in to do that for us. So we’re going through all those stages. So we’ve got that whole place and we’ve got all these discussions going on about this virtual institute. And what would the technology do, how much can we really do there, how do we get access to it? So we got both parallels going on right now and then we’ve got access to all kinds of people who have substantive content.
NS: You mean one person doesn’t have the answer? (sarcasm)
DS: Well, there’s all kinds of people that think they do and they’re in vast abundance. You can get up on stage and say, if you got a thousand people in the audience and say, “How many people want to come up to the microphone and tell us what you believe happened?” And boy, they’ll be right there. But that’s a process of taking in data, but you can’t just say, “Oh yeah, good. There’s the answer right there.” So even if you had the President of the United States come and tell you, you wouldn’t be able to believe her, or him. You wouldn’t be able to believe them. You’d have to evaluate it.
This is the big one. This is the big investigation that I’ve always known was eventually, there was going to come a time when we were going to get to do this. And there was going to be enough concentric circles coming together to have an adequate level of interest in it. And hopefully, we’ll be able to get the adequate funding and be able to do both parallel things with the virtual one and the real one, and we’ll see how it goes. You guys will all be there, right?
UFO MegaCon Disclosure Panel – June 11th, 2021
Jimmy Church: What’s it gonna take to get everyone’s attention? What’s the next big headline?
Danny Sheehan: I think the key is to get the confirmation that the government officials are in possession of an actual saucer, not one that they’ve…if they were re-engineering it, they could pretend they thought of it themselves. But to have a genuine, crashed saucer and extract from them the information about the interviews with actual ET beings. I’ve interviewed a fellow from inside Project Blue Book, who purports to have been down in S-4 where they had one of the live beings, and he read through the notes that they have from the interview with this being. Those two things. If you can get the revelation that they’re actually in possession of a downed, alien spacecraft and that they’ve had direct contact with an actual being from another star system, who has been interviewed and who’s talked about or [engaged in] telepathic communications, and they interviewed them.
But the the key is, is to get…this strange thing that happened, for example, with the New York Times in deciding they were going to publish the classified documents from the RAND Corporation, one wouldn’t have expected that thing to happen. They wouldn’t have expected that we could stop the construction of all private nuclear power plants, that they had hundreds of billions of dollars invested in private, nuclear power. But you can do it, if you can get the ball rolling. If you can get the ball rolling, if things can get out of control. If you can get things out of control. You’re talking about needing one person from the inside who will say things. One of the reasons I’m representing Lue Elizondo, despite all of the consternation that exists about that, is because he’s in a position to do that. And so that the key is, is to start working directly among people that we know and trust, with each other, etc. to get that to happen.
Jimmy Church: Does that make a headline, will that make it into the media and will it be visible enough for people to finally pay attention?
DS: We have the capacity to get that done now. There was a time where, if you couldn’t get The New York Times to publish it, and you couldn’t get “60 Minutes” to do it, that you didn’t have any means of getting it done. But we do have that now, with a story like this, if we can get this to happen. Last Friday, a week ago today, I sat in the meeting, the Zoom meeting with Lue, with three reporters from the Associated Press, and he told them, flat out that he, having spent ten years as the security chief and the executive director of the classified program in the Pentagon, has developed a very high level of confidence, unto the fact that it’s only an infinitesimal possibility that these craft are either Chinese or Russian. That’s sticking a pin right in the balloon of the Pentagon going, “Woah, maybe they’re Chinese or Russian, and we need more money.” He flat out told them that that isn’t true. And so, that my job is to get that published. And if you can tell it to three reporters at the Associated Press and they don’t do it, then that I’m going to tell everybody in the world that I was there during the event and he said it. He said it.
You remember the famous scene in “Three Days of the Condor,” where the Robert Redford character said to the CIA guy, “Here, I brought the information to the New York Times” and the guy says, “Well, what happens if they don’t publish it?”- the fact of the matter is, we can jam our way through this stuff now. We can jam our way through. It helps a lot when the New York Times publishes it, or “60 Minutes,” but the fact is, there are factions inside the media. The burgeoning, old industry of investigative journalism is a real deal and we’ve still got that in this country. As Richard (Dolan) was pointing out in his talk the other day, boy are they screwing down on that. I mean, they’re doing everything in the world they can do to shut us off on Facebook, to shut us off on the internet. They’re doing all that kind of stuff. But we’re going to be very creative about this. We’re going to have access to the New Paradigm Institute, we’re going to have it up as a virtual institute that people can participate in. We’re all going to be on it, talking. We’re going to get Lue on it, we’re going to get Chris Mellon on it, we’re going to get some of the pilots on it. Screw these big, huge corporations! I mean, we can blast this stuff out.
[Lue] is one of the important people that Richard is talking about, that we’ve got to get people inside who are going to be courageous enough. So, they have to know that they’re legally represented, they need to know that they’ve got people in support, they need to know that the citizenry is going to rise up and support them and the Defense Department isn’t going to screw them over. Having the New Paradigm Institute can bring professional, investigative resources, and in a place for investigative journalists to come and do that work. The government lied for years and years about the Vietnam War, but because you get them into a courtroom and you start to cross examining them, interrogating them and subjecting them to psychological stress evaluators. People don’t even understand how you go about doing professional investigation. There are professional investigators that know how to do this. You subject people to a psychological stress evaluator, and you can tell whether they’re telling the truth or not. It’s not like as rough as an old lie detector, where they put belts on you and stuff. This works off stress in the vocal cords.
Jimmy Church: But you do that with a Pentagon spokesperson? I want a stress test of Susan Gough.
DS: You don’t have to go with them. You know they’re lying because their lips are moving. The people that you need to have, you need to get people like Corey Goode, who’s a lying sack of shit! You put them on a psychological stress evaluator and their ass falls off! And you got to stop putting them up in conferences and telling people big, fat lies, because they’re entertaining. You need to get people that are telling the truth. You get a pilot who has seen the UFO, who’s seen the crash saucer, and you put them on a psychological stress evaluator and then all the lights come on. This guy is telling the truth. And then you work with that. You sue the shit out of people who are lying. That’s what you do. And you separate them out from the people who are telling the truth. And the people that are telling your truth, you defend them, you represent them, you get them into court, and you use the system, you use the pieces of the system that are still functioning. It’s the only way they’re going to work. People always say, “I don’t need my constitutional rights because I don’t use them anyhow.” But people who are using their constitutional rights need to be defended and we need to put together an institute that can defend them, and bring our people together and get them rational salaries and income and endowments to function like an institute that’s working. The people need a professional, investigative agency that works for the people. The FBI doesn’t do it, the CIA doesn’t do it, they’re working for the elite. We need a people’s law firm like that, that can work and investigate all these things, lay out all the different theories that have any kind of rational support for them and investigate them. That’s exactly what we’re talking about doing. That’s what the new Institute is supposed to be about.
(Sid Goldberg, a producer with Gaia TV, was speaking about an alleged whistleblower from Germany he’s planning to bring over to the United States in August. This may be the guy. Sheehan jumped in)
Daniel Sheehan: You just need to ask him whether he’s willing to go on a psychological stress evaluator. We’ll put him on a psychological stress evaluator and I’ll tell you whether he’s telling the truth or not.
Sid Goldberg: I’m planning to bring him into the country in August and we’ll team up then and put him on it on camera.
DS: Absolutely. Let him know that. If this guy’s lying, he’s gonna get stripped down in front of everybody, and he’s gonna know that. I’ve got the people that run these things. I’ve seen grown men cry on these things.
Jimmy Church: Is this a piece of equipment that maybe Gaia could have up at their facilities, too?
DS: You gotta be careful, Gaia’s been already caught with people lying like mad on their programs…
Jimmy Church: That’s not what I’m talking about. Danny…
DS: You got to get a person who’s a professional, psychological stress evaluator that runs these things independently and who has a long track record of working with law enforcement, police officers, everybody else and put these people on this thing. When people start realizing they’re going to get put on this machine, they’re gonna just suddenly…their mother’s horse died or they got a headache or they’re not going to show up. So, you got to get people who are willing to come forward and tell the truth. Guys like Lue Elizondo, you gotta get ’em, you gotta out them on the psychological stress evaluator and get ’em to tell what it is they’re gonna tell. That’s what you gotta do. Chris Mellon, and the other people. If they’re willing to come forward, they can’t just shilly- shally around. This is a like a professional, criminal investigation that we’ve got going here and we need to find out the answers to these things and we need to do it now. If there’s if there’s extraterrestrial intelligence that’s got access to technology that can help us deal with climate change which is just pouring down on us right now, we need to do it. This is the state of emergency that we’ve got to deal with here, so we’ve got to take some radical action here.
Sheehan talks again about the time he saw the classified files of Project Blue Book…
Daniel Sheehan: It was in spring of 1977, and I was given access to the classified portions of Project Blue Book as special counsel to the investigation that was requested by President Jimmy Carter. He asked the Congressional Research Office, the Science and Technology Division of the Library of Congress, to provide two classified reports to him. One on the UFO phenomenon, and the other on the potential of extraterrestrial life. And I was asked to help participate in this. The bottom line is, we insisted I get access to the classified portions of Project Blue Book. We did not anticipate that they were going to say yes, but they did. So, they brought what they purported to be the classified portions of Blue Book, and they brought them to the Jefferson wing of the Library of Congress. And there was nobody even in it, yet. It was just brand new, they just built it.
And I went over there, and I think was a Saturday morning, and I had to bring two forms of identification, and I went into the place. They told me I couldn’t take any photographs, I couldn’t copy any documents, and I had to leave my briefcase outside of the door. But, I taken a yellow pad out of my briefcase and put it under my arm, lengthwise, and just brought it into the room with me. They had four or five or so, folding tables, like card tables, with these boxes on them. They were a little larger than a shoe box and they were like this pale green, government, drab color and they had those little string things you unwaggle. And they had microfiche canisters in them and they had a little microfiche machine that was there. And I didn’t know how long I was going to be allowed to be in there and they hadn’t even really worked out much of a protocol. In fact, I couldn’t bring anything in with me and couldn’t take any notes. And what I did is I started going through the canisters and there were these documents and I said well this is going to take forever to read all these documents, so I was looking for photographs.
And after about the third or fourth canister of these things that I was cranking through, this old time, really low-tech operation that was going on here, and I found these photographs, a series of photographs. And it was absolutely clear that it was a saucer and it had the saucer body and had the dome on the top. There were maybe five or six in this series of photographs, and it hit in this field that had snow on it and it plowed this big ditch and you could see across this field and it was stuck in the side of this embankment, sticking up at like about a forty-five degree angle. And the front of it was buried into this bank, this earthen bank, covered with snow. And there were all these Air Force personnel all around it and some of them with cameras taking photographs of it. And there was one camera that had those big, dual rolls on the top of it so it looked like something from the late 40s or 50s. It was movie camera and the guy you can see in the photographs was taking films of it.
And so I looked through one of these photographs after another and one of them, I finally could see around the base of the dome of this saucer that there were these symbols on it. And so what I did is I took the photograph and I had it in the little microfiche machine and I opened up the yellow pad that I had and I slid it under the microfiche machine and I refocused the microfiche picture so it fit exactly onto the back of the inside cardboard of the yellow pad, and I took out my pen and I traced them. I traced, exactly, the symbols in the exact order that they were in around like 180 degrees of the thing I could see. Because I said, “Look I want to make sure that it’s exactly the right thing and I want to make sure they’re in the exact same order, because if there’s any way to figure out what this might be, I wanted to preserve it.” So I did that, and I kept watching to make sure they weren’t watching me, the two suits that were outside the door. And so, I copied these all down, and I closed up the yellow pad and I put the microfiche away and I said, “I better get out of here” because I had done this.
So, I picked up the yellow pad, I put all the stuff away, I took the yellow pad under my arm, lengthwise, and I got up and I just walked right out the door. And I walked past these two guards, these two suits that were outside there and I just walked right out and picked up my briefcase, which they made me leave out there, and I just picked it up and started walking right by him. And I started walking down the hall and all of a sudden, one of the guys said, “Hey! What is that you got there?” And I said, “Oh, it’s my briefcase, I just picked up my briefcase.” And he said, “No, no, no, under your arm over there.” So they both came up to me and they kind of loomed over me there, one on each side, and one of the guys grabbed the yellow pad and snatched it away from me, and he ruffled through all the pages, the yellow page. And, of course, there wasn’t anything on them because it was on the inside, the cardboard thing, and then he hands me back the pad. And so I take it and I walk out of the place and pass the other two suits that were on the outside, and I walk out.
And I ended up going back over to Jesuit Headquarters because I was General Counsel for the United States Jesuit Headquarters there at the social ministry office. My superior in the Jesuits, at the time I was a candidate for a priesthood at that time and that’s why I was there, so I ended up showing it to father Bill Davis and I showed it to him. And what he does is he reaches down and slides open the drawer on his desk and he takes out this manila envelope and he hands it to me. So I unclasp it and I pull it out. And it’s an eight and a half by eleven, black and white, glossy photograph of a flying saucer, airborne. And I looked at it. And this is the head of the social ministry office of the Jesuit Headquarters in the United States and I say, “Where did you get this?” He said, “My sister Dody gave it to me.” And I said, “Well, where did she get it?” And he said, “Well, her husband Mike is the air traffic controller of the Seattle, Washington airport, and his best friend is a commercial pilot who flies cargo around up in the Northwest, and he took this photograph, out of the cockpit of his airplane.”
And so, he got it developed and he didn’t want to get in any trouble, so he wouldn’t report it to anybody. But he brings it back and he says, “Look, my best friend is the air traffic controller, so I’m going to give it to Mike.” So, he gives it to Mike and Mike didn’t want to get any trouble, so if he brings it back to the house and he gives it to his wife, Dody and he says, “Here give this to your brother, he’s a priest.”
(Church then asks Sheehan to describe the symbols and he writes them down)
Here’s the semicircle of the craft, like this and around the edges here, and they were a series of these straight lines with dashes and dots and little horseshoe shapes like this and they went all the way around the bottom. But that’s exactly what they looked like. And it didn’t look like the ones at Roswell, these are different. Now, I don’t remember the order in which they were, or the exact sequence but that’s exactly what the shapes were and it was all around, right around the base of the dome of the saucer. I could tell they were Air Force guys because it was snowing and they had these big furry hoods on with their jackets and stuff. And you could tell that they were really excited. You could tell from looking at them as they were photographing this thing. And I said, “Look, I’m getting out of here. I got the pictures and I know what they are.” I’ll take a psychological stress evaluator test and tell you that because unless you show it to me, folks will say, “I don’t believe that.” But that’s what it looked like right there.
DS’s Drawing of Symbols Seen on Photo of Craft – UFO MegaCon Panel
Jimmy Church: You are Lue’s attorney and you’re representing him and we’ve got an investigation going on right now. But, they’ve deleted his emails, they’ve defamed him, they’ve attacked him, they’ve told lies about him. They say that they’ve deleted the emails. There seems to be something quite personal and vindictive that’s going on right now with his former employer and him. Is there a point where Lue throws his hands up in the air and says, “National security clearance be damned and security oaths. I don’t give a crap anymore. You keep doing this, I’m going to start singing like a bird”? At what point does somebody just give up from the pressure?
DS: There’s a process going on right now, We’re going to meet with one of the four different subgroups inside the Inspector General’s office that appears to be operational now. The day that we filed the complaint with Lue, on the third of May of this year at 9am, later in that day the Inspector General’s Office issued a memo, which is kind of strange, from the space intelligence, and engineering oversight subdivision of the Inspector General’s Office. Randolph Strong issued that. And it said that they were beginning that day, they sort of got inspired, apparently, that day, to begin an evaluation, the objective of which was to determine the degree to which the United States Defense Department had ever undertaken any actions with regard to the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.
Now that’s quite a broad objective, actually, if you were to make the mistake of taking them at their word. But then it said, “But we will consider reevaluating our objectives, and possibly adding additional objectives, and we are open to taking suggestions from management (laughs).” That was their term. From management. I’m going to ask them, “Who’s management, who is managing this thing?” And then it listed the agencies of the Defense Department that were going to be subjected to this review, and they started with the Office of the Secretary of Defense, all of the major military services – which would be the Air Force and Army and Navy and Marine Corps, and Coast Guard – and then it said all of the military commands, and the military support agencies, and it said that, “We will consider adding additional locations as the evaluation proceeds.” What they also included in there, interestingly enough, all the criminal investigation divisions of the military services, which would be, Office of Special Investigations of the Air Force, It’d be Marine Corps CID, Army CID, and the Office of Naval investigations, as distinct from the Office of Naval Intelligence. I’ve dealt with these people before.
And, it said, “But we want to make it clear that we’re not engaged in investigating any type of potential violations, simply to promulgate a better efficiency and effectiveness.” So, that’s the memo that they put out within hours after we filed the complaint by Lue. And my own opinion is, is that there was a direct relationship between our having filed that complaint in the morning, and then suddenly deciding that they were going to get inspired to conduct this investigation. And then we got contacted by the division of the Inspector General’s office that was for whistleblower retaliation, and then we got contacted by the office of space, missiles and nuclear evaluation, which is apparently another subdivision of the IG’s office.
And then, when we show up at the Pentagon for this sworn interview, who shows up but Randolph Strong, the fellow who issued the memo, actually right after we filed the complaint. Even though the interrogation is going to be undertaken by the agents…they call a sworn interview, he has to be sworn in. So, it’s starting to take on some of the kind of air of the faculty committee at Harvard University [with the John Mack situation].
Jimmy Church: What kind of questions do you expect to be directed at Lue?
DS: Well, actually one of the most important things is going to be the questions that I direct to them. What are you doing here, what is it that’s happening, is this an interrogation of Lue, is this an investigation of the complaints that he’s made, is this an investigation to find out what the military is done with regard to UFOs, what are we doing here? This is the exact same conversation I had with the Harvard faculty committee on behalf of Dr. John Mack when they pulled us up in front of this tribunal. And Dr. Relman, who is the chair of this, starts interrogating John. And I said, “Excuse me, hold on a second here.” I said, “What is it exactly that’s going on here? You know, this is certainly not some AAUP-convened, faculty committee, the association where university professors have certain criteria and protocols. This isn’t that.”
Jimmy Church: Will the attacks, and the way that they’ve handled this put Lue in a position to eventually throw his arms up in the air and say, “Enough is enough, I’m not going to take this any more”?
DS: He isn’t going to have to throw his arms up in the air to do everything that he can do and everything that I can persuade him to do, to come forward with all of the information that he knows. That is what the objective is here. And the degree to which the Defense Department and other agencies of the United States Government irritate me will have something to do with how much comes out here, and I’m pretty irritated already by what they’re doing. And Lue is growingly irritated, and the more of these meetings that we go to, where they don’t answer our questions, and they ask him questions that are accusatory in any way, I can guarantee you the more irritated we’re both going to get and that’s going to be a big mistake on their part. But on the other hand, I’m not foolish enough or naive enough to believe that there’s any kind of a good faith effort going on here, on the part of the Inspector General’s office, to really get to the bottom of this.
I was talking with Ralph Blumenthal from The Times the other day. And I was saying, “It reminds me of the movie, “Chinatown.” In the movie “Chinatown,” you remember Jack Nicholson’s character, Jake Gittes, is talking with Faye Dunaway, Evelyn Mulwray, and Evelyn Mulwray says, “Gee, what did you do before you were a private investigator?”, and he said, “I was a detective with the Los Angeles Police Department assigned to Chinatown.” And she said, “Well what did you do?”, and he said, “As little as possible.” And she said, “Why?” And he said, “Because you couldn’t always tell what’s going on in Chinatown.” If that’s what we’re dealing with here. These people in the Inspector General’s office, they can’t tell what’s going on inside the Defense Department. It’s like Chinatown and they don’t want to get caught pressing people to say things that they don’t want to say. They don’t want to press anybody above them to do anything they don’t want to do. These people are captives of the national security state.
And so the question is, are we going to find any honest men and women inside that Inspector General’s office? Is there going to be any kind of genuine independence on the part of the Inspector General’s office to do what they say, publicly, they’re planning to do? And that’s to determine the degree to which the Defense Department has undertaken any action whatsoever with regard to the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. If that’s the mission that we can hold them to, then they’re going to find it out.
Richard Dolan (RD): Just for clarification. So the reason that the complaint was issued by Lue and yourself in the first place – I’m just going to take a wild guess – is because Lue believed there was no way that this [UAP] Task Force was going to be able to do its job properly.
DS: Oh, that’s right.
RD: That’s the fundamental reason.
DS: That’s right.
RD: So, he’s looking at the Task Force, probably seeing a couple of people on there, not going to get the security clearances necessary to go through all the labyrinth and all the [offices?] and he’s seeing an investigation that’s doomed to failure, that’s actually set up to fail.
DS: Designed.
RD: Designed to fail. So, that was the cause of the complaint, which prompted the IG office to examine the UAP Task Force. We have an examination by one office, of another office that’s doing the report. So, we’re looking at their report of their job relating to the report that they’re doing. It’s complicated but I want to understand.
DS: Well, there’s this old adage that if you’re ever going to get any institutions to change their positions, you have to have them have a confrontation with some other institution. If you can get the New York Times going up against the Defense Department to reveal something, then you can get some headway here. So the question is, is the Inspector General’s Office of the United States Defense Department going to take on the wrongdoing that’s been committed for the last seventy years?
RD: What you’re saying, is that there’s a good chance that the investigation by the Inspector General is itself going to be slipshod…
DS: Yeah, sure.
RD: …of another investigation that’s probably going to be doomed to failure? That’s the problem.
