Tic Tac

Exclusive: Tic Tac UFO Report Is Finished and 260 Pages

2 Dec , 2018  

by Joe Murgia – @UfoJoe11 on Twitter.

Last night, Rich Hoffman, an executive board member of The Scientific Coalition for Ufology, (SCU) confirmed to me that their report on the 2004 Tic Tac UFO, which interacted with multiple Navy F/A-18Fs from the USS Nimitz, is complete and currently undergoing peer review. Once that review is complete and any needed changes are made, we’ll all get to read it.

When I communicated with Hoffman in late September, he said the report was almost 160 pages long. Last night, he upped the ante and informed me that the length is now a whopping 260 pages! The SCU report will feature interviews with witnesses of the events and analysis of the available evidence. That will include an examination of the Tic Tac UFO video and data related to an unknown craft that, according to Christopher Melon of To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science, hovered, shot up to 80,000 feet and then dropped back down at super sonic speeds. Within a matter of seconds, it was 50 feet above the ocean, where it resumed hovering.

According to their website, the SCU “is a think tank of scientists, researchers and professionals stretching across organizations, governments and industries to scientifically and publicly explore unknown anomalous phenomena known around the world as UFOs, USOs, UAPs, OVNIs, etc.” If you’d like to see an example of the level of professionalism and thoroughness exhibited in their work, check out their 159 page report on the 2013 Aguadilla, Puerto Rico UFO that was captured on video by a Department of Homeland Security aircraft . You can watch the unedited UFO video here. And here’s Hoffman in action on Open Minds TV, discussing the details of Aguadilla and the SCU analysis with Alejandro Rojas. It’s well worth the fifteen minutes.


Further Reading/Listening:

Tic Tac UFO Executive Report – “Based on a well-vetted Washington source, journalist George Knapp has provided to TTS Academy a newly released 2009 unclassified USG report that includes analysis from multiple sources regarding interactions with UAP’s, including the Nimitz incident.  The report accounts for the various advanced sensors being used during the incidents and the resulting determination that the advanced technology observed was far beyond any known US or international government capability.”

There I Was: The X-Files Edition by Paco Chierici – This article, published in an aviation blog in 2015, is the first detailed description of what happened during the main encounter with the Tic Tac. And it’s a great read. – “A good buddy of mine and former squadron mate, Dave “Sex” Fravor, has one of the most bizarre aviation stories of all time.  It is a story that stretches credibility…”

2004 USS Nimitz Pilot Report: “The ‘Source’ of this report is a highly decorated and recognized expert in aviation and Navy combat flight operations with Top Secret clearance.  There are also six ‘others knowledgable (OK)’ that are referenced as being aware of the incident.”

Rich Hoffman’s colleague and fellow SCU executive board member, Robert Powell, was one of the first researchers to discuss details of the Tic Tac case last year on the Martin Willis Show. I may have listened to this interview three times now as it’s very informative,

Besides Paco’s article, the very first mention of the Tic Tac case details came from researcher and filmmaker, Jeremy Corbell. He was interviewed by George Knapp on Coast to Coast AM in October of last year.

And if you want a realistic look at what the Tic Tac encounter may have looked like, check out this excellent short film, “The Nimitz Encounters,” by Dave Beaty, which has now been viewed 639,692 times.

Rich Hoffman

According to the SCU website, Rich Hoffman, “has a BA in Organizational Communications from Wright State University. He is an Information Technology consultant and strategist. He has been a defense contractor for over 20 years working primarily for the Army Materiel Command HQ with a
variety of companies. Currently, Mr. Hoffman is an Enterprise Architect working at Redstone Arsenal and the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. He has over 54 years experience in Investigations a research of the UFO subject. Mr. Hoffman has served as Director of Investigations, Star Team Manager and Director of Strategic Projects as well as State Director in MUFON and other organizations.”

Update – December 6th from Robert Powell of SCU: “Although the report is under peer review, it will not be released to the UFO community once peer review is complete. I can’t tell you for certain when it will be released to the UFO community but it will be at some point in the future.”

© Joe Murgia and www.ufojoe.net, 2018. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Joe Murgia and www.ufojoe.net with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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