Congressional Hearings, Elizondo
“It’s happening every week!!! You know, they put something up from 2019, 2020, something that they knew was already out on social media and people looked at it, and they could just go ahead and say, ‘Here’s a video.’ No, no, show the real video. Show the videos that we know are there and […]
aliens, bryce zabel, congress, conspiracy, coulthart, hearings, lue, lue elizondo, need to know, ross coulthart, uap, ufo
“Imagine everything you’ve been taught, whether it’s through Sunday school, or through regular, formal education in school, or what our political leaders have told us and yes, even maybe our mothers and fathers around the dinner table have told us or maybe at bedtime, about who we are, right? Our background and our past. What […]
aatip, aliens, Elizondo, jaimungal, lue elizondo, theories of everything, toe, uap, ufo
If you like what you see on my blog and my Twitter and appreciate the time and effort, here are my Patreon and Pay Pal. PayPal – ~~~ “When you have material in your hands, physical evidence that you can analyze, there’s not a whole lot better than that to base and formulate […]
aatip, aawsap, aliens, crash retrieval, dolan, Elizondo, exotic, lue, lue elizondo, luis Elizondo, reid, sheehan, uap, ufo
If you like what you see on my blog and my Twitter and appreciate the time and effort, here are my Patreon and Pay Pal. PayPal – ~~~ “The United States government is in possession of exotic material and I’ll leave it at that.” ~Luis Elizondo ~~~ Audio summary by Joe Murgia… Here’s […]
Elizondo, inspector general, mellom, sheehan, uap, ufo, whistleblower
If you like what you see on my blog and my Twitter and appreciate the time and effort, here are my Patreon and Pay Pal. PayPal – ~~~ This is a topic that doesn’t belong into the provenance of any government or organization or institution. ~Luis Elizondo ~~~ On April 20th, the former […]
If you’d like to support my work on Twitter and this blog, my Patreon can be found here: ~~~ by Joe Murgia – @TheUfoJoe on Twitter In the summer of 2020, Luis Elizondo, the former head of the Pentagon’s UFO program, joined Twitter and proceeded to make his first tweet on August 22nd. I went […]
AATIP, Bryan Bender, Elizondo, Eric Davis
If you’d like to support my work on Twitter and this blog, my Patreon can be found here: ~~~ by Joe Murgia – @TheUfoJoe on Twitter. Yesterday, Bryan Bender, a senior national correspondent for Politico, tweeted about AATIP, the Pentagon’s UFO program now known as the UAP Task Force. ~~~ Twitter user, SicCoP1, tweeted to Bender: […]
aatip, aawsap, bender, bryan bender, Davis, Elizondo, eric davis, lue elizondo, luis Elizondo, politico, uap, ufo
Elizondo, To The Stars Academy
By Joe Murgia Luis Elizondo, the former head of the Pentagon’s UFO program, will be the guest tonight on “Fade to Black,” with host Jimmy Church. Seeing that Church has taken repeated shots at Elizondo and his former employer, “To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science (TTSA),” over the past few years, many of […]
aliens, church, f2b, fade to black, ftb, jimmy church, silva, silva record, uap, ufo
If you like what you see on my blog and my Twitter and appreciate the time and effort, here are my Patreon and Pay Pal. PayPal – * * * * * Coast to Coast – July, 19 2020 George Knapp (GK): Two of the people most directly responsible for making all of […]
aatip, aawsap, aliens, christopher mellon, coast to coast, coast to coast am, george knapp, knapp, lue, luis Elizondo, mellon, paranormal, uap, ufo
~~~ If you enjoy my articles and would like to support my work, here is my Patreon. URL: ~~~ by Joe Murgia – @ufojoe11 on Twitter! Limited Transcript To watch the whole interview, you need to subscribe to The Glenn Beck Program Friday Exclusive: The Glenn Beck Program with Guest, Luis Elizondo Glenn Beck […]
beck, glenn beck, luis Elizondo, sap task force, TTSA, uap, ufo