DS: Well, it’s not doomed. It’s not doomed to failure. That’s like saying that our filing of major, federal criminal racketeering lawsuit against the off-the-shelf Enterprise was doomed to failure. It ended up stopping the shipment of weapons to the Contras, it exposed the cocaine smuggling, and it actually got the news media to actually report it.
Jimmy Church: What do you expect in the UAPTF, public section of that report?
DS: They’re going to talk about extraterrestrial origins for the first time ever. Yeah, that’s right. Right now, you can bet they’re frantically trying to redraft, the language. They tried the first time, in the first leak that they did and saying that, “They found no evidence of any extraterrestrial origin.” They said it. They didn’t get away with that because they didn’t find evidence of anything, and there’s nothing more important about what they didn’t find about ET stuff than they did about China or Russia. And so, what’s really going on now is the interesting interplay between what it is they say – nobody’s going to give much of a shit about what they say in the public part of this, because it’s not gonna amount to much – in the classified annex that they’ve got on it, that everybody’s gonna be digging for it. And it’s in the classified annex that they’re making reference to the extraterrestrial nature of this. And they’re trying to get away with saying they didn’t find any evidence on the basis of which they could have concluded that it’s extraterrestrial. And anybody with a first year, legal school education, is gonna let him get away with that.
The bottom line is the important interplay is going to go on between whatever happens in that classified annex and what Lue Elizondo says publicly. And what Lue Elizondo had said publicly, right now, already, is that he, as the ten-year, chief of security and executive director of the official, classified investigation on the part of the Defense Department and Pentagon of this phenomenon, has personally formulated a high level of confidence that the chances of these being either Russian or Chinese or any other planetary foreign adversary is infinitesimally small. Infinitesimally small. And he’s going to lock down their assertion that they’re not ours. They’re going to say, in this report, these are not ours. The substantial majority of these 120 sightings with military personnel are not one of our secret military technologies. Now, obviously, Steven Greer and others are going to argue with them about that, but they’re going to say that in the report. And when they say that, and then you have Lue Elizondo saying that the chances of them being Russian or Chinese or any other foreign adversaries is infinitesimally small, then you’ve got the other question that’s going to be asked like it was asked by Dan Huff of the Associated Press, in the joint press interview that Lue and I had last Friday in which Huff says, “Well, if they’re not ours and they’re not Russian or Chinese, what might they be?”, at which point, Lue Elizondo said, on the record, “Either extraterrestrial in origin, or from some extra-dimensional source.” That’s exactly what he said. That’s exactly what he said. I was there and he said it to him and so he’s going to be willing to say it some more. And if the Associated Press doesn’t publish it, we will!
Sometime during the conference at Laughlin, Darcy Weir sat down with Sheehan to discuss current events and more.
Darcy Weir (DW): So Danny, let’s address the first thing. Let’s call it the elephant in the room, currently, in what’s unfolding in the mainstream media revolving [around] the disclosure process. There are different camps out there that are curious. Some are fearful, some believe they already have the answer for the way things are going to go down. There’s a history of cover up. What would you say to Steven Greer, in this current situation, and where you’ve been positioned to try and fight for the best result, in terms of disclosure that this community deserves?
Danny Sheehan: Well, it isn’t just Steven. There’s a whole lot of people in the UFO community, over the years, that has sort of burgeoned since the beginning actually, in 1945, with the Donald Keyhoe observations. But it really picked up in 1947, in July, with the Roswell recovery of the craft and the bodies and stuff. The community has, for 75 years now, been confronted by this conscious program of duplicity, cover-up, deception, and actual, aggressive destruction of dozens and dozens and dozens of people’s lives, who have simply been trying to report honestly about their experience of seeing a UFO and having, apparently, direct contact with some of the occupants of the UFOs, and they’ve been set upon (attacked ~Joe). And so, it’s understandable that a lot of people in the community are highly distrusting of the intelligence community, people that are involved in the United States military, even government structures. The congressmen, senators, executive branch officers, who’ve all been engaging in this conscious program of destroying people who are trying to be involved in this.
Richard Dolan, for example, has now extracted the previously classified documents with the Freedom Of Information Act which show the actual memos going back and forth. It was before they had…they had these memos going back and forth in the Defense Department, inside the Central Intelligence Agency, and others saying, “Look, our job is to suppress this information. Our job is to destroy the credibility of anybody who tries to report this, anybody inside the military ranks who tries to file a report about this, they need to be punished.” So that we know, positively, that that’s been going on. And so, what that does is it generates a perfectly understandable position on the part of a lot of people saying, “Look, anybody who’s involved in any of these intelligence services within the military is to be distrusted. They’re engaged in a campaign of complicity and anybody who comes out of that community has to be distrusted.” Especially if they come out of the community, the intelligence community, and they start flogging the same meme, “Oh, these are a threat, we need more money for the military, we need to have a bigger military, we need to put weapons in space, we have to defend ourselves against these, etc.” So, that’s totally understandable.
But what a lot of those folks don’t know, right now, is something that I mentioned this morning. On June 4th, Friday morning, I was contacted by the Associated Press, and they wanted to get a response, initially from me, as to what I thought, as Lue’s lawyer, about the leaks that were published in the New York Times, at 8pm, Eastern Time, by the New York Times, about an alleged source or sources they had high up in the administration who had access to the classified annex to this upcoming June 25th report, in which they were specifically making allegations, that the vast majority of the 120 specific UAP incidents – that the UAP Task Force, inside the Office of Naval Intelligence, had reviewed in preparation for their report on June 25th, to the Senate Intelligence Committee – were not any high-level, ultra-secret technology of the United States government. Now if you look at that closely, that’s suggesting that some of them were because it’s saying that the vast majority of them were not. They said the clear majority of those 120 incidents, that they reviewed, were not representative of any high technology of the U.S. government. So, if you read it closely, as a lawyer would, and you really look at that, you say, “Wow, you know, that is suggesting that they think that some of them were.” Now, that is the same thing that Steven Greer is saying and others are saying in the community, who are knowledgeable about the fact that these craft have been recovered, there’s been a clear campaign, a secret campaign of trying to back engineer them. There’s all kinds of witnesses that talk about having participated in that program. They’ve talked about the different kind of craft that they have, The Flux Liner, there’s all kinds of these things.
So, if in fact, what was being said by the United States Defense Department source, or the administration source, was that none of these 120 incidents represent any kind of high, super-secret technology, that would be one thing. But isn’t what they’re saying. All they’re saying is that a major majority of these 120 incidents were not, in fact, any type of technology, super-secret technology of the U.S. government. So, that’s important to get clear as about what it is they were actually saying, okay?
And one of the things that Lue Elizondo seized upon in the interview that we had – he and I had a joint interview with The Associated Press with Dan Huff and Nomaan, and Calvin Woodward – that [Lue] knows…that he was affirming that the vast majority of those 120 incidents were not any super technology that we have. Potentially even, you know, more or less, not saying it specifically, but leaving open the question as to whether or not some of them were, right? So that there isn’t really, necessarily, a fundamental dispute going on between Steven Greer and the people in the community who would share that view that we have the technology, we are displaying/deploying some of the technology. But the fact that the sources were saying that the report says that the vast majority of the 120 incidents that they looked at did not represent such high-level, US technology. But what they were doing is they were opening on to their next finding, which was that they weren’t able to completely dismiss the fact that it might be foreign adversary technology. The important thing to point out is that Lue Elizondo, in his in his June 4 interview had said, “That isn’t true. They’re not from China. They’re not from Russia.” He said, as I pointed out this morning, “That would represent the most catastrophic failure of intelligence in our history. And that’s not true. They don’t belong to Russia, they don’t belong to China. The fact is, we have active intelligence about what they’ve got and it isn’t that.” And so he said, emphatically that it’s got to be something else, okay? Now that’s that’s the important piece to take away from that. When you get Lue Elizondo, the head of the AATIP program inside the Pentagon, saying, “Most of this isn’t Russian technology, it isn’t Chinese technology, and most of it isn’t ours, it’s something else.” And even when they ask him, “What do you mean by something else?” he says, “You have to consider that this may be extraterrestrial in origin,” and even goes to the length of saying, “it might be extradimensional.” He says both of those things in the interview.
Now, that’s completely consistent with what Steven Greer says…that both of these things may be true: extraterrestrial origins, extradimensional origins. What Steven Greer and others in the community say – and they focus on that negative premise (Hard to hear what he said there so it may not be “negative premise.” ~Joe) in the observations in the New York Times – is that we may well have some of this technology, we may well be deploying some of this technology. The question as to what percentages of it are our technology, but not Chinese or Russian, but what percentages of it might be ours, that’s subject to examination and investigation. But I think both Lue and Steven Greer and others, are saying that if some of this is our technology, that may be true, okay? And that covers the argument, the purported argument between the two of them. Because if, in fact, we have any technology like that at all, it’s another whole step to take of trying to say, “Well, that would indicate that, therefore, there’s this major project going on for them to try to have a false-flag attack.”
DW: To quell some of the fears that are out there that Lue is some kind of instrument in playing that next card of an age-old tale that there’s going to be a false- flag, alien attack on the planet, how can you alleviate some of those fears that Lue consciously is not being part of that orchestration, he wants people to know that he’s not seeing any aggression from these studies that they’ve done over at AATIP program and he just wants better insights into what they are and that they’re taken seriously so we know we’re not alone in the Universe?
DS: It’s a complex issue. When you get some people – and it isn’t just Steven, it isn’t just Dr. Greer – in the UFO community who are so offended, legitimately, about the way the United States Defense Department, the intelligence services, the Central Intelligence Agency, the DIA, Defense Intelligence Agency, the way that they’ve been acting down through the decades, you know, entitles people to be extremely suspicious, okay? Even perhaps to be overly suspicious, as I commented in the interview that I gave with Steven Greer back on the 20th anniversary of The Disclosure Project, that we did down in Arizona, that I gave a big, hour-long interview. And I stated very specifically, “I do not agree with Steven that the evidence of our having potentially developed some of this technology would necessarily lead one to the conclusion that they’re going to engage in this big hoax, this big, false flag attack and pretend it’s an alien attack so they can justify getting billions of more dollars. I don’t think you need to go that far. I’m more conservative in my judgment about this, than Steven is, and than some people in the community are. But the fact of the matter is, what I want to do, is put myself in a position to be able to find out what the information is there. That’s the key to this, rather than hypothesizing it, suggesting it, prophesying it or predicting it. I’m not in the prediction business, I’m in the business of trying to find it out and I’ve spent fifty years in that business of finding out things that people in the public interest community are very worried about, are concerned about. But I don’t go to the lengths of concluding that it must be true. It may be true.
DW: But you still respect his concerns?
DS: Sure I do. No, absolutely I do. I respect his concerns, I respect the concerns that Lue Elizondo says that he is in possession of certain intelligence information that he’s concerned about revealing because he’s afraid of the same forces inside the Defense Department coming after him and that’s why I joined with Lue and agreed to represent him, to put together a complaint into the Inspector General’s office to investigate, to find out what’s going on in there. Who is this inside the Defense Department? They’re lying about Lue, and saying that he never had anything to do with AATIP, that AATIP never existed, that these UFOs are not real. They’re still flogging that old horse. So the key is to find out what’s going on inside the Defense Department, so what we’ve tried to do is to task the Inspector General’s office, inside the Defense Department, to investigate that. And so, we’re actively engaged in trying to get an investigation going inside the Defense Department’s Inspector General’s office to find out what’s going on in there.
The next part of the interview featured Sheehan speaking about Henry Kissinger’s view that the United States is authorized to lie, cheat, steal and kill on behalf of the interests of our nation state. He also discussed other nations and their quest for world hegemony, royal families and structural sin, slaughtering Native Americans, Manifest Destiny, the United States aggressive and dominant role in the world, robber barons, and a corrupt world system he believes it’s still going on today. If you would like to see all of that, I cued it up here.
DW: Do you believe – and this is hypothesized by Greer and some other investigators out there – that what we’re seeing in the Tic Tac UFO video, the Go Fast/Gimbal video, might be a private corporation’s secretly manufactured vehicle that is some kind of higher tech that the American Navy or Air Force truly knows about? And that’s what we’re seeing in that video? Could that technology that we’re seeing not be ET, or are you pretty confident, and is Lue pretty confident that it is something from off world?
DS: It’s a fact question that needs to be investigated. The question about whether or not President Harry Truman, immediately after the Roswell incident, actually set up a group called MJ-12 or Majestic 12, or by some other designation, or Zodiac or whatever it is…I know other instances where actually Truman himself set up an entirely private group mainly when a lot of the treasure was found in the Philippine Islands at the end of World War Two. The G2, the head of U.S. Army Intelligence for the Philippines, Edward Lansdale, recovered twelve of the troves of treasure that the Japanese General, Fukuyama, buried in the Philippines, where 12 of those 176 troves were unlocked by Lansdale. What they did is they ended up…he flew immediately to go meet with MacArthur, who was the head of the Pacific Command at the end of World War Two and reveal the fact that they found these and it was valued at $1.2 trillion. And he went and told his commanding officer, MacArthur, about it. MacArthur brought in his G2, Charles Willoughby, and then had Willoughby and Ed Lansdale fly in MacArthur’s private plane, all the way back to Washington, DC to meet with President Truman privately to tell them that they had found this treasure trove.
And what Truman did was he brought in his chief of staff, who was Clark Clifford and brought in the Secretary of War that was General Stilwell, and Stilwell brought in his three deputies. A man by the name of Robert Lovett, a man by the name of Robert Anderson, both of whom, in private life, were senior partners in Brown Brothers Harriman, a big private investment firm made up of these fifty wealthy families that were robber barons that basically monopolized all the major areas of the U.S. economy. And another fellow by the name of John J. McCloy. And they put them in charge of a trust, a private trust, to handle the $1.2 trillion and left it outside of the control of the United States government, outside of the State Department, outside of the Defense Department. They set that up and that private group, that was based at Brown Brothers Harriman, the CEO for Brown Brothers Harriman was George Herbert Walker, who is the maternal grandfather of George Herbert Walker Bush, and the great grandfather of George Walker Bush, George W. Bush. And he was the CEO of that. And their lawyer was Allen Dulles, who went on to become the first civilian director of the Central Intelligence Agency. It was set up in 1947.
And so, that we know that there’s historical precedent for this type of a privatization of an extraordinarily important asset or resource that they have, and they use it for the interests of those investors that were at Brown Brothers Harriman and their law firm, Sullivan and Cromwell. They choreographed the utilization of that resource for their benefit. Now, so we have a direct example of this and this is in 1945. We know that happened in December of 1945. So when you get to July of 1947, if it’s true, which I believe it is, that there was a downed saucer at Roswell and they recovered the technology and the bodies, and they came and told Truman about that, it’s entirely understandable that Truman might have done something just exactly like is projected as Majestic 12. Is to bring together a group of private people that are very powerful and influential, and you bring them together and you put them together to have them determine what ought to be done with this technology. So, it’s possible. So what I’m saying is, is that it doesn’t mean…
DW: But we were still seeing saucers within ten years of 1947, so anybody who says that that’s our craft in ten years…
DS: Yeah, that’s right. Well, anybody who said it was our craft in 1947, when the Roswell crash occurred! And that’s what Lue Elizondo says. This is nuts! To think that all these craft must be something that are back-engineered from an original craft that we found…that you know that the UFO people had such a craft back in 1947. China didn’t have it, Russia didn’t have, we didn’t have it by 1950. There isn’t any chance of it.
DW: Fast forward seventy years to the 2004 events, Tic Tac UFO, the Gimbal stuff…were we able to use that time wisely, and produce that type of vehicle to elude our own military? So you’re on a fact finding mission? You don’t know for sure.
DS: No. Nobody knows for sure. I mean nobody in our UFO community knows for sure. Nobody knows. But it’s totally understandable that people would speculate, that people will try to develop certain theories or theses to explore. But one has to be very careful about conflating that with knowing positively that one of these is the answer to this. So what I’m saying is, the New Paradigm Institute, that I’m proposing, be established to look into these questions, to get answers to these questions. Take all of the information and evidence that everybody has – some of which has caused some people to form very firm conclusions about this – and examine that. It doesn’t do any good to have one group just absolutely insisting that something is true, the other group insisting it’s absolutely not true and then having all this kind of horizontal dispute be going on. We can figure out how to resolve that.
DW: It’s disappointing too, isn’t it? I mean, we’re at this point in time that some folks like Grant Cameron has referred to as the Super Bowl of ufology, where we have this amazing opportunity on a global media stage to demonstrate that there’s something real here, and that it should be taken seriously and that there’s a real history to it that’s been well covered up. But there’s all this infighting, there’s all these people…
DS: There’s not a lot of it, actually. Some people have larger platforms in media than others do. And so they could take the position, a very firm position, one way or another on one of these disputes, and it may make it appear that the dispute is bigger than it is. And there can be kind of a lack of clear understanding of what each of the various parties are saying about this, that people may be not drilling down tightly enough on and that can cause the appearance of conflict. But we just need to be extremely careful here. I don’t tend to focus on the negative things about this. If you’re playing in a football game in college and the refs have made a couple of bad calls, you don’t want to spend all your time in the huddle whining about the bad calls. What you do is get busy, get focused on the next play coming up. Let’s not whine about these things, let’s get to it. And I’m not attributing any one or the other to be doing the whining here, but what I’m saying is that we have to avoid this kind of horizontal conflict and try to stay focused on an upward, positive, forward trajectory of this inquiry that we’re engaged in.
I’m confident, from my conversations and representations of the Disclosure Project that there’s good faith inside that community, that includes Dr. Greer, of trying to do everything that they can do, reasonably, to get this information exposed and the true demographics of the information. How much have we back engineered, how much of these sightings might be our own equipment, and how much of it is UFO stuff? Dr. Greer obviously acknowledges that there are active, UFO craft that are not, in fact, any back engineered craft from the United States government, because there’s a source for back engineering. And so he acknowledges that they’re there, and they’re active. And he also is very much involved in trying to figure out whether they’re from an extraterrestrial civilization, whether they’re extradimensional, or what aspects of the UFO phenomenon that may be extraterrestrial, give the appearance of being extradimensional, because of how they transit from other star systems to here. There’s all kinds of extraordinarily important questions that need to get examined, scientific questions that have to be answered, fact questions. So that what I’m proposing is a leaving your guns at the door of an institute, to come together and leave your swords outside and sit down and try to get all the information possible on the table, and that people get past their tensions or conflicts or disputes over who’s getting enough funding or not enough funding or whatever it’s going on, and transcend that.
There’s a thing in social justice work that they call the pedagogy of the oppressed. And what it is, is that when you have a culture or a community that’s repressed by a more powerful group, such as American imperialism in Central America, what happens is the local communities, or the Native American communities that are completely oppressed by a dominating European culture, then what happens is they feel helpless about being able to penetrate to the people that are really oppressing them and the energy goes horizontal, and they start disputing with each other. It’s a well known sociological phenomenon and psychological phenomenon. So what we want to do is transcend this right now, we want to say, “Look, there’s an extraordinary opportunity that’s here in front of us right now and we do not want to trust entirely the government institutions, or even people who have purportedly left the government institutions and have now gotten religion. We don’t have to absolutely trust anybody here. What we have to do is make inquiries. What we have to do is get everybody to put their information on the table and look at what is here.
But, the interview that was done by the Associated Press of Lue Elizondo on Friday, June 4th is an extraordinarily important, watershed event because in it, Lue Elizondo emphatically insists that these craft are not Russian, are not Chinese. And he’s the head of the whole program that was investigating all of this and he says that he’s virtually positive that they’re not. And whether or not some of them are ours or not, as Dr. Greer has maintained, there’s no direct issue on that, there’s no real conflict there. So, what we’re trying to do now is to find out what percentage of these sightings are not our technology, not Chinese technology, not Russian technology, but are something else. And the question is, what is that other else? Are they from an extraterrestrial civilization, are they extradimensional, are they time travelers? What are all the possible theories about this? Get them on the table and start examining them. And we can put to one side right now, if some of these…if there is, in fact, more back engineered technology that has been admitted by the Defense Department or even by Lue Elizondo, then fine…let’s find out about that and find out what percentage of these sightings might be that.
But it doesn’t lead one to the automatic conclusion that just because you distrust the government so much that it means there’s automatically this false-flag thing being planned. And I said that in the interview I did with The Disclosure Project. I don’t agree with that, yet. But, as Dr. Greer has said, it’s much better to err on behalf of suspecting it might be true, in order to make sure it doesn’t happen, than there is in being too late on that. I understand that. I thoroughly understand that. You know? And the same thing is true with Lue Elizondo. Lue saying, “Look, let let them drift into this thing, maybe as a foreign adversary of Russia or China, you know, long enough to get the Congress to do something about it and then tell them that it’s not either one of them.”
DW: Because it’s incredibly hard to get funding.
DS: Oh, yeah, yeah. You can’t get their attention. So, that may not be a wise tactic and I’ve counseled against it, as you can tell. And now Lue is being willing to tell the Associated Press that he’s absolutely [sure], to a high degree of certainty, that these are not Chinese or Russian. And that’s an infinitesimal possibility. Okay, so that’s an extraordinarily important advance in the conversation that’s going on.
