“Imagine everything you’ve been taught, whether it’s through Sunday school, or through regular, formal education in school, or what our political leaders have told us and yes, even maybe our mothers and fathers around the dinner table have told us or maybe at bedtime, about who we are, right? Our background and our past. What […]
aatip, aliens, Elizondo, jaimungal, lue elizondo, theories of everything, toe, uap, ufo
AATIP, AAWSAP, Colm Kelleher, James Lacatski
“People are forgetting the 100 plus documents that were delivered to the DIA, hundreds of pages, some of them. But there’s an entire room maintained by the contractor, BAASS, Bigelow Aerospace now, of the analyst, raw data. Pictures, recordings, it’s all there. And I ultimately, at some point in the future, would like to have […]
aawsap, colm kelleher, james lacatski, kelleher, knapp, lacatski, orbs, poltergeist, skinwalker, uap, ufo
AATIP, Bryan Bender, Elizondo, Eric Davis
If you’d like to support my work on Twitter and this blog, my Patreon can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/ufojoe ~~~ by Joe Murgia – @TheUfoJoe on Twitter. Yesterday, Bryan Bender, a senior national correspondent for Politico, tweeted about AATIP, the Pentagon’s UFO program now known as the UAP Task Force. ~~~ Twitter user, SicCoP1, tweeted to Bender: […]
aatip, aawsap, bender, bryan bender, Davis, Elizondo, eric davis, lue elizondo, luis Elizondo, politico, uap, ufo
Transcript of Jimmy Church, July 20th, 2019 interview of John Greenewald of The Black Vault. Edited lightly for clarity. ~~~ Transcribed by Joe Murgia – @ufojoe11 on Twitter Jimmy Church = JC John Greenewald = JG ~~~ Jimmy Church: Last night, Don Schmidt mentioned a few times how the UFO community is used to spread disinfo. […]
alien, black vault, Elizondo, extraterrestrial, f2b, fade to black, fadernauts, george knapp, greenwald, harry reid, jim semivan, jimmy church, john greenewald, knapp, Puthoff, reid, steve justice, To The Stars, to the stars academy, TTSA, uap, ufo
Transcribed by Joe Murgia – If you cut and paste anything from here, please give credit and link to this website and my Twitter account @ufojoe11. Thanks! Transcript of October 27th, 2018, Italian UFO Conference (Centro Ufologico Nazionale – CUN) with Luis Elizondo and Tom DeLonge of “To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science.” There […]