Click below to hear the entire, “Edge of Reality Radio” show with host, Lee Speigel and guests George Knapp and Jeremy Corbell. Lee Spiegel (LS): There’s one place in America where paranormal phenomena reportedly takes place and it’s been documented by different teams of investigators and scientists since the 1990s. That place […]
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“This is a really complicated subject [and] it deserves an objective, dispassionate treatment, and we really need to look at all possibilities. We can’t factor anything out or in. And we have to allow the facts and the data to lead us to any potential conclusions.” ~Christopher O’Brien ~~~ If you like what you see […]
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If you’re unfamiliar with Kevin Knuth, I suggest you read these two articles: Are we alone? The question is worthy of serious scientific study “I believe we need to face the possibility that some of the strange flying objects that outperform the best aircraft in our inventory and defy explanation may indeed be visitors from afar […]
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“Our team was summoned, in the past, to Washington DC, to give testimony and to report on what we have been observing on the property. There appears to be a very real, sincere interest on the part of a number of agencies and programs that that are at least monitoring what is happening, relative to […]
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