DW: What’s your next sort of step in this battle for proper disclosure. I know that June 25 is a hard date. If we get the documents that the New York Times had based their recent article on and you get a more thorough review of those, what is your next thing that you can say for sure you’re going to do for the community, for your client, Lue…
DS: And for the client, The Disclosure Project. And for the client, The Citizen’s Commission. All of these are active clients and they all know about each other and that I’m representing all of them. So, what I’m trying to do is get everybody going in the same direction and I have now access to the Inspector General’s office, inside of the Defense Department. I get to go sit down face to face with them and pressure them. And I will ask them, “What is it you’re willing to investigate here? Are you just going to investigate whether there’s a couple bad apples inside the Defense Department that are lying about Lue Elizondo, or are you going to find out what the hell they know about the UFO phenomenon? You got this other project that’s been announced on the exact same day that Lue filed, we filed the complaint. It says, “Oh, we’re going to look into finding out what activities the Defense Department has been engaged in with regard to the UAP phenomena.” That’s a much broader perspective. There’s another division which is space, intelligence and engineering oversight that’s a subdivision of the Inspector General’s office. Lue and I sit down with that Inspector General coming up on Wednesday, June 15th. I fly right from here to there to go to Washington, DC to meet with Lue, to sit down with that Assistant Inspector General and we’re going to push him to find out: What is it you’re going to do? What are you evaluating? What are you willing to investigate here? How many subdivisions of the Inspector General’s office are operational here that are trying to investigate this thing? We’re trying to find out.
And also, when I talk to the media people, whether it’s Ralph Blumenthal of New York Times or Dan Huff and the other guys over at AP, or we talked with the CNN people, were saying, “Do your job! Get after them! Find out what’s going on!” The amount that’s going to be done by the Inspector General’s office is very much dependent upon the amount of pressure that gets put on them by the media, by the American citizens. They’re responsive, they’re a political instrumentality and they’ll respond if we do it. If we don’t put the pressure on them they’ll just grind right to a stop. They’ll do as little as they can get away with.
DW: When you hear somebody say this new conspiracy theory: Lue Elizondo and all of these guys that represented the “To The Stars Academy” are just hired actors to push some new narrative. What do you say to that?
DS: That theory is a little unsophisticated. Hired actors? I mean, all the people, except for Tom DeLonge, the people that were involved in the “To The Stars Academy” – I use the past tense because it’s almost defunct now – I have stated openly and publicly that I viewed that entire operation as basically a DIA, Defense Intelligence Agency, kind of covert operation to try to push a little bit forward on the agenda by revealing those three three famous videos etc. I still think that’s true. But the fact of the matter is it certainly did trigger a step and advance. What we have to do is head off the effort to turn that step into a direction of viewing them as a threat and trying to get more money to deal with more weaponry for the Defense Department. We’ve got to head that thing off and I think we’re engaged in that process right now. Even to the point with Lue Elizondo, the head of the AATIP program and who was at the To The Stars Academy, resigning from the the Academy in protest over the constant insistence that we treat these as a threat because he doesn’t believe they’re a threat. So, he’ll say that and he has said that now to the press, which he didn’t say before.
DW: The other accusation is, how come, if they are a threat, they could have invaded and taken over hundreds of years ago?
DS: Sure. When you drill down on a lot of these theories, and they’re flying around, if you take your time and do it professionally and drill down on them, they start to fall apart. These theories…they’re motivated by fear or projection, or speculation, but they aren’t that thoroughly thought through. Our job at the New Paradigm Institute is to think these things through thoroughly, to be open to everybody’s theory, to be perfectly willing to listen to everybody, to ask them what their information is, what their sources are, to examine those sources. People know that I’ve been in this business for fifty years now. I don’t pretend to have lots of secret sources but what I do pretend is that I’ve got professional investigators. And when you have an investigation going on, other sources can come to you and talk with you and share information. And so a lot of it depends on who the contacts are that your investigators have, to figure out what the questions are that we’re going to be asking, and what the forum is in which we’re going to get some potential relief on this thing. All of those things are things that I’ve done in a number of other cases, all the way from the Karen Silkwood investigations to publishing all forty-seven volumes of the top-secret Pentagon Papers to the Watergate burglary. People freaked out when they figured out that I was at the law firm and representing James McCord, who was the Watergate burglar. He was the CIA wiretapping specialist. He was like, “What the hell is Danny Sheehan doing there?” The whole point was to get McCord to blow the whistle on him, in which he did. And he wrote the big, long letter to Judge Sirica, blowing the whistle on the plumbers and Nixon. He got Nixon impeached!
DW: Right. So you’re on the right side of history.
DS: You just have to attempt to utilize the capacities that we have, my capacity happens to be being an attorney, trial attorney, constitutional, litigation attorney. And what we need to do is bring this to the availability of the country, of the community, of the human family, to get people to come forward with the information that they’ve got, and to put it on the table and let the American people and the world see what it is and then let the chips fall where they’re going to.
DW: Just a side note here, I am curious, we have had admission that there’s this new organization that came out of the NSA – the National Spatial…
DS: National Geospatial Intelligence Agency in St. Louis.
DW: What do you think the relevance of that organization is.
DS: They’ve got all the documentation about Roswell there. They’ve got it there.
DW: And probably more on?
DS: Oh, More on geospatial intelligence .
DW: Everything around our planet.
DS:: Yes! Yeah, yeah they’re going to have it.
DW: Are you going to be engaging with that?
DS: I’m gonna try to get the Inspector General to include them as a target, of going to them to find out what information do you have about whatever activities were undertaken by the government with relating to the UAP phenomenon? What have you got there? And I know from direct conversations I’ve had with people that they’ve got the Roswell information there and nobody pays any attention to it. I can guarantee you, 99.999% of all the people in the UFO community don’t even know that that place exists.
DW: Or, the NRO.
DS: Well people know about the National Reconnaissance Office.
DW: Yeah, but what they’re mainly investigating, things that are going on in space, outside of our planet, is kind of a bigger question.
DS: When you have entire agencies inside the United States executive branch that people don’t even know exist, you know? It’s not that you can’t find them on the internet. I mean, if you dig deep enough, you can find them and they’re just hiding there in the open. You don’t have any idea what they do. But when you have the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency and they’re in St. Louis, Missouri, of all places, and they’ve got the Roswell information. And I know that. And then you have another group called the Electromagnetic Intelligence Center for the Central Intelligence Agency. Who the hell knew that thing existed? But when you start doing an investigation…
DW: And are they involved with possibly some kind of private corporation, building technology that runs on a different energy source?
DS: That would be elsewhere. You have to find out where those alliances go on. That whole briefing in of corporations in the military defense industry, of briefing them in, you know, the classic with Lockheed Martin and Skunk Works and the RAND Corporation, S-4, Area S-4, and Rockwell, and Bigelow Aerospace. There’s a series of these companies that…assume a corporation were involved in building the Glomar Explorer that was exploring to be able to lift submarines up off the floor of the ocean.
DW: I talked to Richard Doty a day ago and he said, “The disclosure that’s happening now, and that may come, in the short term, is never going to be what the community expects.
DS: No.
DW: And the military would never admit to any wrongdoing, they’re always going to present their case as the good guys that have done the right thing all along and haven’t hassled or done anything wrong to people.” So, how is that going to make your job that much harder at defending Lue, because he’s being labeled now as a complete liar in this situation? And how are you going to be able to engage with a military that doesn’t want to look wrong in this situation?
DS: We’ll see. It’s a process, Darcy, You have to sort of undertake the process to figure out what doors you come to, how you get them open. If you can’t get in that door, you go in through the kitchen window. You have to figure out how to keep going on a thing like this, but you have to get the process rolling. And you have to maintain credibility, you have to maintain amicable relationships with everyone and you don’t want to become involved in, who struck John, who resents…who is in charge of, who’s responsible, and a lot of people want credit for doing the Citizens Hearings on UFOs, who played what role in reviewing what particular piece of advice. It’s doesn’t make any difference if you can get everybody going in the same direction. And so what I’m trying to do right now is to utilize whatever goodwill I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to develop over fifty years here in these fields, to try to get everybody to come forward and put their information on the table, stop name calling [because] it doesn’t do anybody any good.
You don’t want to be naive…if we’ve got somebody sitting at the table who is there consciously trying to deceive everybody or to destroy the whole process. I don’t believe that’s what’s going on with Lue Elizondo right now. I believe that in light of his conversation he had with the Associated Press just this past Friday, not even a week ago, that he is explicitly stating that he is convinced to a high degree of certainty that these are not Chinese or Russian or any other planetary, foreign adversary. That eliminates an extraordinarily important dimension of the argument that’s going on. And he hasn’t yet said that we don’t have any of this technology or he doesn’t believe we…that doesn’t make any difference right now. It doesn’t do any good for anybody to jump down and say, “You rotten liar!” It doesn’t do any good. What we’re trying to do is just find out what people are willing to acknowledge, just like in any kind of a cross examination you do in a courtroom. No matter how long a person dissembles or pretends they weren’t there when something happened, you just keep on going. All they have to do is admit at once. Once they’ve admitted it, you put a pin in it and you say, “Good, now you got that so let’s go on to the next question.” So that’s what we’re doing right now.
The people that have been involved inside the intelligence community, in the military community, for all these years, have a history of misrepresenting things or holding back things or not telling things accurately, etc. That’s what’s happened. But what we want to do is put a tack in it when they finally make an admission that’s really important. And just keep tacking down (laughs) on those pieces until we start getting a good picture of what they’re willing to say.
DW: What kind of support would you look for from the UFO community, from the press community? What would you sort of, if you could reach out now and say, “Guys, we need your help.” What kind of things do you need over the coming months to make your job easier, so you can get the best-case scenario of the best-quality disclosure that we all want?
DS: What I want to do is, I want to get everybody being willing to come forward with the information that they have, when they have sources of a piece of information that they have made a commitment to not revealing who they are, to let me talk with them to see if we can have a process for me being able to get to talk to the source so that I know what the information is, so we’re not getting it on a third hand basis. I need to undertake what’s known as a Rule 11, preliminary investigation. The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, when one is getting set to file a major, federal civil complaint, to engage the judicial branch in a investigative process of granting a civil discovery so that we can issue subpoenas, subpoena documents, subpoena witnesses, etc. And what you do is you have to follow a Rule 11, preliminary investigation, to be able to get enough information into the hands of the attorney that’s doing that so that she or he can form a good faith belief as to a particular set of facts. And then she can then lay the facts in front of the court and so that if in fact these facts, as we’ve asserted them, are shown to be true, is there a specific form of relief that the judicial branch, for example, is authorized by statute or constitutional delegation of authority, to provide relief for. And that exists not only with the federal judicial system, but with the Inspector General’s office, with the Justice Department, with other various agencies. They all have their own protocols for things that they’re supposed to be doing. My job, as a constitutional lawyer, for the people’s advocate, is to get all of the government instrumentalities performing the formative functions they’re supposed to be providing for the American people, to get over this thing that they’re the government and we’re not. I mean, we are the government, we’re the people, this is what it’s for, they are servants of us! nd we’re not dung head, minions that they just keep in the dark and feed manure to. But we’ve got to do our part, we’ve got to get up off the couches and stop being couch potatoes, and spend all of our time watching football games or soap operas. That what we’ve got to do is get busy being citizens. And this is a particular area that may well be, probably is, the most important single area of human history of discovering that there’s a whole extraterrestrial civilization that have actually been coming to our planet and interacting with our people, that they they have access to technology that can rid us of the threat of global thermonuclear war tomorrow afternoon, or to get rid of the threat of global climate change to overcome some of the major diseases that we have. There are things that they may have.
We also need to figure out from them, why is it they haven’t shared this earlier? You know? What is up with them? I mean, they could have obviously, you know, the old proverbial…land on the White House lawn if they wanted to. They don’t want to. So we have to find out why.
DW: I think we have a history of shooting at them, too. Not encouraging them to try and intervene.
DS: Yeah and also, I hypothesize for myself, sitting across the table from some of the people from an extraterrestrial civilization having to defend us. When they say things like, “Is it true that you as citizens have allowed 1/10 of 1% of your population to control like, 85% of all the resources on the planet? And that you guys sit there and take crumbs falling off the table and you accept that and you actually respect those people?” And I would sit there and say, “Well, that’s a tough one (laughs).”
DW: That’s a psychological thing, too. That’s a human thing.
DS: Sure it is. Sure it is.
DW: Sometimes people don’t wanna be leaders.
DS: That’s right. So I have to try to figure out how to do everything I can do to try to assist our human family in being worthy of taking control back from the elite that think they’re entitled to, think they’re obliged to, make policy, because no one else is capable of doing it or is interested in doing it. We have to work among ourselves as the population, we have to have diplomatic relationships with the elite inside our governing structures to get them to turn loose of whatever authority that we can get them to turn loose of and not rely upon them entirely to do so voluntarily. And then we have to have our whole set of diplomatic relations with the extraterrestrial beings themselves.
DW: If that’s even a possibility.
DS: It’s clearly a possibility. There’s not any doubt about that. I mean, it’s possible.
DW: How often you have a conversation with an ant hill?
DS: I know. But, but it’s clear that there’s an adequate amount of evidence already available, indicating that there have been some contacts on the part of some members of an extraterrestrial civilization with some of our human people. So that the fact that they would do that is indicating that there’s a means that they have of bridging the gap and having communications with our people. Some people are more credible than others in their accounts of those things. But that’s part of our job, too. To dig through those things and find out which of those…you only have to have one that’s completely credible, you know? And figure, “Okay, good. Now we’ve got something to work with here.”
DW: And there’s thousands of cases around the world.
DS: Thousands, thousands of cases.
DW: It’s not just [like] you’re gonna debunk all of them. In terms of where you see us going in the future, in terms of how we’re going to overcome lots of conflicts that are coming up. We’re gonna have to go through some kind of economic reset. You know, there’s talk of cryptocurrency being a proponent to reinvent money and there’s this issue, there’s climate change, everything has somewhat of an equal footing. And some people say, “Well, you know, women don’t even have rights in the third world and we’re talking about aliens.” What’s most important? Do all these issues get even footing going forward? You know, some people still have the snicker factor when you mention extraterrestrial involvement with the planet and they don’t take it seriously because sports and celebrity take higher priority with them.
DS: Well there are a number of challenges here, there’s no doubt about that. But one of the things we need to do is we need to bring clear thinking to the process, kind of isolating out what all these different issues are, how they’re interrelated. The issues of an unjust economic system have repercussions for the inequality of women, for example. And the unjust economic structure has repercussions for the global climate change, and the dominance of the big pharmaceutical industries has health implications. They’re interrelated. And so what we need to do is get an understanding of how these things are interrelated and try to figure out what things are logistical derivatives of the problem, what are the tactical problems that we’ve got here, and what are some of the strategic problems? So you want to take a look at the strategic challenges that we’ve got and try to address those. Because if you can resolve some of these strategic conflicts, the rest of them start falling into place.
And this is a major strategic issue. If in fact, there’s an entire extraterrestrial civilization that is in possession of technology that can assist us then we can revolutionize our energy system and rid us of the threat of global climate change, rid us of the threat of nuclear destruction. But we cannot put ourselves in being dependent upon them giving us this or the U.S getting the technology from them. We have to be able to display, ahead of time, that we’re worthy of this. Because if they say, “Look, if we were to show you the technology we’ve got, you guys would turn around and try to figure out how to make a weapon out of it. You’d blow your whole self up. And you’re just so silly, you don’t know it.”
DW: Yeah, I come up with that all the time. I speak to people that are not really into the UFO or extraterrestrial issue at all. They couldn’t care less. And the truth of the matter is that we’re just a higher primate on this planet. We’re leaps and miles ahead of the primates that are in the jungles and such. But, if you look at a chimpanzee, they can exist in a tribe of 50 and no more, As soon as they start becoming 60, 70, 80, they war, break off, and they become two different, competing factions. And humans are very much like that. We obviously exist in a much larger tribe, like this city has a million people, or that city has 30 million people, but we war amongst each other when we split off and become our own tribes. And I think we’re still the same. We’re still sort of primates that are warring with each other and it’s going to be really hard to, as we get more and more technology, we get artificial intelligence assisting us in greater, greater ways, are we just going to stay the same, these kind of primates that are engaging in the same behavior over and over and over in a cycle of madness? Or, are we going to break away from that and try to be something new? Humanity 2.0, or something?
DS: We’ll see. We’ll see. It’s a process that’s unfolding here. What I’m hoping to do, and people that are working with us are all hoping to do with the New Paradigm Institute, is to get some clarification of these issues, and get them splayed out on the table so that we see what all these different issues are we have to take a look at. How they’re related to the UFO, extraterrestrial, extradimensional questions that arise around the UFO phenomenon. And try to determine whether this is, as it appears to be, one of the really, truly strategic issues that could help resolve a lot of the the more derivative problems that we have on the planet. And the same with the dimensions of consciousness are. There’s very clearly some very important roles being played here with regard to consciousness in this entire phenomenon. And so that this issue of the elevation of consciousness on the part of our human species, which is the subject matter of religious communities and scientific study, and everything else, is clearly entwined with this particular issue. So, it’s the elevation of consciousness on the part of our human species that is an issue here. And so, that’s going to be a sine qua non, it’s a condition precedent to our really being able to help resolve this UFO issue, is to understand what the role is to be played in the elevation of our consciousness. So that if we encounter this technology, it’s the old Sufi saying, “When a pickpocket meets a saint, all he sees are his pockets.”
You know, we may be at that level right now, where…you see the entire “To The Stars Academy,” and the entire military industrial complex, their entire reaction to encountering the UFO, instead of being, “Holy mackerel, this is astonishing, what an incredible opening into the Universe!” Instead, they say, “I wonder how we can get a hold of that technology and build weapons out of it.” And you say, “Whoa, hold it a second!” If I were the extraterrestrials, I would back right off on that and say, “Let’s hold off on this a bit because you guys aren’t ready to have that stuff. So we have to figure this stuff out. That’s what we’re offering to do. I spent fifty years doing all these different investigations, and I’ve always been assuming that this time would come, when the time arrived that we need to turn all the resources that we have to this particular investigation and to this particular task of helping our human family come together to meet this moment. And I’m delighted that it’s closer to being here, right now, than it has been in my lifetime. And so I’m hoping that we can keep this door open and push it open wider and get into the next room of our evolution.
DW: Are you going to be working with other folks in the community like Richard Dolan and hopefully, Steven Greer?
DS: Everybody, everybody. I’m hoping that we’re going to be able to get everybody cooperating and helping to participate in this and do an upward, positive, forward. Upward, positive, forward. None of the side arguing and finger pointing and all this type of competing for attention or competing for funding. Let’s all get going in the same direction. I’m hoping that people trust me enough to believe me when I’m saying I’m going to try to have everybody be able to participate, that I’m going to be able to discern if there’s anybody who’s being destructive to the process, who is not operating in good faith, who is here to try to torpedo the whole operation. You don’t want them inside the tent. But I don’t believe that that includes Lue Elizondo, I don’t believe that includes Dr. Greer. It certainly doesn’t include Richard Dolan or Linda Moulton Howe.
DW: I think Steven Greer has done some incredible things. Even as a young man where I got involved investigating his disclosure conference in 2001. All that stuff is super important.
DS: Super important. And Steve Bassett, bless his heart. I was there with Steve the day he arrived in Washington, DC, I helped him bring all of this stuff out to his sister’s house to unload from this car, to put up in her attic so that he could start doing what he wants to do in Washington, DC. He’s been there forever and he’s laboring away at it and it’s a thankless job, no pay. There’s so many other people, they’re wonderful people that are involved in this process. That doesn’t mean everybody’s perfect, doesn’t mean that everybody doesn’t miscue somewhere. But come on. Given the importance of this extraordinary issue that we’re dealing with here, let’s try to keep focus on what’s going on here and understand what the positive advantages are in this thing, and understand there are flawed institutions that we have to deal with, there are people who have devoted themselves to those institutions so they suffer from the same flaws. You know, but we have to be as forgiving as we can, but not be naive and not be foolish. If we’re too naive, I mean, even if the extraterrestrial people won’t respect us. They”ll think, “These people are so stupid.” We have to display the same kind of worthy skepticism that we have for people who are trying to deceive us. We have to be careful here but we have to remain optimistic and go forward.
DW: Are you cool with me sharing this search with the community?
DS: These discussions are all open. You don’t want to be saying things in private that you wouldn’t say in public and you don’t want to be saying things to one person that you wouldn’t say to somebody else. There’s a whole, there’s a whole ethos that we have to try to generate here.
June 22nd – Online, Event with Saturday Night Alive with Scott Catamas and Deborah Giusti
Daniel Sheehan (DS): As you know this meeting with the Inspector General of the Defense Department, with Lue and myself, arose because when Lue resigned in protest as the head of the major Pentagon investigation that was investigating the phenomenon of UFOs, he took with him three videos that became quite famous. Because he had gotten them declassified before he left, officially declassified and he brought them to Leslie Kean, who’s a longtime researcher in the area of UFOs, and talked with her and Ralph Blumenthal of New York Times, and got them to write a major article that was published by The New York Times, And they released, on the Internet, these videos.
And so what happened is, right away, certain elements inside the Defense Department started issuing public statements saying, they don’t know what he’s talking about, there’s no such thing as any investigation going on of UFOs in the Pentagon, UFOs aren’t real, it’s all swamp gas and lighthouse lights reflecting off the clouds. They went through the same old routine that they’ve been doing for decades. And Lue countered with sort of a major media campaign, being conducted through the “To The Stars Academy.” He and Chris Mellon and Jim Semivan and Hal Puthoff and Steve Justice, and a bunch of others, came out from inside the national security state infrastructure, and came together with Tom DeLonge, a kind of rock star who helped finance it. And they put together this group called “To The Stars Academy” to primarily release these videos and to mount a major counter campaign against the Pentagon, against the Defense Department, broadcasting interviews with pilots and other people in the military and in the government.
