(Since this was a “live” event, folks were rushing to ask their questions and DeLonge was most likely rushing to answer. So, I tried to fix all spelling and grammatical errors in an attempt to make it more readable. ~Joe) On April 11th, 2016, Tom DeLonge participated in an “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) chat on […]
aatip, alien, ama, archons, Area 51, ats, chat, Delonge, et, extraterrestrial, greys, nordic, propulsion, reptilians, TTSA, uap, ufo
Luis Elizondo outed himself as the former head of the Pentagon’s UFO program on October 11th, 2017, during the “To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science” (TTSA) live broadcast. On December 28th, 2017, a few months after that event and twelve days after the paradigm-changing, New York Times article went live online, a thread […]
aatip, alien, Delonge, Elizondo, et, paracast, reddit, uap, ufo
Commander David Fravor was the guest on a recent episode of “The Fighter Pilot Podcast” to discuss his encounter with and subsequent chasing of, a Tic Tac-shaped UFO back in 2004. This is the most detailed interview with Fravor I have heard so far. I transcribed about 80% of the interview and left out parts […]
aatip, aiello, cap, Elizondo, fighter pilot, fravor, knapp, nyt, pilot, slaight, tic tac, uap, ufo
“I did see something that transited very quickly by our E-2, and I can honestly say I’ve never seen anything like it. The “object” joined up with us briefly and all onboard had a view for a matter of a few seconds.” ~“Roger,” Radar Officer “PJ told me this was highly unusual. The classified data […]
Beaty, data, e2, Elizondo, fravor, hard drives, hawkeye, kevin day, men in black, Nimitz, Princeton, radar, slaight, tic tac, uap, ufo