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Lecture by Hal Puthoff, Ph.D. – Founder, President and CEO, EarthTech International
“DoD’s Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Program:
The Back Story
The Forward Story”
Berkley Springs, West Virginia
“Transition Talks”
Alexandria Institute Presentation
All transcribing was done by @RVA_UFO_UAP (Lynda) and myself, @ufojoe11, Joe Murgia. Lynda did most of the heavy lifting and I can’t thank her enough.
Big thank you to @cosmicdahlia (Joyce) and @mikeb8637 (Mike) for recording and providing the original audio. Not an easy task to hold up your phone for over two hours!
And I’m extremely grateful to John Petersen, of The Arlington Institute, for hosting Hal Puthoff and for making a professional recording of this lecture. None of this would have happened without him and his Transition Talks series.
Introduction of Dr. Harold Puthoff by John L. Petersen.
John L. Peterson: Dr. Harold Puthoff is an old friend of mine. We go back pretty close to thirty years. We have been wandering around the world in different places together, and sitting for hours on end at meetings. I remember we were sitting on a board (NIDS Science Advisory Board? ~Joe) together in Las Vegas and twenty-seven times I went to Las Vegas in three years, for weekends, just to sit around with him and a bunch of other wonderful folks. And the reason why he is an old friend of mine is because early on, when I was doing some work for the Department of Defense and wandering around doing a project for the Secretary of Defense, as a matter of fact – and looking at new ways to think about the future – I ended up at some crazy place up in Colorado where they were doing a new science convention. It’s a whole different story on its own. But it just blew my mind because I didn’t know what I was getting into and it was just crazy. UFO things and all kinds of…plants that talk to you. It was weird. You know what I’m talking about. Cleve Backster was there. Believe it.
And anyway, I heard about this thing about remote viewing, and it was this deep, secret program, right, that the government had to use psychics to spy on the Soviets and the Russians and other such people. And so, I had enough clearances and stuff and could poke around and knew how the system worked but I hunted up Hal. And I don’t remember even the details of how it all got together. But anyway, we hit it off and we have been friends and been involved in all things unusual for a long time. The thing, of course, that brought us together, in addition to remote viewing at the beginning, was our mutual interest in the whole UFOs and alien life and the possibility that there was a whole lot more going on in this part of the galaxy than most people understood.
The importance of that, relative to the kinds of reasons why we all come together here, or at least I hope that you all come together here, is that we’re in this middle of this extraordinary transition. And there is a place ten, fifteen years from now when it’s a whole different kind of place that operates in a way different way. And part of the reason of that is because almost certainly, human beings have started to integrate themselves into the larger community of civilizations that live in this part the galaxy. And the reason why that’s going to happen is because of this man, and some of his friends. Because they represent the opening to this whole disclosure process about what the United States government has been doing under the table for a long time. And, of course, they’ve been lying to us, telling us, of course, “Nah, we don’t know anything about this stuff.” But they did, and they were. And what Hal and his friends are doing are trying to put that on the table and make that part of the legitimate conversation that we all have. And in the process, facilitate this emergence and transition of humanity.
He’s a quantum physicist and, you know, done a bunch of stuff and he can talk to you more about it. But it’s just wonderful to have you with us. Thank you, Hal.
Hal Puthoff PhD – Founder, President and CEO, EarthTech International: Thank you for having me.
Well, I appreciate your interest and the fact you have come here, so I am very anxious to share what I have to share. A nd as you’ll see from my message up here: “Back Story and Forward Story.” There is a back story about the government’s involvement in the UFO – what we now call it, UAP – Unidentified Aerial Phenomena program. But there is also a forward story, where some of us who have been part of that program, have banded together to try to get more data out for the public to have a conversation about. So I’m gonna cover both aspects.
Let me begin with the back story.
Anyone who follows the UFO area, knows that starting in 1947, we supposedly had the Roswell crash, and whatever, and there were a lot of people calling the Air Force and saying, “I’m seeing something in the sky,” and so on. And the public pressure was so great that Project Sign was set up. It ran from 1947- 48, to gather data from generally the public about what they were reported to seeing. And that transmogrified into Project Grudge and finally into Project Blue Book. Project Blue Book, of course, was the longest-running organization, it ran for seventeen years. But in 1969, (Edward) Condon at the University of Colorado was asked to set up a program to investigate whether there’s anything that we should be taking seriously in what the Blue Book people had found. And they came to the conclusion: no, there’s nothing here, don’t worry about it, nothing worth following up on.
And so basically, public knowledge about any UFO program ended there. And so, if between 1969 and roughly now, if you sent something in to the Air Force Public Affairs Office, and said, “Well, what are you learning about UFOs? What’s going on?” They’d say, “Oh, no no. We shut that program down in 1969.”
The truth of the matter, however, is that the very memo that shut down the program, written by General Bolender, had down in the fine print of the memo “…reports of UFOs which could affect National Security will continue to be handled through the standard Air Force procedures…” So the truth of the matter is, the programs continued, and are continuing today.