So this kind of confrontation developed between this certain element inside the public press office of the Defense Department, on the one hand, and Lue Elizondo leading the “To The Stars Academy” people, on the other. And then the people in the press department of the Pentagon, led by this woman who’s now been pretty much publicized, Susan Gough, her name was. She kept on insisting on pressing this old line of the fact that UFOs aren’t real, there’s no such investigation, we don’t know who Lue Elizondo is, etc.
And so Lue contacted me and said that this was really irritating him and that this attack on him was part of a long protocol that had been adopted inside the Pentagon and inside the Central Intelligence Agency and inside the national security state, to try to denigrate and ruin the reputation of the credibility of anybody who spoke out about this issue about UFOs and especially the assertion that these appeared to be coming from some extraterrestrial source. So he contacted me, knowing that I was the legal counsel for “The Disclosure Project,” way back in 2001, that I had been the attorney for Dr. John Mack at Harvard University back in 1994 and 1995, and that I was the legal counsel for the Citizens Hearings on the UFO Phenomenon that Steve Bassett had produced, with others. And so he contacted me in that capacity, knowing full well who I was and what my objectives were.
And so, we had a series of meetings and he was satisfied that I should represent him. And so, we launched a counter attack against the Pentagon, and prepared a major complaint against the people inside the Pentagon in the Defense Department, arguing that they were lying. They were lying about Lue, they were lying about the existence of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program and they were lying about the UFO phenomenon. They kept on flogging this old, dead horse that these were some kind of non-alien threat, at most. If they weren’t swamp gas or lighthouse lights, they were some mysterious, advanced technology that may have been developed by Russia or China. And this whole threat analysis started coming out and this particularly distressed Lue. He was saying, “Look, you’re trying to shift from, ‘there’s no such thing as these things’ to ‘Oh well, they may be a threat from China or Russia and so we better gear up a massive Defense Department spending for more weapons against them.'”
Now, he was so upset about this and he said, “Okay, the time has come now for us to file this complaint, an official complaint with the Department of Defense against the people inside the Defense Department at the Pentagon who are continuing this kind of lying protocol.” And so we filed that complaint on the morning of May 3rd of this year, almost two months ago. And immediately, later on that day, the Defense Department, the space intelligence and engineering oversight division of the Inspector General’s office, a fellow by the name of Randolph Strong, an Assistant Inspector General, issued a public memorandum, asserting that somehow the Defense Department had suddenly decided that they were going to mount a major evaluation to determine to what degree, any defense department agency may have taken any steps whatsoever with regard to the UFO issue. And there was this announcement of this more general evaluation that they were going to engage in. And then Lue received, right away, a communication from the whistleblower retaliation subdivision of the Inspector General’s office, setting up a sworn interview with him, kind of putting pressure on him that he had to swear under oath that everything he was saying was true. So we had that Zoom conference with them.
And then he was contacted by another division, yet a third division of the Inspector General’s Office. This being space, missiles and nuclear oversight. And they asked to have an interview with him and wanted him to come to Washington. He insisted that I come with him and then they backed up a little bit and they said, “Okay, we’ll have your lawyer come with you but we’re gonna have to bring our lawyer.” So they brought their Defense Department lawyer and then they brought another Assistant Inspector General, and then they brought a colonel from the United States Air Force. And then finally, they brought Randolph Strong himself, who had been the person who issued the memo about the more broad evaluation they were undertaking. So, we showed up there on the 15th of June in Washington DC, and there’s a whole new special installation that has been built, just recently, right near the Pentagon, which is a Department of Defense office building with an entirely separate, integrated set of computers that are now hooked into the other computers at the Pentagon because 60% of the occupants of this building are the Inspector General’s office, who are the ones like the internal affairs, investigators to be looking for wrongdoing as a rule, of anybody in the Defense Department.
Now, in the memo that they issued on May 3rd, Randolph Strong went out of his way to point out that we’re not investigating here any potential violations of any law or any rule or any protocol. All we’re trying to do, originally, in this initial evaluation, is just to try to assist the Defense Department in having a more efficient and effective protocol for dealing with this issue of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. And so, when we showed up for the meeting at the at the Mark Center, right next door to the Pentagon, they were all there, all the different subdivisions of the Inspector General’s office were all arrayed. And so, we met with them. And our objective in the meeting was to answer any questions they had. Because our objective was to try to inspire these people to actually undertake a legitimate, bonafide investigation to try to determine what anybody in the Defense Department had ever done with regard to the UFO phenomenon. What kind of lies they might have been telling? What type of deception were they engaged in? Were they engaged in trying to destroy the credibility and reputation of hundreds and hundreds of innocent civilians and people inside the military? So we sort of poured it to them in the meeting (laughs) to try to get them to expand the scope of their investigation. And Randolph Strong actually put in his memo that they were very open to amending and supplementing the scope of their evaluation as the evaluation proceeded. And that they would be willing to identify other locations that they were going to evaluate.
And so, that was an extraordinarily important and potentially productive meeting that we had with them for some four hours. The individual people that were involved were at first a little bit standoffish and kind of self conscious about this because Lue had insisted upon bringing his lawyer. They were trying to go out of their way to point out that this was not an adversarial meeting, that it was a collegial meeting of trying to work together on this. We embraced that idea, for us to be able to be actively involved in helping to steer the investigation, give leads to them about things that they should look at, etc. Because we had at the table, not only Lue, who had been the chief of security for the AATIP program, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, but he had also been the executive director of it for eight years, and they had there at the table, the legal counsel for The Disclosure Project and Dr. Mack’s lawyer. And so, that we had arrayed at this table, a group of people who, if in fact we could come to some kind of a sense of common mission here, could come to grips with this.
And I went to some length to try to point out that look, this is all being undertaken in the context of the upcoming June 25th filing of this report that has been mandated now by the Congress. So, our meeting on the 15th of June, preceded only by 10 days, the scheduled report coming in. Here we are on the 22nd now, just three days before this report is supposed to be coming in. So what I want to do, in the first portion of this, talk about what it is that we would hope to have done through these types of investigations. And then, secondly, we’ll address the issue of what might be anticipated with the upcoming report that everybody’s writing about and talking about. And then thirdly, we’ll talk about the felt need that we still have to basically go over the head of these people, and go directly to the people of the world to promulgate this major, citizen’s initiative to establish direct citizen to citizen diplomatic relationship with the extraterrestrial beings, who are the pilots and the occupants of these UFOs. So, that’s sort of what we’re proposing doing here this evening to touch upon these things.
And so, I’ll just close off this first portion of this saying that it’s important to understand that the Defense Department, at this point in time, has issued an official statement that the three videos that were released by Lue Elizondo – upon his resigning from the executive directorship of the project in the Pentagon – these three videos are real, they’re authentic. They’re actual F-18 Hornet, video gun-camera videos of these phenomenon. These are real, these videos. Now, that was somehow misinterpreted by a lot of the media that came out with headlines saying, “U.S. Pentagon Declares UFOs, To Be Real.” That wasn’t exactly what they said, What they said in their releases was that the videos were real. But the interesting fact is is that in response to the major media response to the release of these videos, stating that the Defense Department had said that the UFOs were real, the Defense Department did not issue any corrective to that. They did not issue any corrective saying “No, no, we didn’t say UFOs are real, we said the videos were real (laughs).” But the momentum built all through the media that the Pentagon was saying that the UFOs are real and they let that stand. And we can anticipate that in the report that’s going to be coming three days from now, that the Defense Department is going to be compelled to have to acknowledge that the UFOs are real. So that’s an extremely important position that we think they’re getting set to take, officially. This will be a slight amendment of their original statements that the videos were real. We think they’re getting ready to state that the UFOs are real.
And secondly, what they’re going to try to assert is that this interesting quote that they’ve got going now is that they have been unable to find any definitive proof showing that these are extraterrestrial. Setting aside for the moment whether that’s true or not, that isn’t really saying anything. The headlines that were going out in the New York Times and other places were saying, “This report is going to say that there’s no evidence that these are extraterrestrial.” That’s not what the study is saying. The study isn’t saying there’s no evidence. What they’re saying is, they do not believe they have found any definitive evidence to establish that these are extraterrestrial. Now, if in fact the report is interpreted by the media to be asserting that they don’t have any evidence at all that these are extraterrestrial, that’s going to be a big problem for the Pentagon because they have ample information and evidence indicating that they’re extraterrestrial. And the fact is that Lue Elizondo is going to insist upon pointing out that there’s lots of evidence that they’re extraterrestrial. So we have an upcoming drama, that is going to follow immediately on the heels of the release of this report, of a potential, continuing dialectic dynamic that’ll be going on between the report and Lue Elizondo as the director of the investigation by the Pentagon. So, that’s sort of in the offing right now.
Lue Elizondo, as the head of the Pentagon investigation of this phenomenon has basically scotched, entirely, any type of effort on the part of this report to suggest that, “Well, maybe it’s not clear, yet. Maybe these have been produced by Russia or China.” He has basically buried that line. So, we’ve got the Pentagon coming out and saying, “Well, they’re definitely not ours, they do not represent some sort of advanced, secret technology that our United States government has developed.” They’re saying that in the report. Whether that’s true or not, they’re saying it. And Lue is insisting that there’s no significant chance of any kind that these are Russian or Chinese. And so, what that does is it forecloses, at least for the purposes of the discussion that are going to be going on, both of those options.
And so, Dan Huff, who was one of the AP reporters who was interviewing Lue (On June 4th) said…he was kind of aghast. He said, “Well, if they’re not ours and they’re not from China or Russia, where are they from?” At which point, Lue said, “Well, we’ve been looking at the possibility that they’re extraterrestrial or, even extradimensional.” At which point, the AP reporter was just kind of completely confused, and he was saying, “Wait a second. Are you, as the head of the investigation of the United States Pentagon, saying that you think these are more likely to be extraterrestrial?” At which point, we pointed out to him that Dr. Eric Davis had actually briefed the Senate Intelligence Committee back in October of last year on this and said that the vast majority of the people from inside the Defense Department that have been investigating this phenomenon, hold the belief that these are off-world vehicles (laughs).”
And so, the stage is set right now for this report to come in and my actual judgment is that the people are still scrambling inside the Defense Department and the UAP Task Force, inside the Office of Naval Intelligence, to amend the actual report to not be stepping in a major hole here of coming out and getting themselves trapped in some further lie about the UFO phenomenon. So, they’re trying to not be caught behind the power curve on this because the power curve is basically being narrated by Lue Elizondo. He, as the commander and the head of the investigation of this at the Pentagon, is not taking any guff from the Defense Department on this, and we’re trying to recruit the people from inside the Inspector General’s office to join with us to participate in a bonafide, legitimate far-ranging investigation of the history of the activities of the Defense Department and the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other government agencies that have been participating for decades in lying and dissembling in joining together to try to destroy the credibility and reputations of any citizens who are trying to report this to the world. So, that’s where we’re at here on the eve of the release of this report.
Now, as of today, I’ve gotten contacted by a number of media people that are saying that people inside the Pentagon are taking the position with them, off the record, that they don’t even have any obligation to make any portions of this report public. I guess they can try that if they’d like to, but I don’t think that any portions of this report that are going to remain secret for more than a week after they put it in, no matter what they do, because there’s just too many media people around and they’ve got too many good sources. And we’re going to make sure that they have even more good sources to make sure that they don’t get away with this any longer. So we have joined issue, at this point, with the elements inside the Defense Department, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Office of Naval Intelligence, and the FBI and others who are now…there’s a whole new generation of leadership in those organizations. So the question that is really posed is whether the kind of bureaucratic momentum of the previous protocols of deception are going to bind this new generation of leadership in the Defense Department, or whether they’re going to join with us as citizens and get out ahead of this thing.
Assuming that these phenomenon of UFOs are in fact, real craft, that they’re capable of flying beyond the speed of light, that they’re able to travel in our atmosphere, up to 43,000 miles an hour that they’ve been clocked that, that they can descend from 80,000 feet down to 50 feet above the ocean in less than one second and come to a complete stop, which would subject them to some 600 Gs, that would tear to shreds any vehicle that we’ve ever built here on planet, and that they can then submerge and go into the water and travel at over 200 knots, under the water. And this is all coming out now and they’re going to have to come to grips with this reality. And what we’re trying to do is to get them beyond the argument about whether these are real, whether these are coming from Russia or China, whether these are predominantly some secret technology that our military, or corporations have developed that we don’t know about, get them past that argument, and get to the issue of: Just who do you think it is that are piloting these things? What are you going to say about who the occupants of these are, if they’re extraterrestrial? And what are the implications of this for our human family?
This is the profound question that has to be confronted and the institutions can try to defer and delay coming to grips with that fundamental question for as long as they try to, but the citizens aren’t going to do that any longer. Our citizens are going to step forward, we’re going to say, “Look, we believe that there’s adequate evidence that these UFOs are not only real, but that in fact they are of an extraterrestrial origin, which is demonstrative of the fact that there’s an extraterrestrial civilization that surrounds us here in our galaxy, and that we have to start preparing to become part of this galactic community.” And so, we’re going to have to try to deal with developing an entirely new worldview to supplement our spectrum of human world-views, all of which are rooted in the fundamental premise that our species is the only sentient, highly intelligent, highly technologically developed species in the entire Universe. I mean, if that’s not laughable (laughs).
But the fact is, that’s been the position that science has taken, the scientific community, the university community. When I represented Dr John Mack back in 1994, when he was dragged up in front of this faculty committee for writing a book about this issue. When I confronted Dr. Rawls, who was the chairman of that that tribunal and I said, “Look, whatever the nature of this tribunal is, is either one of the two following fact questions going to be an issue in this hearing? Number one, whether extraterrestrial intelligence exists and number two, whether at least some of these UFOs that have been cited, might actually be vehicles from an extraterrestrial civilization?” At which point, Dr. Rawls said, “Well absolutely both of those questions are an issue in these hearings and it is totally ridiculous for anybody to believe either one of those is true.” (laughs) This was Harvard University saying this.
So our community here, the 117 of us that are here tonight, and the many tens of thousands of us that are all around the country and the many millions of us that are all around the world, have actually had enough of this. And we’re ready to step forward, we’re not going to take this anymore and we’re going to give the institutions a chance to respond, but we’re not going to be depending upon them to voluntarily disclose this information to us. They can try to dribble out as much or as little of this information as they think they can get away with, or they can get on board this whole movement. But we’ll see. So that’s where we are tonight, on the eve of the expectation that this report is going to be filed in three days on the 25th, and that you’re going to see a barrage of major news media about this report when it comes in. And if the Defense Department attempts to keep it secret, they’re only going to lose more credibility because it’s going to come out, whatever is in the report.
If the report that comes out doesn’t really come to grips with the truth of this matter, the people are going to insist upon another report, and they’re going to insist upon the Intelligence Committee in the Senate, and not only that, but the Judiciary Committee and every other committee in the Congress. This can’t be left to the intelligence community, or certainly to the Armed Services Committee, it’s got to be taken up by our entire Congress, and by both political parties, by all political parties, and most importantly by the citizens ourselves. We’ve got to take our lesson from this experience. The last seventy-five years, the most important secret in the history of our human family is being concealed from us by the institutions and we have to bring this to an end, and we have to join together in an upward, positive forward campaign to get at the truth of this and establish meaningful, positive, amicable relations with the extraterrestrial civilization, and get past all this fear mongering and isolationism. So that’s where we are tonight, on the eve of the coming report that’s going to be coming in a few days. That’s just my ideas is right off the top of my head.
Scott Catamas: Can you address, kind of, the whole false-flag issues and that theory and also, what’s your take on the next generation within the Pentagon, versus the old guard and how things are going? And kind of along those lines, what direction do you think the Inspector General is going to take? Do you think that the Inspector General really is going to be aggressive about getting the Pentagon to release prior records or cave into the pressure to not do so?
Sheehan: I believe, at this point in time, the individuals inside the Inspector General’s office, who have been assigned to this task, are still trying to figure out whether they are actually authorized to conduct a genuine investigation of this. They don’t know, yet. They still live under the continuing auspices of seventy-five years of compelled, non-disclosure and secrecy about this. And so we don’t know, yet, whether they’ve ever gotten the memo on the fact that this has changed. But more importantly, we don’t know that there is any such memo, yet. We don’t know whether it was Lue Elizondo and his release of these three videos that have basically broken the dam here, and that the Defense Department is filled with a bunch of little Dutch boys trying to put their thumb in the dam to try to close it up again. We don’t know. But we’re perfectly willing, at this point, to take them initially at their word that they have a genuine interest in analyzing this, but we’re going to try to help them understand how they articulate their desire to expand the scope of their evaluation to turn into an investigation, which are different categories right now. An evaluation is basically an attempt to determine the scope of their jurisdiction. That’s what’s really going on right now. So we’re going to try to get them convinced that their jurisdiction ought to be expanded, and we’re trying to get them to believe that their jurisdiction ought to extend beyond an evaluation into an actual investigation.
And I’m aware as a lawyer that there are different standards there, that they have certain standards as to what standards they have to meet to initiate an actual, official investigation. And there’s Terry versus Ohio, there’s a whole bunch of cases that exist, and so I can help them, with the benefit of my counsel, on how they can move from one standard to the next to meet those legally, identified standards. And so, that’s what we’re going to be doing with them. And so, we’ll see how bonafide this whole undertaking is going to be on the part of the Inspector General’s office. But Lue and I are both willing to start with an assumption that they are going to try to do a good-faith analysis of this.
Now, people might be a bit surprised at that about me because of all my 50 years of litigating against the national security state and operating on the assumption that they’ve been duplicitous and deceitful, and even criminal, in fact, but I’m willing to grant to a new generation of people inside the Defense Department, a potential change of heart and change of mind. And I know that some people will rush to try to ridicule us for that, but I think that there’s a limited amount of time that I’m willing to engage in that assumption. And I daresay, the people in the national security state are perfectly aware of the limited amount of time that I’m going to give them to do that. But we’ll see how that develops.
But for the the first part of your question, which is sort of a slightly different question and that is: What about the different elements within the community – our community, the UFO community – that are frightened and fearful that this spate of increased UFO sightings and this apparent willingness of the Defense Department to acknowledge that the UFOs are real etc., is just a precursor for a major, false-flag, fake, alien event invasion? And that they would utilize this to try to do two things. One of them is to garner vastly more amounts of money to their defense budget to build a whole new generation of major weapons to allegedly protect our planet against an extraterrestrial civilization. Well, on the face of it, that’s preposterous for the Defense Department to take a position like that because when a civilization has craft that can travel beyond the speed of light and can travel at 43,000 miles an hour inside our atmosphere without burning up and go underwater and travel 200 knots underwater, it’s not likely that we’re going to come up with any great technology that is going to be able to neutralize that.
And when the evidence starts building up that this phenomenon has been around since 1947, at least, and 1945, and they haven’t done anything to us, yet. And they’ve clearly had the capacity to do that, up until this point, short of developing any new super weapons of some kind that they might have in mind. And so, the demand for that kind of a weapon system isn’t real, the need for such a weapon system isn’t real. And we will mount an aggressive campaign against that. And people like Carol Rosin, inside our community, has been engaged in a major campaign and has tried to stop them from putting space-based weapons in space, ostensibly to protect us against some extraterrestrial forces, etc. But there are others who are who are articulating this concern onto a fear, onto a desire to state a state of emergency about this issue, that this is all a precursor to a major, fake invasion to be staged by our military and our defense forces, utilizing back-engineered technology that’s been recovered from some of the crash sites, etc.. My position has been quite clear on that. I not only do not believe that that is true, I believe that it’s not true. And I’ve been very clear about this.
It’s not that it is beyond them to do that. I mean there are elements inside the military industrial complex that would be perfectly happy to develop such a plan but they’re not going to deploy that plan until they run out of other enemies. They haven’t run out of terrorists to deal with in the Middle East and they haven’t run out of even Russia as their potential adversary. We’re still complaining about them having stopped us from taking over the Ukraine and closing off their sole warm-water port in Crimea. The whole Republican/Democrat coalition has framed that in terms of them being aggressive and invading another country, whereas, the United States was actively engaged in recruiting every single one of the Republics all along the western borders of the Soviet Union into NATO. Anybody who has a political IQ above room temperature will recognize what it is that was going on there. And so, they’ve got Russia still to deal with, they still got China as the rising Asian Empire, which isn’t surprising anybody who even reads. This has been underway by China for decades. In fact, Samuel P. Huntington, at the very end of the Cold War in 1992, wrote a major article for the Council on Foreign Relations in their major magazine, “Foreign Affairs,” advocating that we all start girding our loins to get into a long-standing confrontation with China, the new, rising Asian empire. So, they’ve got plenty of things on their plate to justify massive, military expenditures so it doesn’t make any political sense or military sense, or even budget-raising sense for them, at this point in time, to deploy such a false-flag operation.
Now, the fact of the matter is that some of the people that are promulgating this theory, that this spate of UFO sightings and publicity about it and everything is just a precursor for a false-flag operation, I think they’re operating a little bit out of what we call in the Jesuits, first fervor. They’ve come to discover there is such a thing as false flags, and they didn’t know that before. I’ve known this for like, three decades. They didn’t even know what Operation Northwoods was. It was planned back in 1960 by United States military to try to stage a false attack, you know, dressing up Cuban refugees as Cuban military and attacking people in Miami. I mean I’ve known about this for forty years, almost, so I’m very familiar with this entire history of false flags, etc. But some people are comparative newcomers to this and they’ve discovered that this actually does happen, that there are false flags, that our United States military have been engaged in promoting and promulgating these. That’s all true. But my opinion is, that succumbing to false fervor about this issue at this time, is directly contrary to the evidence of the political situation in the world right now that provides all kinds of opportunities to the military to maintain massively high, military budgets.
In addition to that, they have access to this almost unlimited black budget that they’ve had access to for years and years. So, it just doesn’t compute to me. And not only that it doesn’t compute to me to cause me to believe it’s true, it doesn’t compute so much that it’s clear to me that it’s not true. And so, therefore, it’s really important that we don’t get distracted when we’re right at this very moment of coming to grips with the extraterrestrial nature of the UFOs and working at trying to get the institutions of our government to come to grips with this reality, a time that we’ve been working toward for seventy-five years, basically, since Roswell. Right at this moment, I don’t think it’s a good idea to try to distract the community by leading them off into some false direction that “Oh, what we really need to be worrying about now…” now that we’re on the brink of getting them to acknowledge that they’re extraterrestrial, is get caught in kind of a primitive, dialectic with the national security state, which I’ve been engaged in for decades, as you know. I mean, I’ve spent more time beating up on the national security state than most people have been alive, you know, even on this broadcast.
So, I believe that I have a fairly high level of credibility on this particular issue and so I want to make it clear to everybody what my position is on this. And I’m not faulting different people who may have a different view on this, all I’m saying is that I think that they’re being premature about this, to put it clearly. There may come a point in time, in the future, when those kind of elements inside the national security state infrastructure would think that it’s timely to try to deploy such a plot, but it’s not now. I would use the same quote of Lue Elizondo: “I think that the chances of this being actively underway right now is so infinitesimally small, that it can be functionally set aside for a future discussion.” But, the fact that they’re so worried about it now and getting out ahead of it to try to salt the ground, as it were, of such a plan, has some minimal advantage to try to start getting people prepared for such a horrible thing to conceive of it. Probably 90% of the people that are in the country don’t even know what a false-flag operation is. So to help educate people about this ahead of time and the worst that you can say is that you may be out ahead of this thing, considerably, is a positive way to look at what it is this being set forth by people in the community, revealing the existence of this particular concept. So, that’s my position on both of those parts to your question.
Scott Catamas: Victor just wants to clarify. The report will be given to the Senate Committee on June 25th but it’s not made public until it’s been evaluated by the Senate Committee? Is that accurate?
DS: Well, I would assume that’s what they’re going to do but what’s happened is, as I understand it, the Task Force itself, in cooperation with the Director of National Intelligence, they have already divided the report up into a classified annex, and a non-classified portion. And so, if there’s a portion of it that’s not classified, it may well be that the people on the Senate Intelligence Committee will want to have some time to read through it and familiarize their staff with it, and to be able to be in a position to answer some questions about it, etc, before they decide to release it. But my guess is that within 24 hours of the people on the Senate Intelligence Committee getting their hands on this report, it’s going to be in the New York Times and The Washington Post. And Lue is already scheduled to be on two more “60 Minutes” interviews, by the way. I imagine Chris Mellon will be there, too.
Chris Mellon is another guy you got to look at. Chris Mellon is a real, major participant in this effort to get this information made public. And I know people have, and understandably, developed a certain sort of attitude about about Chris Mellon because he was the Assistant Secretary of Defense in charge of intelligence all during a continuing period where lies were being told about this. And he had to know that lies were being told, and he had to have been sort of part of that entire bureaucracy that authorized lying to go on, for example, under the Clinton administration. He was the Assistant Secretary of Defense for intelligence under both Clinton and W. Bush. So, people have a residual resentment to Chris because of his their assumption that he participated in those types of decisions and so that’s hanging over him. But he knows that. I mean, he’s aware of the fact that he’s going to have to overcome that. All grown-ups have to live down some of their earlier, mistaken judgments in the past. And he may well believe that it was a proper judgment to make at the time, but he has changed his mind about that now. And so, what we want to do is to remain upward, positive forward in this entire movement, we have to try to bring on board, everybody that we can, when they’re ready to be brought on board, and not continue to beat them up over the fact that they’ve made bad decisions in the past. Now, that’s as far as individuals go.
As far as the United States Central Intelligence Agency goes, you shouldn’t believe a thing anybody says from the CIA because the whole institution exists for the purpose of lying and dissembling and mounting covert operations to deceive the American public and to promulgate and foster and promote the interests of major corporations around the world, for the United States. And therefore, they are inherently, structurally, institutionally untrustworthy. And as long as a person remains inside any of those agencies, you can’t believe a word they say. And the reality is that even most of the people that come out of the CIA, you can’t believe what they say. So you just zero them out, in my opinion.
Scott Catamas: How do you differentiate between a person’s personal experience and what takes place in group-consensus reality? Because that seems to be a really important area for us to navigate, our own personal, spiritual or architectural experience – it’s very real and very precious, very important – and then actual events such as probably Roswell in July of 1947 – where something took place in group, consensus reality.
Danny Sheehan (DS) : I think, obviously, a person who has had a direct, immediate experience of a dimension of reality, or an aspect of reality that she or he is convinced as true, it’s going to govern her or his personal judgments about everything. It’s going to have a major impact on their entire worldview. It’s something that they’ve seen and experienced is contrary to the consensus narrative of truth, they’re going to have to shift into another perception of reality. And those individuals, of which there are a growing number, are obviously going to be participating in this particular endeavor. And a lot of their counsel is going to be very important to us because we’ll try to figure out: Why it is that they’ve been contacted and what has been their response to the contact? Are they continuing to have regular, contact experiences with these extraterrestrial, extradimensional beings? This is how John Mack and I were working at it back in 1994-95. But what we had done is, we had encountered a not insignificant number of individuals who were having repeated, contact experiences, and that they were very credible, highly credible witnesses, highly credible experiences that they were having. And so, John hadn’t quite thought about this but it occurred to me, I said “Wait a second, if we’ve got people who you’re in direct communication with, who have regular contact experiences with beings who report to them that they’re of an extraterrestrial origin, this is a great opportunity that we have here. Because the fact is, many of the people, when they first start having one of these encounter experiences, they can tell when they’re getting ready to happen, they can tell that something extraordinary is happening. The hair will start standing up on their arms and stuff. They’ll get this kind of feeling that they’re encased in some kind of a vibrational frequency of some sort. And so, they’re aware of this but the problem is that because our human species has been so used to over the millions of years of our biological evolution, we have such a built in system of survival that our body recoils unconsciously, reflexively in the face of something that is completely new and completely foreign.”
And so, what we had to do first is we were trying to help get some of these people over the immediate reaction they have every time they have one of these experiences (laughs) that as soon as it starts to happen, they become terrified. Their body gets frightened and when they get terrified, they get angry, to try to overcome it and they can actually become quite fairly dangerous. We as human beings are a pretty aggressive species so and there have been lots of accounts that John Mack had that the people who had these regular experiences would throw things at the UFO people. They would hold on to furniture and make them drag them out of their room and they would would kick at them and punch them. And these UFO people, what they would do is they would freeze them, they would say, “Okay, if that’s what you’re going to do, we’re just going to zap you here.” And so the people then became frozen, and that terrified them even more. I mean, it’s like being locked in a coffin or something, you can’t move, you can’t breathe. So the terror that the people were experiencing was compounded by the fact that they were getting frozen like this.
And so, John and I had a long set of conversations about this and what we decided to do is to have a few of his regular contactees, that we found to be the most credible, get trained by Stanislav Grof through the Holotropic breathing exercises so that they could actually get centered and get really calmed down, and they could get control over their autonomic nervous system that kind of has this instinctive, unreflective reaction to something so completely alien, if you will. And so, we began that program and we had some really good success with it at the very beginning. For example, one of the women, who used to have this terrible reaction to them, she got so mellow that the next time that they appeared, as soon as the hair started standing up on her arms and the hair on the back of her neck, she started doing the Holotropic breathing exercises. And so, when these ETs manifested in her room, she was very calm and they were in this kind of crouching position getting ready (laughs) to have things thrown at them. And they’d have to zap her, and they said, “Oh wow, look at this, she’s really mellow.” And she was very friendly and very amicable and had the conversation, and for the first time ever, they took her to see her baby that she had had. After one of these abduction experiences, she found herself pregnant and was totally positive she hadn’t had any kind of sexual relations with anybody that she knew of. And she went to the doctors and they confirmed that she was pregnant. And then four months into her pregnancy, she had another abduction experience and she wasn’t pregnant anymore. And so, she had not failed to remember this and it was in the back of her mind and it was part of why she was so upset with these beings, because she was sure they had done this.
And so, when she got trained with the Holotropic breathing, and she stayed very mellow when they appeared the next time, she began to talk with them about her child and what is happening with the child, is that a boy or a girl? And they were actually kind of dumbfounded at her and for the first time ever, they agreed to take her to see her baby. And so, she told us all about the details about how they took her up to their craft, voluntarily this time, instead of experimenting on her any more. What they did is they had her take her clothes off and get into this pool of gelatin-like stuff, this aqua-colored gelatin stuff. And she was to submerge herself in it and breathe it in, and fill her lungs up with this, that were filled with oxygen, this material. And she just had to do it and it protected her against the G forces, apparently, that at least through part of the trip. So they brought her to their planet and they took her down to meet her child and she got to hug her child and love her child and then they brought her back. So it was such a positive experience that we said, “Wait a second, why don’t we begin to have a whole program of doing this?” Because a lot of people say, “Well, I know the UFO people are right and if they show up in my bedroom, I’m just gonna go, ‘Hey, howdy, how are you?’ And what they do is they piss their pants instead and they go “Whoa! Holy mackerel! On third thought, this is kind of frightening.”
And so, what we had to do is try to talk to people to get them to go through the training with Stanislav Grof, and we were going to try to recruit a whole diplomatic corps. We were going to have this kind of secret program going out of having a diplomatic corps or these regular contactees. And then we said, “Why don’t we expand this?” And we were actually in negotiations trying to figure out how to put together a New Paradigm Institute, which we were going to call The Worldview Institute at Harvard. And we were going to try to purchase the Littauer Center, which was the old government building between the law school and the college, and have an institute there to train people to go into a full scale, kind of diplomatic training program there when John was unfortunately killed. And no conspiracy involved, got hit by a drunk taxi cab driver in England, looking the wrong way. His last words were, “Oh, I was so stupid, I was looking the wrong way.” That’s what he said. And so, the bottom line is, this has been something we’ve been talking about for a long time and we’ve had all kinds of experiences in the Project for Extraordinary Experience Research, that he had, the PEER group at Harvard, where we got to meet dozens and dozens of people.
And part of my job, just like it was later in 2001 at The Disclosure Project event we had at the National Press Club…part of my job was to vet these people to really determine whether or not they were of such a level of credibility that even a jury would have believed them. And that was partly what I was doing. So, I was hoping to meet with these experiencer circles and try to figure out who the likely candidates were for this program, when John was killed. So it doesn’t take much to get me started on it, again. And so, when Mark came to see me in our institute, because he’d had this experience, he was in the category of people who now know. It’s not a question of guessing or coming up with probability projections. He knows that this is true and he had the level of confidence in what we were talking about to say, “This is a great idea. What we ought to do is we ought to consider how we get started on this.” So we tried to recruit some of the people in the academic community, to begin with.
So, we set up a shop up in Berkeley, up at Holy Hill, where I think probably thirty different religious denominations have their seminaries up there and theology schools. And so, we started meeting with them to try to start to get this done. And so, this has been underway and we’re now talking about having a virtual institute, a New Paradigm Institute, that we can – utilizing the technology of like, a Second Life or The Observation Deck, or those kinds of things – build a virtual institute where people can come, through their little avatar, to the meetings, sit at the roundtables to discuss things with us, come to attend lectures, go to motion pictures, you know, movies and stuff that they may not see otherwise. Given the modern technology that we now have, we can do that.
And we have as a backup, some point way off in the future, we have a very gracious benefactor, Andrew Beath, who is the head of the EarthWays Foundation, who has an entire castle up on Clear Lake, 100 miles north of San Francisco. It’s a big, 60,000 square foot, Art Deco hotel with a 10,000 square foot attic in the place, on an eighteen and a half mile long lake. But it’s a major lift because it’s got 1929 wiring, it’s got to have all of the proper entrances and everything. So, what we’ve done, is instead of going down that road right now, we’re talking about doing the virtual academy or an institute, so that we can bring people, invite people in to come to lectures, to come to conferences together. Hopefully we’re going to get Jordan Pease, for example, who has the Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library up in Ashland, Oregon. He’s got virtually every single UFO movie that has ever been made, every book that’s ever been written, every lecture that’s ever been attended, all the documents and stuff. He’s got them there and so we’re going to hopefully have him have a part of this, where he’s going to be able to provide that digital information to everybody, so that’s like a library where people can come to do their research.
A very real part of this New Paradigm Institute will be training, an actual professional diplomatic corps, to reach out and establish direct communication with the extraterrestrial civilization through the CE5 activities, etc. which Mark will go into some detail on here. But most of you know about these things for the 116-117 people that are here tonight. You know about this and Mark will carry you along on that, if you don’t know about it, yet. But this is the plan that we have in mind and we have a fair reputation of being able to carry out our plans because they’re realistic, and they’re grounded and we are trying to engage the mainstream on what we’re doing. We used to go into the courts all the time, we now are going to the court of public opinion on this through the major media, such as our meeting here tonight, and we’re in the process of recruiting you, in case you didn’t notice (laughs).
People have heard me talk in the past about the spectrum of human world-views that are presently operative on our planet right now, in a more mundane aspect with different world-views. We see our community, when confronted with a major public policy, set of decisions to make, we tend to divide ourselves into these factions that have been identified by sociologists. And the political manifestation of these different world-views is authoritarian, at the extreme right end of the spectrum. And as you work your way from the right to the left, they’re authoritarian, then reactionary, conservative, moderate, liberal, progressive and utopian. These are the kind of operative worldviews that people function under here on our planet and it’s clear to me that there’s an entirely new worldview that has to be developed here. Because all of these major operative, world-views of our human family, at the present time, are all rooted in the fundamental, common premise that we are the most highly evolved, sentient intelligence in the entire universe, and that somehow the universe exists solely as a stage on which to play out the drama of our evolution. From the kind of a single-celled, primitive life form in a primordial slime, billions of years ago, up into a star-faring species that will go out and populate the Universe.
This is a myopic perception of our place in the Universe, and I think we’re getting ready to be shown that. And so that what we have to do is we have to work from the ground up to prepare ourselves but to prepare an alternative worldview that can actually place us in a position of value in a much larger and more complex universe. Even a multi-dimensional universe, as you touched upon, in order to understand our place, without becoming completely confused and uncentered. So that’s a process that really has to be undertaken right now and there are a number of different players. So the adherence to these particular world-views are all in a certain sense, a collective player in this drama. The extraterrestrial civilization, we need to really ascertain what the demographics are of this extraterrestrial civilization. Is it a unified civilization? Has it evolved to the point of having a coordinated, systematic, decision-making process? Are there still factions that are functioning within the extraterrestrial civilization that we’d have to be cognizant of?
These are all things, in the normal diplomatic world, that are elements of how you have to deal with this. You have to deal with your own domestic people, as a diplomatic force, and the factions that are inside your own nation state, to take into account. And then you have to deal with the other nation states and how they relate to each other. These are all skill sets that have been developed by our human family and there are whole courses involved in having to train yourself. You can’t just shoot from the hip, or play by the seat of your pants in these things, or just open yourself up completely, unconditioned to every single experience that you have here. There’s a kind of a reflective activity that we have to engage in here, collectively together.
So, what we’re proposing at the New Paradigm Institute is to assist in splaying out in front of us for all the issues are here, to get to get a clear kind of approach to how we are going to do this, collectively. The fact that we’ve made this decision that we’re not going to be depending upon the governmental structures that have been developed on our planet, because they’ve brought us to this point where we live, daily, hour by hour, under the threat of total, nuclear annihilation, all in support of some major, corporate elite that are trying to exploit the natural resources of the planet for their own private benefit. And then the reaction that different nation states have to that process that’s going on, some of them more threatening than others. But we have to take what we can from the knowledge of our human family, over the millennia, to bring it to bear in an institute where we can lay it out on the table, evaluate it and understand our different religious traditions, our different metaphysical dimensions of reality that we’ve come to understand and really develop a new whole worldview. Because in order to really have an open, ongoing diplomatic relationship with members of extraterrestrial civilization, we have to merit that. We can’t just insist that they deal with us as equals, we can’t force ourselves upon them, we certainly can’t arm ourselves, collectively, and try to go out and vanquish them in any way at all. But there will be elements inside our human family who actually propose that. These are the authoritarian, first paradigm worldview people that see the world that way, and see reality that way.
So, we have to have a two-front diplomatic undertaking here. One is with the extraterrestrial people, and the other one is with our own citizens. We have to have a diplomatic relationship with all of these different governing structures on the planet: the corporate structures, the business structures, the religious institutions, etc. This is a very complex process that we have to engage in, but we can’t be intimidated by that. We have to figure out, collectively, how to do this. Every one of us has to bring to the table whatever abilities we have, whatever knowledge we have, whatever education we have, whatever personal experiences we have. And to share them, so that we can we can come to a collective decision about what kind of a position to present to the extraterrestrial beings. And we need to do this in our own lifetimes because the reality is that this event is taking place now, and for us to be prepared to participate in this in an effective way, we need to we need to do this now. We can’t keep putting it off, we can’t keep waiting for the government to tell us, we can’t keep waiting for our religious institutions to come to some institutional decision on this. And so we have to do this ourselves, and we have to demonstrate to the extraterrestrial beings, and to the various institutions of our planet, that we as a citizenry are capable of making decisions ourselves. And that’s what we have to do. So, that’s what I think has to has to take place and we have to start doing it right away.
I think it’s important to point out that, for example, we at the Romero Institute are in the process of drafting the Green New Deal legislation for the state of California and are going to be fielding a major team of organizers and public education people all across the state to support building the grassroots support for this Green New Deal. Mark had given us a really generous contribution years ago to help put together the core staff on this and we’ve been quite successful. We’ve drafted a 350 page rough draft of this statute, we have a 50 page executive summary of it. We just got requests, we get requests from people around the state to participate in this as volunteers. We just sent a major packet of this stuff at the request of Jane Fonda to give it to her today. Dolores Huerta, who is a very well known, Hispanic organizer, union organizer for farmworkers. We’re all working together on this with major environmental groups around the state to get Governor Newsom to declare a state of climate emergency in the state of California that will empower him, under a particular statute that’s been passed by the legislature, to cut through a lot of the red tape, and to allow an omnibus statute to be passed that deals with all the various aspects of global, climate change and needs here in the state.
So, it’s a very major project of ours, equal to the Lakota people’s law project that we’ve been working on for fifteen years. We have an office up in Rapid City, South Dakota, where we’re working with all of the major tribal people, working at trying to establish the reassertion of sovereignty on the part of the indigenous people to keep major pipelines and gas drilling and everything from going on inside the Great Sioux Nation. So, this integrated project that we have, interestingly links into the whole issue of the UFO issue because one of the two major issues that is constantly raised by the contactees with extraterrestrial people from these UFO craft is not only the issue of nuclear weapons and nuclear power. As you know, we earlier stopped the construction of all nuclear power plants in the entire United States from doing the Karen Silkwood case, that knocked off and got declared unconstitutional, the financial cap that the Congress tried to impose on legal liability for these major, dangerous nuclear power plants. So, since that victory in the Karen Silkwood case, not one single, new private nuclear power plant has been built in the United States.
So, we are trying to carry out the agenda, a lot of the stuff that the people from the UFO craft have been saying, “Look, not only do you have to stop nuclear weapons and private, nuclear power plants that are threatening to contaminate the planet, but you’ve got to stop the other pollution of the planet. These fossil fuels of the oil and natural gas that are generating carbon into the atmosphere is going to destroy your climactic system and you’re going to destroy the entire climate system of the planet.” And this constant messaging of stopping nuclear weapons and nuclear power and “stopping the pollution of your planet, it’s going to ruin your climate system”, this is a message that has been consistently repeated ever since the 1940s being shared with our people. We need to take up the challenge and one of the things at the New Paradigm Institute, that we’re going to be working on, is formulating ways for our people who are becoming trained as diplomats in relationship to the extraterrestrial civilization, to again work back into our own planet, to not only educate our people to prepare ourselves for the membership in the Galactic Federation, but also to take care of our own planet. As Mark was putting out, rid our planet of nuclear weapons and the nuclear power plants that are threatening our environment. We’ve got to stop the global climate change and that’s another one of the major projects we’re doing at the Romero Institute, on the grassroots organizing level, and in the legislative level, but we have to recruit people who are interested in the extraterrestrial issue, to understand what the messages are that are being communicated by these beings to us, so that they can understand the importance of this for our planet.
So, the Romero Institute is working in partnership with the New Paradigm Institute that we’re going to be putting up as a major, new project. So this is a thing with the Lakota People’s Law Project, the green California project that we’re working on, and the New Paradigm Institute. These are all major projects that we’re going to try to get people to pay attention to and come work with us all to get this done.
Q: How can we help stop the new nuclear plant that’s being developed in Wyoming?
Sheehan: We’ll get on this, don’t worry. The fact is that they can’t build these plants, they can’t get any contracts to really build these plants. They can talk about it and they can plan it, but they can’t get any insurance because they have no limitation on their degree of liability. And no intelligent business person is going to build a facility like that where they can’t secure any insurance for it. So we’ll stop this one just like we stopped the Keystone XL Pipeline. These are things that citizens need to organize to stop these things from happening, because the government institutions have been captured by the corporations that have a financial interest in doing these things and laying waste to the environment. So we need to organize people power, citizen power to stop the construction of these nuclear power plants, to stop the intrusion of these oil pipelines and gas pipelines into indigenous territory, and to stop the nuclear weapons on our planet. All of these things are part of our agenda, which is the agenda of any sentient species that wants to become respected as a part of the international and global and now, interstellar civilization. We’ve got to do this now.