This has been very much under the covers, with no media associated with it.
Until December 16, 2017, when suddenly there was a front-page story on the New York Times, talking about a program that had been going on, called “Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.” We call it AATIP. And this was absolutely an amazing revelation.
They had good sources. I was part of the program. I thought it would never see the light of day and suddenly, there I am, even, on the New York Times.
And of course, with that kind of coverage, the mainstream press, The Washington Post, CNN and so on, picked up the story and suddenly it was this big barrage of media publicity.
The thing to realize is that this was a game changer. The reason was, that the kind of people who are now coming forward, which I’ve listed here.
Ex-Senate Majority Leader Senator, Harry Reid, who actually founded the program, top-rated F-18 pilots, who were encountering what we call Advanced Aerospace Vehicles. Significant Department of Defense and intelligence community officials began to come forward because of what had been revealed, to answer questions. And so suddenly, this whole area, via the media, moved from being just the tin-foil hat crowd for news on a Friday afternoon, when you don’t have anything to write about, to suddenly, oh my God, there’s something really going on.
The actual name of the program was Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP). But it went by Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). So, AATIP was the nickname and later on, the actual name of the program.
And how did this get started?
This program began in June of 2008. The Defense Intelligence Agency was concerned about threat from advanced aerospace vehicles – crafts and drones of unknown origin.
Congressional budget was approved to address the issue. Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senator Inouye from Hawaii, and Senator Stevens from Alaska, were the people who were basically in charge of black budget programs. So this was all done behind the scenes. The rest of Congress didn’t know the program was being set up. So that’s how it got started.
And once the news came out in the New York Times, you might think that, well these heavy hitters are gonna kind of run away and walk it back and whatever. Not at all. This statement by Reid, I think, summarizes the view of the major political players that were involved.
It is, “We don’t know the answers, but we have plenty of evidence to support the questions. This is about science and national security. If America doesn’t take the lead in answering these questions, others will.”
Well, the AATIP program had two concerns, two areas of threat that they were concerned about:
The obvious one of course: “What are these things?” Craft flying over the continental United States and we don’t know what they are. Possibly off-world, possibly some other country has got advanced technology. What is this all about? Now you might think that that would be the major threat. It turns out, that wasn’t the major threat they were concerned about.
The major threat they were concerned about is future threat. What happens if a potential, terrestrial adversary – say the Russians or the Chinese or whatever – achieves some significant breakthrough and develop game-changing, disruptive technologies based on their evaluations of the phenomena. Or maybe from sensor data? Or from crash-retrieved materials? That’s what they were really worried about. Of course, that’s what the intelligence community and defense establishment have to worry about. That’s their remit.
And well they should be concerned. This is the paper, or actually it’s a giant report about that thick, that we were able to get out of the Soviet Union. This is all the way back to as early as 1991. They have had a massive program, in the black, just like we did, trying to figure out what this is all about. And this report has tons of units and academic institutes and research institutes that were involved in assessing various aspects. So this was a big deal. And, of course, the DIA and others in the intelligence community understood that that was going on.
To give an example of which probably most of you have seen because it’s been in the news a lot lately…the investigations of the Nimitz carrier group operating off of San Diego. And [on] several occasions, these advance aerospace vehicles would descend rapidly from 60,000 feet to 50 feet above the water, hover and then take off. I mean absolutely astounding kinds of things.
And one of these times, a couple of F-18s were launched from the USS Princeton and vectored by overhead AWACS planes to investigate and see…what was this. Can you get eyes on? And so in fact, they got to where they were targeted to see if they could see something and sure enough, one of the F-18 pilots actually got a good view. The object was hovering, kind of over the water, and he went right down to check it out. And suddenly, PHEW (pointing up), it took off to the horizon in a couple of seconds and he was absolutely amazed.
What he described was that there was an elongated craft, so like a Tic-Tac. You know, the kind candy you can eat. Solid white, smooth, no edges, about forty-six feet in length, about the size of his F-18. Uniformly colored, no appendages sticking out like wings or tails or whatever.
They were stealthy. The F-18 radars couldn’t obtain lock. But, Forward Looking Infrared Radar (FLIR), could track while it was stationery at lower speeds. FLIR just picks up the heat signature. And so, even though there was no radar lock or whatever, it did have a temperature above that of the surrounding volume and space. And so it would stand out on a FLIR radar.
It appeared to demonstrate advance acceleration, aerodynamic and propulsion capability, zipping around.
Navy Commander, Dave Fravor, has been on the news and you can find interviews of him, several, in fact, on the internet. He was the first pilot to actually get there and see what was there to see. And, of course, he had a wingman who also saw it and he had another plane, that watching from above. And there was this event occurring.
He [Fravor] did not have FLIR on his particular F-18, so when they landed back at the carrier, he told the next flight of people going out, “You know, I saw this thing, see if you can get out there and get a picture, ’cause your FLIR radar is operational.”