Okay, I’ll see you soon. We’ll get back to work now. Love you, Bye.
On July 9th, Sheehan posted the following on his Facebook page in response to certain interview clips used in Dr. Greer’s, “The Cosmic Hoax.”
Danny’s Public Statement About Lue Elizondo & Chris Mellon
On April 24th of this year, in my capacity as the 2001 General Counsel to the May 10th, 2001 Disclosure Project Event at The National Press Club in Washington, DC, I attended, in Scottsdale, Arizona, the 20th Anniversary Gathering of many of the Principals who organized that 2001 event.
At that time, I granted an interview reflecting on the “progress” that I believed had been made, since 2001, in “bringing forward” the cause of getting our American Public – and our American Policy-Makers – to “take seriously” the fact that UFOs are real… and that the “most probable origin of many of these UFOs” is, indeed, some Extra-Terrestrial planet… very likely from elsewhere in our own Milky Way Galaxy. During that interview, I was asked if I believed that there existed some “extra-Constitutional” group of people who possessed a substantial amount of information about these UFOs and about the likelihood that the origin of many of these UFOs was Extra-Terrestrial.
I responded by providing a lengthy explanation of why I believed that there has been – and still presently IS, indeed, such an extra-“Constitutional” group restricting access to this knowledge.
And I explained, further, that I suspected that it was likely that members of this same group were responsible for “secreting” other important information and activities from our American people – and from our democratically- elected Congressional and Executive Branch officials.
Unfortunately, THIS portion of my interview was extracted from what I understood to have been a “20th Anniversary Documentary about the 2001 Disclosure Event” and it was inserted into a documentary film dedicated to promulgating what I expressly stated, in that interview, was, in my judgment an incorrect theory on the part of Dr. Steven Greer (the Founder of The Disclosure Project) with which I most emphatically DIS-agreed. Moreover, that portion of my “20th Anniversary Interview” in which I criticized what I believed to be an un-Constitutional “Cabal” (as I referred to it) was “spliced into” the midst of a later-recorded interview of Dr. Greer in which Dr. Greer was aggressively attacking Mr. Lue Elizondo, the former Director of the entirely Constitutional, Congressionally- authorized, “Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Project” – whom I happen to legally represent – and attacking Mr. Chris Mellon, the former entirely-Constitutionally-authorized Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence for both President Clinton and President George “W.” Bush, Chris Mellon being a man whom I personally greatly respect for the courage he has displayed in joining with my client Lue Elizondo to “move forward” the strategic objective of revealing government information authoritatively verifying: (A) that a significant percentage of the reliably-reported sightings of UFOs over the past decades are, in fact, REAL, PHYSICAL vehicles; and (B ) that the “most likely origin of these real UFOs is Extra-Terrestrial.”
I am issuing this official public statement to make it unequivocally clear that I do NOT agree with Dr. Steven Greer’s theory that the recent confirmation, by our U.S. Defense Department, that a clear majority of the 2004 to 2017 reports of UFOs are “REAL physical vehicles” is part of some secret plan on the part of our National Security State Bureaucracy to stage some imminent “False Flag” “Fake Alien Invasion”. Nor do I agree with Dr. Steven Greer’s public assertions that either Lue Elizondo or Chris Mellon are part of any such covert plan. I, instead, am firmly convinced that both Lue Elizondo and Chris Mellon are engaged in an entirely good-faith effort to expose the fact that some members of our United States Government are in possession of information that reveals not only that UFOs are REAL, but that the significant majority of the experts within our United States Government who are “briefed in” on any significant portion of the information that our government agencies possess regarding the UFO (or UAP) phenomenon hold a good-faith and well-founded belief that a substantial portion of the reliably-reported sightings of UFOs are, indeed, “off-world vehicles” of an “Extra-Terrestrial” origin. And I expressly stated my disagreement with Dr. Greer’s representations to the contrary in my April 24th Interview. But this statement was edited “out” of my interview. And what I said about the “Cabal” that is secreting this information was inserted into Dr. Greer’s attack on Lue Elizondo and Chris Mellon – that made it look like I was attributing them some role in Dr. Greer’s projected “Planned Fake Alien Invasion.” I want it made clear that I am expressly publicly DIS-agreeing with Dr. Greer’s characterization of Luís Elizondo and Christopher Mellon. And I am publicly stating that my statements of April 24th, 2021 made about an entirely different “unconstitutional Cabal” were placed out of context in the documentary film entitled “The Great Hoax” which gave the false impression that I was indicating that I believed that my own client, Lue Elizondo, as well as Mr. Christopher Mellon were privy to – and part of – such an unconstitutional conspiracy. They are NOT.
On July 10th, on Saturday Night Alive, Sheehan was part of a panel discussion. I only transcribed a few comments.
Daniel Sheehan: We need to reach out to these extraterrestrials, in a very respectful manner, and say:
“What the fuck are you guys up to?”
Then, later on…
Daniel Sheehan: I was astonished, sitting in a meeting with the Department of Defense, with Lue Elizondo with one of the main guys, and all they kept wanting to talk about was how fast these things went, what material were they made out of, how do they survive 600 Gs and these big turns. And I said, “Wait a minute. Why aren’t we talking about who’s piloting these things & where they come from & what their agenda is?” And it was like they were astonished [and said], “Well, that’s beyond our pay grade.” But [that] can’t beyond the pay grade of our citizens. We’ve got to come to grips with these questions.”
~Daniel Sheehan on Saturday Night Alive. I’ll transcribe everything Danny said and add it at a later date. As I write this, it’s not available on YouTube.
Danny Sheehan: This has been going on since December of 2017. Actually, a little bit before that in October of 2017, with a coming forth of people joining the “To The Stars Academy,” a number of people from the inside of the intelligence community and national security state bureaucracy, coming forward to form a group that was intending to try to push this process forward. And it resulting in the front page coverage of the New York Times, most recently now, generating coverage by “60 Minutes,” of a full interview with not only Lue Elizondo, as the the director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification [Program] inside the Defense Department, but also with Chris Mellon, who was the Assistant Secretary of Defense for intelligence, both under President Clinton and under George W. Bush.
And now, the progress that’s being made with the work that everybody has been doing to try to move this process forward, we now have these government officials, previously within the executive branch itself, making statements denying that these these vehicles can possibly be from the Soviet Union or from from China. We have the pressure they’re putting on to the executive branch and the Defense Department actually stating that these are not ours, the vast majority of these incidents are not ours. Whatever the weight might be put on the negative pregnant that some of them conceivably could be perceived as UFOs that may be some technology of ours. But the bottom line is, we’re in an extraordinarily important period.
There are people all throughout the the UFO community with varying levels of information or sophistication about an experience in dealing with these issues. And so there’s a vibrant conversation going on inside the UFO community now about prognostications about whether there’s going to be hearings, and if so, when. How much of this classified annex is going to get ultimately leaked or released? Lue Elizondo has now stated that rather than there being 73 pages in this annex, there are 400 pages. And that’s a big load. I mean, that’s a lot of stuff that’s in this report, and my judgment is that Lue is in a position to really know what’s in there.
And so, the the process of all of the different citizens, people who are outside of the Congress, people who are inside the Congress, people who are inside the executive branch, people who are outside of the executive branch, people who are journalists, investigative journalists, other people who are in the media, anchor people, there’s all kinds of people in our human community now that are involved in this conversation. And there are scientists who, up until just in the last year or two, felt that it was absolutely death to their academic career in their relationship with universities – to say nothing about government funding – for them to ever talk publicly about this. So there are people now in the Mensa crowd, in the scientific communities, who are now talking to each other about this saying, “Wait a second, if the Defense Department is now acknowledging that these things are real, and they’re acknowledging that the highest probability is that they’re extraterrestrial, we need to be involved. Those of us in the Scholastic community and in the scientific community need to be involved in this,” and they are starting to talk among themselves now.
So all of this stuff is boding well for this unveiling process to continue a pace. And what we’re doing is saying, “One of the other factors that I think is important is the citizenry ourselves, saying, ‘Look, while all the effort is being made to get the different government institutions, the media institutions and all of the other religious institutions and everybody, to come forward as kind of representatives of the laity and the civilian population.'” The citizens ourselves, have to get busy. Because the citizens reaching out to establish direct communication with the extraterrestrial civilization, I can tell you, starts to strike fear into all of these institutions. Because they’re saying, “Wait a second, what if we lose control? What if the citizens themselves start participating in direct communication with the extraterrestrial beings? What happened to our major effort at restricting democracy to representative democracy, that means us, as the representatives?” They’re saying, you know, the educated elite, and the people in the CIA, and in DARPA, and in all of these major institutions, who view themselves to be the ones in charge of making decisions, rather than we citizens.
So, this coalition of citizens, all coming together in whatever our respective walks of life happened to be…whether we’re lobbyists in Washington, like Steve (Bassett), or like citizens, like ourselves, or lawyers like me, or journalists, or people like Lue and Chris, who have been in the government and are now outside of the government. People like Bassett, and the other people, the CE5 people, and Steven Greer and all of the community. What we have to do is, our whole citizens have to move together, everybody from their respective place in life, to push to get this to happen. And it includes reaching out to communicate with the extraterrestrial beings to basically say, very, respectively, “What the fuck are you guys up to? You know? What is it that you’re doing? You know? What is it that you want? You know? What is it that you want to tell us? You know? How truthful is it of all the people that you’ve been having contact with saying that you keep saying, “We’ve got to get rid of the nuclear weapons, we’ve got to get rid of the nuclear power stations that are generating all of this waste material that’s threatening to destroy our entire environment, we’ve got to get rid of fossil fuels”? We all have to do this.
Mark Sims: It’s critically important that there be a citizen diplomacy initiative and part of that needs to be a constructive, serious think tank. I think we need to take a lesson from the think tanks. You know, The Heritage Foundation and the others that will remain nameless.
Danny Sheehan: The Brookings Institution, The Hudson Institute. There are forty-two think tanks that are all on the right end of the political spectrum but the people in the middle have The Brookings Institution, but nothing else and people on the progressive side of the political spectrum don’t have any. Well, there’s the Institute for Policy Studies, there’s one. So, what I’m saying is our community has to develop a really, first class think tank. This New Paradigm Institute, to be able to come together, bring together the experts, bring together the scientists, bring together the the researchers. Get people talking to each other professionally, and responsibly and unemotionally, you know, not being protective of their own property, or thinking that they’ve got the only answer, so that we really share the information that we have.
But I think it’s critical, In addition to the think tank, and the kind of scholastic research that we need to do to try to develop a completely comprehensive new paradigm that integrates this new reality, we’ve got to have an active citizens movement, reaching out directly to the extraterrestrial beings themselves, so that all of the representatives will say, “Wait a second! We’ve got to do a lot more than we’ve ever done before, or we’re going to lose control here. The citizens themselves are taking over. The citizens are rising up and democracy could break out here (laughs).” So, we’ve got to be able to demonstrate that democracy can be made real in this very special area. So, that’s why I think that both the New Paradigm Institute that we’re talking about doing, this major think tank is really critical and this citizens diplomatic initiative to establish contact with extraterrestrial beings directly, these are two extraordinarily important components.
We have to be graceful in victory here and keep the victory coming. But reaching out in good faith to the extraterrestrials, we don’t have to say, “You other people in the government, you lost already.” We don’t have to say that at all. We just have to say, “Oh, whatever the drip, drip, drip, is that you’ve been engaged in for the last seventy-five years, this kind of feathering in of this information? Okay, it’s worked. Okay, we now get it. You know, there’s a critical mass of us that are convinced this is true and the perfectly logical thing for us to do is to reach out and establish direct contact with the extraterrestrials. So, that’s what we’re doing and we’re going to keep on doing it, and we’re hoping that you’re going to be doing your constitutional duty as well, and we’re going to keep encouraging you to do that, we’re going to cheer you on, but we’re definitely going to be doing this. We’ve discovered what democracy is all about. Congratulations, you have succeeded in training us to be good citizens, and so here we come.”
Way back in in November of 2009, the Roman Catholic Church convened a bunch of scientists over in Rome at Castel Gandolfo, outside of the Vatican. And after that long conference, the Catholic Church issued a formal statement on November 11 of 2009 saying that look, “Now, in light of the discovery of more and more of these new, extra exoplanets, it’s clear that we’re going to be discovering life elsewhere in the Universe much quicker than had been previously anticipated,” is how they put it, “and therefore, the time has arrived for the citizenry and the laity to begin a very serious conversation of the philosophical and theological questions that are posed to our human family, by the discovery of life elsewhere in the Universe. Now, in my capacity as the former general counsel for the United States Jesuit order in their social ministry office in Washington, DC, I reached out immediately to father José Gabrielle Funes, the director of the Pontifical observatory, who issued the public statement and went to see him. And within two minutes he acknowledged to me that, “Well, they’re not talking about single cellular life somewhere between a frozen planet, a distant star system. They’re talking about another highly intelligent, highly technologically developed, but categorically non-human, other species, right here in our own Milky Way galaxy. And that the time has arrived for us as people and citizens to start discussing the philosophical and theological implications of this.”
Now, as a lawyer and as the counsel in the office of the largest, single denomination in the Catholic Church, the Jesuit order, the largest order, I said, “Look, there’s a lot more than just the philosophical and theological questions here. There are psychological questions, there are sociological questions, there are political questions that we have to come to grips with.” And because everybody has spent so much time for the last seventy-five years, trying to get at the question of whether these are real, and whether these are extraterrestrial, that now that we’re at that spot where we’re crossing that all important line, the time has come for us as citizens to start engaging these fundamental questions.
I was astonished sitting in a meeting with the Defense Department with Lue Elizondo, with one of the main guys and all they kept wanting to talk about is, “How fast these things went? What material were they made out of? How do How do they survive 600 Gs and these big turns?” I said, “Wait a second! Why aren’t we talking about who’s piloting these things (laughs) and where do they come from, and what their agenda is?” And it was like, they were astonished, like, “Well, that’s kind of beyond our pay grade.” But they can’t be beyond the pay grade of our citizens, we’ve got to come to grips with these questions. And that’s what this conference is going to be about from August 18 to August 24, we’re going to have a panel every single day of leading researchers and experts in the field to start talking about raising up these fundamental questions of philosophy, and theology, and politics, and sociology, and psychology.
We’re starting to do the job that we’ve got to do in order to prepare for this major paradigm shift that has to take place within our human family. And that’s what this conference is going to be the beginning of. Not spending all of our time arguing about whether they’re real or whether they’re extraterrestrial, or what they’re made of, or how fast do they go, or even, how many people have had direct contact with them or not. We’re past that line now that we’ve got to get out ahead of the power curve and start coming to grips with the fundamental questions. And that’s what we’re going to be doing.
Fade to Black with Jimmy Church – July 12th, 2021
JC: Do you have an update on behalf of the IG and where this investigation is headed?
DS: Sure. We’ve been meeting with three specific subdivisions of the inspector general’s office in the Defense Department. We’ve been leading with, of course, the whistleblower retaliation group, because the instantaneous response of the Inspector General’s office to the filing of our complaint on May 3rd, was “Oh, well, this sounds like a whistleblower is being retaliated against here.” And then there was this other group that was called Space, Intelligence and Engineering Oversight. There was another one that was a Space, Missiles and Nuclear Evaluation and Oversight. And now, the same day that we filed, we filed this complaint right in the first thing in the morning at nine o’clock in the morning, on May 3rd, and later on that day, there was an official memorandum issued, a public press release from the inspector general’s office, saying that, “Oh, we have decided today, coincidentally, to start a major broad investigation and evaluation to determine exactly what steps your defense department or any of its agencies have taken with regard to the UAP issue, or the UFOs. Now, that’s a very broad ranging evaluation. And they also said in that in that press release, they said that they are going to consider expanding their investigation and the scope of it as it as it proceeds and they will actually consider expanding the number of government agencies within the Defense Department that they’re going to be evaluating.
So we were, we were happy to hear that. There was a fella by the name of Randolph Stone, who was the fellow who’s the head of that division inside the inspector general’s office. So when we met with them, in Washington, DC, right down the street from the Pentagon, in the great, big, new Defense Department building, a series of buildings they have there, we raised the issue with them. Wouldn’t it be more advantageous to have all of the subdivisions of the inspector general’s office, rather than have them each looking out of their little stovepipe, you know, at Lue’s general complaint, that they would all get together and form sort of a large Task Force and really come to grips with all the implications of this. And they have done that now, and it’s quite rare for that to go on inside the Defense Department. They’re quite bureaucratic in the way they function. But we’ve said that, “This is such a profoundly important issue and the American public is so interested in this thing, that’s been going on for decades now, that what we wanted to do is have a collective group of people that we could sit down at the table with, and have them around the table. As Lue pointed out, they acknowledged flat out that there was absolutely no debate about the fact that Lue was the director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. That was just silly and any assertions on the part of personnel from the Defense Department that Lue wasn’t the director of the project or that there was no project that was investigating UFOs or they didn’t know what anybody’s talking about, they just said, “Look at let’s let’s get all that behind us right away, okay. Let’s just brush that off the table. Everybody who’s here knows that you ran the program, so let’s talk about this, right?”
And so, we had a whole range of issues that were raised. When Lue retained me, Lue knew that I was the legal counsel for The Disclosure Project, he knew that I was legal counsel for Dr. John Mack, at Harvard University when we went through an eighteen-month ordeal with the faculty and administration of Harvard University over them getting their nose out of joint over the fact that John Mack published a book about it. So Lue knew this when Lue retained me and he knew that I was legal counsel for the citizen’s hearings, the public hearings that we had with former congressman, former senators.
DS: But the bottom line is that when I came to the Pentagon with Lue, as his counsel, sitting at his side during these these discussions, we were there to basically assist the inspector general’s office in doing what was their constitutional duty. And you could tell that they weren’t used to this. You know, they were used to dealing with everything in these little compartmentalized stovepipes and we were saying, “Look, this is such a seriously profound issue that we’ve got to become serious about all this together. We need to work at getting at what’s been done by the Defense Department. What do they know about this, who is it that knows about it, why is it that there are so many high-ranking military officials who don’t know anything about this, who were not briefed in? And they’re becoming totally frustrated. We need to figure out a protocol for getting this information gathered together in a coordinated way, and meaningful and honest evaluations being done. In a very short period of time, in these meetings that we were having, it became extremely cordial and it was perfectly clear that we were all sort of on the same wavelength here. And they clearly were looking to Lue to share with them the information that he had gotten as the director of the entire project and that’s what he was doing. He was sharing with them the information because they had not been briefed in on any of it.
JC: Help me. I want to be the fly on the wall here, Danny. Is UAP, UFO, you know, little green men, is this kind of stuff being discussed out in the open, or is it in references that are almost third person? You know, we’ve got to get this information out, we’ve got to look at, you know? Instead of…is there a direct reference to UAPs and UFOs?
DS: Well, yeah, but you need to be careful here because you threw in little green men. You gotta be careful here. We’re going at this thing very carefully. The fact of the matter is that these unidentified aerial phenomenon, they refer to them as, everybody in the room knows that we’re talking about UFOs, okay? Because UFOs moved from becoming a generalized description that was used by the United States military, is unidentified flying objects, that became a noun. You know, they said, “Oh, that’s a UFO.” And there was a craft, a clear spacefaring craft and that’s clearly what we’re talking about. And we’re sitting around the table talking with these men and this is what Lue was saying to them: “Look, we know that there are vehicles flying in our airspace, around the world, on our planet [and] they’re going like 43,000 miles an hour, right within our atmosphere. Now this would burn any vehicle we’ve ever seen to a crisp. Like the challenges going out to the moon, or going in orbit and coming back into our atmosphere, they have to have these gigantic heat panels on them and they have to slow down to really slower speeds in order to not get burnt to a crisp. But here are these vehicles flying at 43,000 miles an hour, at least, inside our atmosphere, they’re coming from 80,000 feet above our Earth, down to within 50 feet of the surface of the oceans, and stopping on a dime, that would generate up to 600 Gs. It would tear any vehicle that we’ve ever heard of completely asunder. And then they’re going underwater and traveling over 200 miles an hour under the water.
Now, we have discussed all of this stuff, these are the things that Lue was able to discover in the period that he was running this major investigation inside the Pentagon. So he was briefing the people inside the Defense Department to make it clear to them, look how serious this issue is here. And for the people inside the Defense Department to be saying, “Look, nobody is working on this, nobody’s understanding this. These things are flying around and nobody’s really paying much attention to them. Everybody knows it is crazy, it’s just swamp gas. Or, it’s a lighthouse lights reflecting off clouds, or people are mistaking flocks of birds.” I mean, look at the guy that does “Cosmos,” this Richard Degrassi, or whatever his name is.
JC: Neil deGrasse Tyson.
DS: Yeah, that’s right. He was on Sunday morning. He was on with Fareed Zakaria and they were covering the Virgin airplanes going up into the sky with Richard Branson. And Fareed Zakaria said to [Tyson], he had him on the show and he says, “What about all these sightings of the UFOs and the Pentagon recognizing they’re real? What do you think about that?” He had the temerity to say, “Well, I really think it’s probably some flaw in the equipment, the detection equipment.” That’s what he said (laughs). He is so locked in, to refusing to acknowledge the realities. I mean, we’ve got photographs of these things less than 100 feet away. I mean, we’ve got close-ups…the guys that are flying these F-18 Hornets, they just started taking their cameras with them and taking photographs of these things out the window of their cockpits. And it’s every single day they’re seeing these things. So this is preposterous, still, for people to be taking this ridiculous position. And so, the fact is that the guys that were in the inspector general’s office, that are supposed to be conducting an evaluation of this whole subject, didn’t even know most of the public information that was already being released about this because they wanted to approach the subject pristine [and] they didn’t want to be prejudiced. So, they had to have Lue start briefing them like right from the very beginning. It’s quite an extraordinary experience to see these colonels in the Air Force and there’s DoD guys all sitting around this big table, and here’s Lue delivering a seminar to these guys about what the information is that he already knows about these things.
So, you could tell that these men were basically honest guys, and they started out with this extremely narrow perspective on what it is each of them was supposed to be doing. They wanted to remain inside these stovepipes, where they were, but Randall Stone brought them together and made them all sit down together so they couldn’t use the stovepipe-defense anymore, and they had to come to grips with this as a collective group. And so, they were all there at the same time and Lue, is briefing them on what’s going on. So, now each of them knows that the other people at the table know as well, everything that they know. And so, we’re sitting there giving them more sources, more people they can go to, where they can get the documents on something. For example, Lue said to them, and this isn’t talking out of school, “The Defense Department, when people had filed Freedom of Information Act demands to get information to try to counter some of their public statements that Lue didn’t have anything to do with this program, there wasn’t any secret program, people filed Freedom of Information Act demands to see if they could get some of the records.” And they said, “Oh, the stuff that Lue Elizondo was working on was so insignificant that we’ve destroyed all of their records (laughs).” You know? And Lue said to them, “Anybody who believes that they’ve destroyed the records of the entire thing from the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification has got to have his head examined. So, don’t take that…don’t listen to them from inside the…if anybody tries to tell you they destroyed all of our records, we’ll provide you copies if you’d like.”
JC: And what’s the movement on that and with his missing emails and no backup to the email? Any response from the IG about that issue?
DS: No, we’re supposed to come and have another set of meetings with them within like 30 days. We’ve laid out a whole bunch of stuff so that they can follow up on it and get the documentation. We’ve given them the names of witnesses, we’ve given them phone numbers, we’ve given all that stuff to them and they’re saying that they’re going to have us come back to Washington, you know, within 30 days or so, to sit down for a second round and we’re going to keep on going. What we’re trying to do is have this collective investigation that’s going to be going on to try to enlist the support of the inspector general’s office in calling to task some of these people inside the Defense Department that have been saying things that aren’t true. Basically, it appears that some of the people inside the Defense Department didn’t get the memo, somehow (laughs), that they’re not supposed to keep on this complete bullshit line that they’ve been going on for decades. And they’ve all sort of drunk the Kool Aid, that they’re afraid to say anything about it, nobody can talk about it, you know, and the thing that’s so bizarre about it is to have the United States defense department so intimidated, that a two star general can’t even ask anybody about the subject. They get them flying over a nuclear weapon site, like a Minuteman site, and they shut off all dozen of the nuclear missiles and somehow the commander of the base is supposed to be frightened about even reporting it. I mean, how preposterous is that? And so, this is the kind of conversations that we were having with them, you know, we weren’t being insulting to them and we weren’t trying to be insulting to the officers, the commanders of these bases. What we’re saying is that this situation is (he said absurd or observed).
And, now that Lue and Chris Mellon have taken the position of bringing these three videos out, and releasing them to the New York Times, and the board of editors in the New York Times were courageous enough to actually publish them, just like the Pentagon Papers. As you know, I was there for all those meetings as legal counsel for the New York Times when we decided to publish those papers. So I could see what they were doing at the New York Times, you know, you bring in videos of UFOs taken out of F-18 Hornet gun cameras, the New York Times isn’t automatically just going to publish them. They’re going to make a lot of important decisions and they’re going bring in Jim Goodale, their legal counsel, who might know all these guys, and they’re going to sit down and they decided to publish these. That makes it that makes it very important in the same way the New York Times made the decision to publish the 47 volumes of the top-secret Pentagon Papers, and put it right on the front page of the New York Times, it was a major sea change in the war in Vietnam. It meant that the establishment people and the established order had said it’s time to bring this war to an end.
What’s happened now is the elements inside the Defense Department, Lue Elizondo, and Chris Mellon and other people like Steve Justice over at Skunk Works and others, have come forward and are starting to say things like this. This is a…dare I say it, game changer. This is a game changer. And so, the people inside the inspector general’s office are trying to figure out what it is that they’re supposed to do now, in light of the fact that for years, decades, literally, they’ve been functioning as part of the Defense Department, that had this program to systematically deny the reality that they all knew was true, even to the point where their own officers wouldn’t even ask questions about it or wouldn’t file a report. So, they have to now figure out how to redesign the protocols inside the Defense Department, inside each of the military services and also inside the intelligence services, which the DoD inspector general doesn’t have any jurisdiction over. But, the CIA has to figure out what to do about this, the DIA has to figure out what to do about this, the FBI has to figure out what to do about this. And Lue Elizondo and Chris Mellon, by the way, are sort of leading the way, by saying, “Look, let us tell you, candidly, in sit downs, face to face, what it is that we know about this, and what it is that we know, somebody else knows, but they’re not sharing it with you, and they’re not sharing it with us. This is terribly frustrating to have major two or three-star general officers ask questions about this, and be told that they don’t have a need to know, that they’re not to be briefed in on this whole subject. Presidents of the United States. You know, Jimmy Carter being told face to face by by George HW Bush as the CIA director, that he didn’t have any need to know this. You know, obviously, Bill Clinton has said many of the same things. So, this is unacceptable in the constitutional order of a democracy, you know, that our people have a right to know.
I mean, Lue is being very careful and I’m working with him very carefully to make sure that he doesn’t transgress any of his security clearances. But the reality is, as we had the long discussions in the Pentagon Papers, there’s all kinds of over classification that goes on. The utilization of the power to classify things has been misused consistently, inside the Defense Department, inside the intelligence services, you know, that they’re constantly hiding things from the American people, arguing what we can’t tell the American people because then our adversaries will know. I mean, they’ve got this whole mentality that they’ve got this adversarial relationship with the other nation states and the reality is, they have this attitude about it, because they are the aggressor. In many cases, you know, they’re the ones that invaded the Middle Eastern oil fields, they’re the ones that invaded South Vietnam. I mean, they’re the ones that are doing this. What we have to try to do is figure out how they can step back from that kind of aggressive posture that they’ve got, and stop pretending that the national security of the United States requires them to exercise military force to seize and control the natural resources of the world, on behalf of our corporations. They’ve got to change their headset about this. It’s essential for the salvation of our whole planet.
Because the occupants of UFOs, to jump a bit, are constantly telling people, constantly communicating to people, “You’ve got to stop these nuclear weapons, we got to stop the explosions of these nuclear weapons, you have to stop polluting your entire planet with these fossil fuels, you’re destroying the entire ecological system of your planet. All the kind of communications that people are getting from their encounters with these UFOs have to do with this subject, over and over again. Now, you can imagine sitting inside the Defense Department, right next to the Pentagon, across the table, talking with these men about these things. You can see that their eyes are getting big as saucers, they’re starting to say, “Wait a second. I feel like I’m in a movie somewhere, that I’m being called upon to make moral decisions, that I’m being put in a situation of having to engage heroic decisions that I need to make now to help save our planet and to help deal with this to keep to keep the momentum of the military industrial complex from launching weapons into space to try to fight these extraterrestrial civilizations.” This is an extraordinary moment in human history that we’re at right now.
JC: There’s no question about that Danny, and it is changing their mindset. Are we at a point in history where we need to look at, and I’m talking about the UFO community, are they our friend now? Are they on our side with disclosure and the ET question or do we still need to proceed with caution?
DS: Oh, yeah, No, no. This is a an existential process where there’s there’s some kind of a change going on and it’s happening inside the bureaucracy right now, the defense establishment bureaucracy. But it’s been caused, it wasn’t something that they, from an institutional point of view, appear to have made a decision to do something to start releasing a lot of information about this. Lue Elizondo and Chris Mellon, two guys, you know, engaged in kind of this heroic action of getting these three videos declassified, and bringing them out of the secrecy closet and brought them and put them on the front page of the New York Times, were cautious enough in how they proceeded and responsible enough in how they proceeded to get the New York Times to agree to do it and to verify that these were the real. I believe that that triggered some kind of a process inside the the establishment of trying to figure out what to do about that, because obviously, some of the people inside the Defense Department were still lying, were still doing the same old routine. We don’t know what they’re talking about, there’s no secret program, we don’t know who Lue Elizondo is, and they’re issuing these statements from the official corridors of the Defense Department. And then later on, other people in the Defense Department started saying, “Oh no, Lue Elizondo was definitely the director of the AATIP program, it was working on UFO stuff. So, you began to get this kind of schism that started taking place publicly, inside the defense establishment. And so what we have to do now, those of us that have been in the UFO community, myself since 1977, that we need to keep on moving forward, we need to keep on sharing information with the American public, we need to keep on asking questions, we need to keep on putting pressure on all of the different instrumentalities of government, we need to be putting pressure on the members of Congress to hold hearings on this, we need to be putting pressure on people inside the the Defense Department to speak honestly and truthfully about this, we need to be cooperating with people who are cooperative such as the people inside the inspector general’s office, who are genuinely puzzled about this subject and are trying to get information. And so, we need to be cooperative and give them information.
And that’s why it’s unique to have Lue Elizondo as the head of this investigative program inside the Pentagon, briefing them all now and to have brought his legal counsel with him, to sit right by his side, who they know is the legal counsel for The Disclosure Project. And they know they know who I am. And so that when when Lue and I are participating in meeting with these people, we’re actually engaged in attempting to provide an opportunity for them as individuals, as individual human beings, to reach out and participate in this historic process that’s going on right now. But as legal counsel, I can help advise them that they don’t need to get in trouble, they don’t need to violate any security arrangements, they don’t need to violate the security oaths, but they do need to do their job and that they need to get some kind of a sense of understanding of what the constitutional responsibilities are of a democratic government. When faced his information, to stop pretending that somehow the mere acknowledgement that UFOs are real, and that they appear to be coming from an extraterrestrial civilization, is somehow damaging to the national security of the United States. Because they’ve historically conflated the national security of the United States with the business interests of the major corporations in the United States. It’s that old function that people think that what’s good for General Motors is good for the country, you know, and somehow getting access to this information and squirreling it away in secret, and providing it to our corporations so they can get kind of competitive advantage, not just militarily over our potential adversaries, but also from an economic point of view that we can, we can control the economy of the technologies that are involved in these UFOs. That’s really what’s going on here. And so what we have to do is we have to have a very important change of attitude that needs to take place, to start to get our defense establishment to be more honest and realistic about what the limited nature is of our true national security interests, and stop them from being driven, unreflectively, into trying to protect the corporate interests of major financial interests that are trying to get ahold of this technology and monopolize it. That’s an extraordinarily important thing that’s happening here. So, you get men like Lue Elizondo and Chris Mellon, and many others that look at this from inside, and they say, “Wait a second, this is extraordinarily important information. This is extraordinarily important for our whole human family. This has profound philosophical and even theological implications for our whole family,” and they feel morally bound to do whatever it is they can do, without violating their duties to maintain legitimate national security. But they’re trying to figure out how they can get this information to the world and that’s part of why I’m privileged to be able to help counsel on that because I think there’s a difference in legitimate national security and non legitimate issues of national security.
JC: And then the UAP task force report comes out, highly anticipated, but it didn’t really address anything directly to any number of different groups out there. I would like your opinion on this. I think the overreaching view of the report was…we know nothing. Well, they know a lot. And by stating that they know nothing about anything in the report on each segment of this, whether it’s ET or adversarial or us, secret access programs, that it was none of the above. Very strange approach to this report but they know a whole lot, don’t they, Danny? Were you surprised at the emptiness of the report?
DS: No, no, because you need to understand that once you know that there’s going to be a classified annex, or basically an appendix to this short report, the public report, you gotta understand, this is over 400 pages.
JC: Have you seen it? Have you seen the classified?
DS: No. No, I have not. But, but it’s over 400 pages, you know, and these nine pages they released is really only six pages of any substance at all, you know, so even the nine pages isn’t real. It’s only 6 pages.
JC: Did you just say it’s over 400 pages? I thought the report was 78 pages.
DS: No, no, no. That’s sort of a mythology that’s arisen inside the UFO community. I think it started actually with Steve Bassett. Steve was trying to get some sort of a general sense of how big it was and he was trying to look at various sources and people who’ve spoken with the New York Times and other things. But the reality is that those who have actually seen it, know that it’s 400 pages. And so, there’s a considerable amount of information that’s in those 400 pages. But the six pages of substance that they actually revealed, did say some things that are extremely important, if you read it very closely. For example, they have said, all kinds of people, they never mentioned extraterrestrial once. All they have is the other box. There’s this other box where they put stuff into. And they even said that we aren’t really able to determine anything about these things yet. And they also covered themselves by saying, “It was an extremely narrow group of sightings that we’ve referred to. We only took a look at 144 of these, we were only able to define one of them.” They had to get the old weather balloon in, you know, and say that that was a weather balloon. The other 143, when we looked at, were only those that were military, they’re only from a certain period of time that went from 2004 to 2019, or so. They delimited the scope of what it is that they were doing.
So the bottom line is, what they have said is that really 99% of anything of substance is going to go into the other box, this other box that they’ve got. And that’s where the 400 pages really attempt to talk about all that. And it’s absolutely clear now, even in the UAP Task Force, they know that to whatever degree the United States has succeeded in recovering any of the downed craft, and to the extent to which they’ve been succeeded in re-back-engineering any of the technology. And there’s a whole bunch of debate, as you know, going on about that. That’s happening. But they point out that their position is clear, that whatever number of highly sophisticated, secret military technologies the United States have, the vast majority of even these 144 incidents that they looked at, the vast majority, were not any of that technology. So they are saying we don’t have any such technology, that we don’t have anything like this. What they’re saying is the ones we’re talking about, aren’t those. And then, at the beginning, they tried to suggest, well, it’s possible that they are Russian or Chinese. It’s not possible that they’re Russian or Chinese. Lue Elizondo and Chris Mellon and the others are shutting that down. They’re saying that’s ridiculous. Because, if in fact, the Chinese or the Russians had any technology that goes 43,000 miles an hour in the atmosphere and can go faster than the speed of light and go under the ocean at 200 miles an hour, if they had anything conceivably near that, it would be the most colossal failure of intelligence in the history of the human family for us not to know about it. And the fact is, we do know that that isn’t theirs. We know it’s not theirs, okay? So they’ve eliminated both of those, they’ve eliminated the vast majority of the instances are not our technology, whatever else might be going on with our technology, and they’re not Chinese or Russian. So that leaves the other box. And this other box, you know, they steadfastly refrain from speculating in any way about it.
But the fact of the matter is, when Lue was interviewed by the Associated Press on June 4th, he said, “The chances at all of these being Chinese or Russian is so infinitesimally small that it’s basically functionally eliminated. And once you eliminate those things…”, there were AP guys interviewing him, and Dan Huff said, “Oh, what what are you guys considering? Inside the AATIP, what were you looking at?” And Lue was candid and he said, “Well, you know, the primary theory that we’re looking at is that they’re extraterrestrial, that they’ve come from an extraterrestrial civilization.” And then he actually said, “And it is possible that they may even be extradimensional, because it’s quite clear that whatever the method of transit is that they use from coming from a different star system, to coming to our planet, it gives the appearance of being extradimensional, that they kind of materialize out of another dimension. They just appear and disappear.” So, some people are suspecting that they may be just entirely from another dimension. But, whichever of those is true, you’re dealing with a reality that 99% of the evidence that’s coming in, indicates that their extraterrestrial.
And, you made reference to the Eric Davis quote right in the New York Times, where he acknowledged and the New York Times chose to publish it, that he said that he had briefed the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee and he and his colleagues, most of them believe that these are other, off-world vehicles. That was his phrase. These are off-world vehicles, you know? So, that’s an extraordinary concession. Not only on the part of Eric Davis, but it’s on the part of the New York Times to publish a thing like that. So the reality is, and I said this when we were sitting talking to the Inspector General, I said, “Look, you guys can spend a whole lot of time, if you want, trying to figure out how fast these things go, what their propulsion system is, how they can handle 600 Gs, but the reality that you’re going to have to come to grips with is: Who is flying these things, you know (laughs)? Who is flying these things or where are they coming from and what’s their agenda here?” I mean, how long can you pretend that that’s not what the issue is that’s here? You know, someone materializes in your living room, and you’re wondering what kind of shoes they’ve got on! And you’re saying, “No, that’s not the issue. Where do these people coming from and what are they up to? And what kind of, what kind of an extraordinary civilization do they represent?” And, of course, you know, all these guys in the Defense Department are saying to themselves, “Wow, this is way above our pay grade.” But, what we’re saying is, “Figure out what is within your pay grade and do that job. Because doing your job, here within your pay grade, is going to contribute to everybody else being freed up to do their job, inside their pay grades.” And that’s what we’ve got to do. We got to push it into the Congress, we’ve got to push it into the president’s office, we’ve got to push it all the way up to the Secretary of Defense’s office, we’ve got to get everybody doing their constitutional duty about this subject right now.
JC: I wanted to ask you about this. I’m going to do air quotes here, Danny, “the 23-minute UAP/UFO video” that everybody is talking about. I’m gonna ask you directly. Have you seen it?
DS: No.
JC: Would you tell me if you have?
DS: Oh yeah, sure, sure. Oh yeah, no, no. See, that’s one of the things they’re engaged now in trying to figure out: What is it they can say in my presence, (Church laughs) that I won’t tell everybody. That’s what they say. And I’ve said to them before, I said, “Look, despite my entire history of record of confronting injustices inside the executive branch and inside the government, the fact of the matter is, I believe that there is such a thing as genuine security interests for our human family, for our planet, for a given nation state.” I understand what their jobs are. I’m not trying to rub their nose in it. But what I’m saying is, “You need to confine yourself to the constitutionally authorized authority to keep certain things secret, not expand it out all…there’s no conceivable, legitimate national security reason why they can’t acknowledge that the UFOs are real, that they believe that the UFOs appear to come from an extraterrestrial civilization and that we are devoted, our country and our human family and all of our nation states together, are devoted to figuring out who these people are. And, extremely importantly, we’re devoted to figuring out who is it among us that already know this, and why are they keeping it secret? And to whose advantage is it keeping this thing secret? And what are they trying to do by owning and monopolizing this information, and trying to figure out how to turn it into their own private benefit, and not sharing it with our human family, while we’re here faced with potential global climate change and burning fossil fuels, we still got nuclear waste materials from 103 nuclear power plants, just in our own country. We got Fukushima pouring radioactive waste into the Pacific Ocean. We’ve got another 200 such facilities all around our planet, all within one mile of the sea shores. You know, and the global climate change is raising the levels of the sea. We’re looking at potentially hundreds of Fukushima’s pouring radioactive material into our ocean, and yet there’s a group of people, human beings, in our human family, who are monopolizing this information and concealing it from us, and using the ruse of it being national security, that doesn’t allow us to talk about this.”
JC: I wanted to ask you really quick, who is Randolph Strong? He’s a ghost, I can’t find any information out about this guy. Who is he?
DS: Harvey’s a really great guy (laughs).
JC: Is it Harvey Strong or Randolph Strong?
DS: No, no, no, Randolph is his official name. Randolph Strong. But Harvey is his nickname, his kind of nom de guerre, if you will. The bottom line, he is the project manager of the division of the inspector general’s office, in charge of Space, Intelligence, and Engineering Oversight. He is the one who issued the public memorandum on May 3rd, later in the day, after Lue and I filed his major complaint with the Defense Department about what they were doing and how they were mishandling this entire subject. So, he came forward, and he’s the one that made bold to call for this much more, far-reaching evaluation inside the inspector general’s office. And he’s a very strong character, as far as I can tell, he’s a decent, honest guy. Most of the people that are locked out of the government circles have developed a very intense suspicion about our government structures. And I must say, I think I gave him some of that idea (laughs), over the last 50 years. And I think a constitutional scholar is trained, that the underlying assumption of our constitutional government is to distrust government structures, unless they prove to you that they are to be relied upon. You challenge them, you ask them questions, you hold them to their constitutional duty and nobody inside government likes that. It makes their job harder, they think. But that’s what the Constitution is about, that’s what democracy is about. And in this particular instance, this is the most important, single subject, possibly confronting our entire human family right now. And it touches directly upon the other major questions that we all know about, about global climate change, potential thermonuclear self destruction, and the contamination through the nuclear power plants of our entire ecosystem. These are these are crucial challenges that our human family has generated for ourselves and there is some tiny minority of our human family who are keeping this information secret, and they’re doing it for their own advantage. They’re trying to figure out how they can capitalize on it, how they can make money on it, how they can control this technology, and establish and continue to establish the hegemony of the United States nation state over all the other countries of our planet. This is not a constitutionally acceptable activity on their part, and we need, as constitutionalists and people who believe in democracy, to take this over. Not to generate complete anarchy. We’re not saying, “Here, open up the doors of the Pentagon and show us all how to make a hydrogen bomb.” We’re not talking about that stuff. We’re talking about acknowledging the most important single subject that our human family is confronting, that has vast implications for our theological view of the world and our human worldview of how we fit into the entire fabric of our universe. And to have people stealing this information, and using the color of authority of our United States governmental institutions to secrete this information and keep it for themselves in some corporate boardrooms somewhere, is totally unacceptable.
And I think a lot of it is what offended Lue. I can’t speak for Chris as much, but I think it has offended them. It’s offended them as patriots, it’s offended them as Americans to see this being done. Because it’s clear that up until this point in time, even though there’s technical things that the UFOs are doing, it’s clear that they’re flying around in, quote, “our airspace, without permission from our national security state officials.” Yeah, right. And it is true, I mean, to be a little more serious, for them to shut off our nuclear missiles, that threatens those who believe that we ought to have nuclear missiles that we can use to backup our invasion of other countries of the world and if they resist us, we can nuke ’em. This is a horrible idea. You know, and it’s only been around since…the first nuclear explosion was 100 days after I was born. I mean, this is on our watch, the creation of these nuclear weapons and utilization of them to back unjust, corporate power in our United States over the entire world and to threaten other people around the world with destroying their civilian population. When I was legal counsel with the Jesuit order in Washington, DC and their national social ministry office, we got the Catholic Church and the United Board of Homeland Ministries and the Methodist Church to declare the mere possession of nuclear weapons to be a mortal sin. Because they’re inherently designed to destroy the civilian population and that is in violation of every single concept of fair warfare of the just war theory. And we declared that. The bishops of the Catholic Church have declared that and it’s true. And so, we have an obligation, the same thing that most of the people who encounter UFO beings, the actual beings who are piloting these things, who are asking us to do something to get rid of these nuclear missiles, for our own self preservation. We’ve got to do that. We’ve got to start listening now. We got to get past the fixation on how fast they go, how many Gs do they pull, what’s their propulsion system? You know, we’ve got to come to grips with what is the implication of this? You know, what is the implication of an entire civilization existing outside of our planet’s domain, you know, in which we find ourselves and we need to start addressing that. And we cannot sit around waiting for the government to tell us what to do. Nor can we sit around and wait for the churches to tell us what to do. You know, we as citizens of the world and as members of our human family need to do this ourselves. And it’s courageous people like Lue, and Chris, and Eric, and these other people that are coming out from inside that, instead of institutions, and starting to do the courageous work to get this conversation going.
JC: Is this time for the disclosure movement to gather at the Lincoln Memorial? Where all of the great changes throughout history happened? The start of it was always right there at the Lincoln Memorial. Is it time for us to think about organizing something?
DS: Well, I think that the most important thing for us to organize is the direct, contact experience and for us to have training for people to figure out how to gather together and gather at each other’s homes and go out in your backyard, and reach out telepathically to the beings. There’s other things. I mean, this isn’t speaking as Lue’s lawyer or speaking on behalf of any of the other fellows in the military, but I think that what we have to do is we have to have a direct citizen diplomacy program that we have to reach out to try to establish direct communications with the beings. Because the reality is that the existence of this extraterrestrial civilization, where they come from, what their agenda is, it’s gonna tend to be concealed until they decide how much of it they want made public. Back when I was at Jesuit headquarters, I had Jimmy Garrison, my deputy that was in charge of the nuclear weapons policy, go to Russia. And he ended up meeting directly with Gorbachev back when Gorbachev was just the Secretary of Agriculture, and started talking about how we can work all together to disassemble the nuclear warheads of both of their countries and to get China to join in with this as well, and others. This is part of the process that went on to get Gorbachev to declare glasnost and perestroika and to decide to step back. He didn’t decide to step back from the cold war because of some diplomatic stuff that was done on the part of our government threatening him. It’s totally crap to say, “Oh, well, the Reagan administration decided they were going to do Star Wars and it scared Russia, so they all decided to quit and the Cold War story” That’s not true at all. You know, this was citizen to citizen diplomacy that went on over years of reaching out and having conversations with them, talking with people through the churches and the synagogues. And this is the way to do this thing, that we have to stop relying upon some elite governing class to govern us.
JC: But don’t we go visible? Don’t we put pressure on this elite group, who I want to talk about with you, by the way. You’ve made some very good points about this lately. But I’m talking about 500,000, a million people, a disclosure movement in Washington to put pressure on our elected officials, that we are serious about this and we need movement. And having something visible like that may be the next step. I’m being very serious about this, Danny.
DS: I know you are. I believe that everybody should do every thing that we can think of to try to do this. The difficulty is, that is assuming that we have to rely upon pressuring these people to do something they don’t otherwise want to do. And then somehow you’re going to put 500,000 people in the street and march up and down the streets and get, you know…that has its own role. I’ve done those things. You know, when Orlando Letelier was murdered by the DINA, by the secret police of Chile, a block from my office, I helped work and organize a massive march that went from the Chilean embassy all the way to the funeral at the Church of St. Matthews. One of my best friends, a Catholic priest, a Jesuit who was my superior, concelebrated the funeral mass for them. We had diplomats lining the walls, we had Joan Baez singing Ave Maria, we were doing everything to try to force the revelation of the fact that it was the DINA that were involved in assassinating were Orlando Letelier, the ambassador from Chile, to the United States. And we ended up succeeding, eventually. It took years and years and years and years of pressuring the government. And the problem is, that the ruling class, the ruling elite that fill in these government positions around the world, they have their own agenda. It is not to do what is in the best interests of the people, it’s to do with what is in the best interests of them and their fellow people. So just marching up and down the street doesn’t really persuade them. But, I’m certainly not, as a public justice lawyer, dismissing the importance of those things, those are all important, every single one of us should do whatever it is that she or he is capable of doing, and organizing people to engage in these mass demonstrations is a part of what needs to be done. I agree with you. What I’m saying is that there also has to be this extremely important thing to demonstrate to the people in positions of power, that we’re not going to wait for them to reveal this to us, that we’re going to reach out to do everything we can do to establish direct contact with these extraterrestrial beings. And I mean, even to the point of sometimes they suggest they’re going to bring Logan Act charges against people for attempting to have diplomatic relations with a foreign power. I mean, they certainly can’t do that for someone they don’t even acknowledge exists, you know, so it isn’t likely. And if anybody gets charged with a Logan Act violation, I will defend them for free, I can tell you. It would be a great a great opportunity to get in front of an American jury and the call the witnesses from the government to deal with this issue. So, they’re not likely to throw us into that briar patch.
So, I think, yes, we should have major demonstrations, I think we should have, but very importantly, a direct citizens initiative, a citizens diplomatic initiative to go forward under the CE-5 and get everybody involved. Steven Greer has been helping to train people to do this. You know, Mark Sims is working on it now. We’re talking about setting up a virtual, New Paradigm Institute to invite people from around the world to come and sit virtually around the table to have this set of discussions among our citizenry about what to do about this. The Catholic Church back in November of 2009, on November 11, of 2009, issued a public call, calling upon the people of the world to start to have this profound, a serious discussion about the important philosophical and theological questions that are presented to our human family by the discovery of life elsewhere in the Universe. And in my capacity as the legal counsel for the Jesuit office, I reached out immediately to Father José Gabriel Funes, who was the director of their Pontifical Observatory in Rome, Castel Gandolfo, who actually issued the public statement on behalf of the church. And within 48 hours, I was sitting and talking to him about this. And he admitted to me, in the first two minutes I was talking to him, that he wasn’t talking about microcellular life discovered under some frozen lake on a distant moon somewhere, he’s talking about another highly intelligent, highly technologically developed, but categorically non-human species, elsewhere in our galaxy. That there’s a full scale, sophisticated civilization here and the time has come for us to come to grips with this reality and that we have to show that we’re worthy of this. We can’t sit back and wait for…democracy is not a spectator sport. We’re all trained to sit and watching the Bucks play the Phoenix Suns, watching the Dallas Cowboys play the New England Patriots game. We’re all trapped in these kind of passive of observations. We need to participate in this process and participating includes getting in the streets. Participating includes leaning on our government representatives, leaning on them to have public hearings about this, it means that people who run a radio show like this of yours, bringing people on to talk about this, and getting people to send in their questions for all of us to answer to have this be an open and transparent process.
And this new thing, this New Paradigm Institute, this virtual Institute, is going to bring on all the new technology that’s going to enable people to come together, as I said, sitting around a table and talking with world leaders around the world, and civilians all around the world who know about this, and people can come and participate in this. Everybody can have their own little avatar and Mark Sims is going to be financing the technology of this platform so the the avatars are going to look, virtually, exactly like a person,
JC: I’ve seen your avatar, It looks exactly like you with it.
DS: But that’s a little primitive. This is going to be really sophisticated, you basically aren’t gonna be able to tell the difference between an avatar and an actual visual of the person and you’re going to be sitting around the table and talk to Albert Einstein, and you can sit around the table and talk to Plato. He has figured a way to program the avatar with all of the knowledge of the person whose avatar that is. And just like you’re talking to Siri, on the telephone, you say Siri, you know, tell me who were the people that were on the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria, and within 30 seconds, she’ll start telling you who they all are, right? Because it’s all filed away, it’s all by technology. That can be done now. For every, every major person who’s participating in this, government people, you can program, through AI, the information that they have. And so you can actually sit at the table and you can convene them to come and sit at the table to talk about this most profound of all questions that our human families have ever confronted. And we can participate in this, regular people can come and sit at the table and have these conversations. This technology of the New Paradigm Institute, that Mark Sims is getting set to finance and put together, is going to be extraordinarily important for housing and facilitating this conversation that is going to be going on. We don’t have to depend solely upon filling the streets of Washington, DC with 500,000 people and marching on the Capitol Building. You know, what we’ve got to do is we’ve got to work together to go out in the meadows and the fields of our country and reach out together through meditation and certain techniques. Steven Greer has a whole training program to help show people how to how to do this and Mark Sims and the people that the New Paradigm Institute are going to be training people on how to do this. And we have to train an entire generation of diplomats. We have to have citizen diplomats that are going to be trained…what are you going to do? It’s like the dog that catches the car, right? You go out in the middle of the fields and say, “Oh, please come down and talk to us.” They land a flying saucer there and what are you going to say to them? Like Betty Hill said: “I don’t know this but I can send you to somebody.” We need to be able to know what to say and what we’re going to be proposing for policies here.
JC: Well, this time around, instead of Joan Baez, we’re gonna have the Foo Fighters, I’m just letting you- But Danny, I have to ask you. If the pressure and everything that you and this community is doing right now, and we continue this, and suddenly, our government reveals that they do have in their possession, crashed and retrieved flying saucers? Is the world ready for that? That kind of confirmation? Is the world going to be able to handle this?
DS: Well, that’s part of the…we are the world (laughs). I mean, we need to prepare ourselves for this reality, whatever the means are and whatever the rate at which this information is acknowledged, both by our government institutions and by the ET civilization itself, by institutions, such as the churches, etc. We need to prepare ourselves for this information, so no matter how slowly they do this, the institutions, or how rapidly they do that, we as people are responsible for this. It’s like with your own children. How aggressively are you going to train your children about some of the realities of the outside world? You just have to do that, you can’t just throw them out doors and say, “Here, figure out what it looks like in the outside world.” There’s a whole educational process and we need to do that. Now, a lot of people, of course, speculate that the government institutions and the ruling elite have been doing this over the past 75 years, that they’ve been feathering this information in. I mean, you take the average seven year old here in the United States and ask them to draw an extraterrestrial and they’ll draw it for you. You know, the big eyes and the big head, and then you say, “Here, draw a flying saucer,” and they’ll draw you a flying saucer. So it’s clear that there’s been a process going on, over all these years to try to feather this information in.
But at the same time, the governing elite have been holding back the key information about the technologies and they’ve been making us suffer the consequences of our own ignorance. But we’ve been victimized, we’re being taken advantage of by a tiny, tiny minority of people on our planet who believe that they are in charge, and that they have a right to monopolize the technology. The same kind of people that rose to power back in the robber baron era from 1868, at the end of the American Civil War, to 1898, a short 30-year period there. There were like two dozen families that rose to immense, fabulous wealth by monopolizing the steel production, the iron, the railways, the shipping lines, the telegraphs, the communications, the agribusiness companies. These two dozen families came to own and monopolize virtually all the major sectors of our economy and the fact is, they haven’t let go since then. And they’re involved in controlling this information, they’re holding it for themselves and they’re letting us all suffer the consequences. So rather than getting into a confrontational fight with them, or relying solely upon mobilizing more and more people marching in the streets of Washington, DC to try to frighten them into thinking they’re going to lose control somehow of the population, we’ve got to take it into our own power.
We’ve got to reach out, establish direct citizen diplomacy with the extraterrestrial beings, come to understand whatever the reticence is that they have for revealing themselves, and get them to share this information with us as to why they’re not coming forward and making it obvious so that we can take that into account. We don’t want to shock the conscience of the citizens of the world and we don’t want to traumatize our people. We don’t want our people to be suddenly faced with the realization that their whole worldview has been wrong and despair over this. We want to do this in a responsible way. But we need to have the information, we need to know what the information is that’s being sequestered by certain elements high up in the corporate structures of our country that have have pirated this information from the government and are holding it in their own private, corporate hands. We’ve got to be able to get at this and we’ve known this for some time now, that this element exists.
JC: I recently heard you speak about the small, elite group. Is it an extension of those families? Is it a new generation? Are we speaking purely in a private, corporate and banking structure that is independent of state actors?
DS: Well, it would have been but for their having taken over the instrumentalities of government. That’s what happened back during the robber baron era, is they basically applied their talents and obtained economic control over the economic resources and then they translated that into capturing the institutions of government itself. To the point where they would be able to dictate sending foreign expeditionary forces, for example, into Nicaragua, to overthrow the government down there, because the United Fruit Corporation wanted to use that to grow bananas down there. The same way that they invaded and overthrew the government of Mossadegh attack over in Iran because they wanted to have the oil. The Central Intelligence Agency is playing a major, key role in this. The Central Intelligence Agency, that was created in 1947 through the National Security Act of 1947, has been steadfastly dedicated to plying their trade on behalf of the American corporations and getting access to the resources of other countries around the world and toppling governments that don’t agree to give us unfettered access to their resources, etc. Of all the instrumentalities, the Central Intelligence Agency is a fundamentally and profoundly corrupt organization. Now, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t good people that don’t know any better, that are in it and trying to figure out what they can do to help. But the reality is, the first memos that were written, suggesting to President Truman that there be such an organization, was written by Robert Lovett. Robert Lovett was the senior partner in Brown Brothers Harriman, which was a private investment firm that was made up of the heads of these families and the CEO of that was George Herbert Walker. And the legal counsel for that was Allen Dulles and he ended up being made the first civilian head of the Central Intelligence Agency. But his power came from the fact that he was legal counsel for Brown Brothers Harriman, he was the consigliere for these families and the CIA was steadfastly devoted to pursuing it.
Take a look, for example, David Talbot wrote this extraordinarily important book that’s called, “Allen Dulles: The Rise and Fall of The Secret American Government.” You know, this is not unknown, this information. The question is: How do we who had the advantage of getting a full scholarship to Harvard College, for example, and Harvard Law School and getting to study all of this stuff, among the elite and the major prep school people, come out to the world and say, “Let me tell you what I’ve discovered here. Let me tell you what I found out. That they’re trying to recruit us from the working class, to join with them and share in their privilege.” And we’ve said, “No.” And we want to tell people, what we really discovered about how these secret powers operate and they’re operating here in this area with regard to the UFOs and the technology that they represent. And the good people like Lue Elizondo, and Chris Mellon, and Eric Davis, and the other people who are offended by what’s going on here, are trying to figure out how they can participate in getting this information made available to the people in the world. It doesn’t really transgress any legitimate national security interests of our country, and that’s the key to this thing. Again, I don’t mean to speak just on behalf of Lue or Chris or any of the other people, they can speak for themselves on this, but I think you can tell that that’s what they’re trying to do. They’re trying to figure out how they, caught in this extraordinary moment of history, can fulfill their moral responsibilities, not only to their fellow citizens here right now, but to their grandchildren and their grandchildren’s grandchildren. This is something that’s going to affect our relationship with the extraterrestrial civilization for 1000s of years to come. That’s the importance of this particular moment that we’re engaged in right now. This is transhistorical, what’s happening right now and it has to be handled well.
JC: Thank you so much, Danny, what a great conversation and you’ve had a very, very busy year. Certainly a very busy couple of weeks, and it’s not going to get any easier. But thank you, man, for rolling that rock uphill, man. Thank you so much.
DS: It’s an absolute privilege to get to be here at this time.
Amazing People Podcast (APP)
December 15, 2023
(The Amazing People YouTube account was deleted so I don’t have a link)
Nathan Williams: So, Brian Johnson has asked: You’ve spoken before about an ET civilization, presumably one in which the United States government, military, and/or intelligence communities [have] had repeated contact. In the spirit of disclosure, are we talking about Grays – humanlike, but clearly not us, or human-looking and pretty much indistinguishable from us? Are are we looking at a multi-species civilization?
Sheehan: It’s a multi-species civilization. There’s no doubt about that. You know that there are the small Grays that are only like, about four feet…three and a half, to four feet tall. There are the tall Grays that are as much as like six feet tall. There are the Reptilians, as they’re called, that are actually strangely attractive and not frightening to some people. Then we have the, what they call the Mantis people. They’re tall, very tall and skinny, kind of curved over. They strike people as like a praying mantis – they call [them] the Mantis people.
And then there’s, of course, this extraordinary set of discussions that have gone on about there being a species that is in fact humanoid, that is directly human. And they generally refer to them as coming from the Pleiades. It’s not clear. That sounds a little like an effort to soften the blow that there is extraterrestrial life, and that it gets into this entire thing about, “Oh, well maybe they’re our ancestors,” you know, and that, “we’ve been seeded here on this planet by them.”
There’s a whole series of things that we’re going to have to investigate at the New Paradigm Institute. That’s one of the reasons we have the full institute that’s established now, so that we can study these things and evaluate the different information about it all, track it down, [and] try to verify what it is that can be asserted. I’m putting together a memo on the hundred facts that we feel confident at the outset of this whole process in declaring to be true, so that people can come to the New Paradigm Institute as a source of credible, solid information. Because there’s an awful lot of speculating that has gone on and people just end up drinking their own Kool-Aid here. You know, they end up speculating about what a civilization might look like, how many different species there are, etc. And then, after a while, people are getting the echoes of those stories and they end up assuming they must be true, and that’s not so.
As a fifty-year long trial lawyer, you know, I have to be able to distinguish credible witnesses from non-credible witnesses because I have a responsibility of putting people in front of the jury – only the people that I personally believe to be true. And so, that information is going to be, at the beginning at least, less than the sum total of all the information that’s around. For people, for example, that watch the “Ancient Aliens” program that’s on the History Channel, the standard that they use for setting forth this information is “some ancient astronaut theorists believe the following…” I mean, no, that’s not a standard, because they could believe anything, you know? So what we have to do is apply the Rule 11. There’s a Rule 11 of the federal rules of civil procedure that require that any practicing attorney, before they actually put factual assertions into a civil complaint, need to undertake a preliminary investigation and assure themselves that they believe these things to be true. And so, that’s what our New Paradigm Institute is doing at the present time.
We’re working directly with Richard Dolan. Richard Dolan is one of the very most credible historians who has been tracking this information, and I would recommend to all of your listeners, you know, that what they do is they rush right out and go to Amazon books and order Richard Dolan’s two volume, “UFOs and the National Security State.”
UFOs and the National Security State – 1941-1973
UFOs and the National Security State – 1973-1991
Sheehan: Because it’s filled with documents that we’ve all been successful in extracting so far from the government agency uh, without the [unclear] power, but with at least the authority of the Freedom of Information Act that we, that Richard has filled his two volumes with these documents. And then you can look at this and say – look at this, here’s a letter from General Twining who is the commander of the United States Air Force and he’s writing a letter to President Truman saying, “Look, the UFOs are real, you know, they’re metallic spacecraft, you know, and that they’re able to out maneuver anything that we’ve got, and that those of us who have been examining this closely and are responsible for the protection of our airspace, we believe that these are extraterrestrial.” So this is a letter, you know, from back in the 1940s that was written by the commander of the United States Air Force to the President of the United States.
So, these are documents that Richard Dolan has compiled and put together to have them available. So you get the copies of “UFOs and the National Security State” by Richard Dolan and you’ll get the book and do your homework. Because what this is going to do, is it’s going to encourage people, literally encourage you, fill you with more courage to come forward and talk to your friends and neighbors, your relatives, to say, “Look, let me show you this, look at these official government documents that we already have our hands on and look what’s happening in the United States. Look what’s going on, you know, the United States Congress has just passed a bill demanding that more of the information be revealed.”
So, that’s something that people can do, and should do, and I think it will establish, eventually, it’s going to establish that there are at least five different species of these extraterrestrial beings, and there’s this other dimension which we haven’t touched upon, and that isn’t, at this time, the primary focus of the New Paradigm Institute because we’re focused on the extraterrestrial nature of these species and the extraterrestrial nature of these spacecraft that have been recovered. But the manner in which they travel the millions of miles between star systems, you know, appears to present itself as though they were extradimensional. That these spacecraft can kind of materialize and dematerialize right in front of you, you know, as the beings can. The beings can walk right through walls, you know, and they can do these strange [unclear].
And so, there’s this whole other domain of the extraterrestrial, excuse me the extradimensional potential nature of some of these encounters, and both things could be going on. There could be simple, if I can say the term simple, extraterrestrial beings coming and going and there may be some kind of phenomenon that is extradimensional in nature. And even, of course, not to complicate things, but even extratemporal, that there’s some indication that the beings that are coming, some of them, have access to information from the future because of the peculiar nature of time in the space-time continuum. That is a scientific question. As Einstein postulated, you know, believes, actually, that time is a scientific function of material forces in the space-time continuum. So, all of these are going to be examined in detail by the New Paradigm Institute.
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