And so, on the second flight out, in fact, they did capture this picture. (On the video, they show a picture of the Gimbal object. Not sure if Hal messed up or the editor put in the wrong slide. I’ll ost the FLIR/Tic Tac video instead. ~Joe)
Now you have to realize, this is on infrared video, seeing a heat signature. Now if this was some kind of propulsion of anything we could image, like hot gases coming out the back, or whatever, you would see that kind of a plume. And so the big mystery here was you just had the craft and it was hovering and it’s not obvious what its propulsion system was. You see no evidence of it. So when they came back from their flight and they showed Dave Fravor this picture, he said, “Yeah, well that’s basically what it looked like when I saw it up at relatively close range.”
Now you might think, “2004? I mean why are we talking about things that happened a long time ago?” It didn’t stop. Over the decade, lots of views of this happening wth the F-18 pilots.
(Interruption, question.)
Questioner: In the last photo, it looks like there’s some sort of artifact or appendage of some sort. What is that exactly?
HP: There’s a couple of various, small metallic things coming out. Tiny little things.
Questioner: What are we seeing there?
HP: I don’t think what you see here…I think that’s kind of blurry.
I know John said we should hold questions until the end, so hold questions until then.
But anyway, in more recent times, 2015, 2016, you got the carrier group, the USS Roosevelt in this case, operating off the East Coast of the United States, and they see the same things, actually interfering with their missions. There have been cases where a couple of F-18s are going along, and WHOOSH, something disappears or zips through and disappears, right between them. And so it actually became an air safety issue. And that’s part of what led to some additional publicity I guess you would say. Now I can just go here and you can hear the pilots talking to each other for this one.
Gimbal audio/video plays…
This is displayed on the web and on various TV shows and so I am sure you can hunt it down and learn about it.
So we had FLIR displays recorded, they had detailed debriefs of the pilots, for example, Commander Dave Fravor. He had like twelve planes under his group, three hundred people reporting to him. He was a top commander of this Air Force group.
The key assessments were:
Advance Aerospace Vehicle, no known air vehicle in the inventory of U.S. or a foreign nation.
Low observable characteristics, stealthy
Advanced performance
Advanced propulsion capabilities to remain stationery and transition to horizontal/vertical velocities far greater than any known, aerial vehicle.
And with no visible signature.
So that’s what the DIA had to contend with.
So, how are we going to figure out what’s going on?
So, for this particular program – the latest of many programs – we put out a Broad Area Announcement (BAA) in 2008 and said we want twelve potential threat areas to be evaluated: Lift, Propulsion, Control, Human effects, Human interface, Armament and whatever. And so the request for the proposal went out to the defense industry, the intelligence community and DIA chose Bigelow Aerospace as the contractor to address the potential threat.
Now some critics out there have said, “Now wait a minute, I mean, Harry Reid was a senator from Nevada and Bob Bigelow was an aerospace person who was located in Nevada. Wasn’t this just some kind of sweetheart deal?” And the answer is…no. Bigelow had already had a large program that he had put his own money into for years. And in fact, John and I were a part of being on his science advisory board. And so it was actually the DIA who chose Bigelow. They felt he would be the person who had go get ’em attitude. And, of course, had the right kind of technical environment behind him.
So he set up a division of Bigelow Aerospace called Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies. We call it BAASS. And of course, he was supposed to do all the things you’d expect someone to do if you set up a program like this.
Well I came into the picture when BAASS contacted me, contacted my organization and asked me to collaborate as a subcontractor, since, with John we had been on this science advisory board. We had many years of collaborating. I’d been a science advisor to Bigelow Aerospace. So, it would be natural that he might think of choosing me.
The particular area that I took responsibility for is based on this. There was a critical issue, as you can well imagine in these deep black programs. It’s difficult for contractors to obtain expert opinion on critical technology because there’s such high level security and there’s compartmentalization – we call it stove-piping – so you’ve got people at this desk and people right next door at that desk, and they can’t talk to each other. And so this really held back progress.
So I was given the remit to try to break through this kind of issue. And so I was contracted to commission papers from experts around the globe. And since we didn’t want to be in the position of going out and saying, “Hey, we’re trying to figure out this UFO thing. Umm, you know, can you help us out here?” I mean, the publicity associated with that in our black program would have been a disaster.
So instead, I just simply went out to people and said, “I’m doing a survey. Where will your particular application or your particular interest in your particular technologies, be in the year 2050, as far as aerospace industry went?” And so if I wanted to know, well…you know, what do we know about invisibility cloaking? I could go to the super expert, even if he’s over in Europe some place, not revealing anything, and say, “Can you write us a white paper on where is this invisibility cloaking technology is going?” So, over a two-year period, I let out thirty-eight contracts. I’m going to show you the thirty-eight papers so you can judge for yourself how technically oriented this program was.
As you can see..,I mean there were some critics out there that said, “Oh, well that program was just looking at advanced aerospace vehicles.” I mean, in a sense of what are the Russians gonna do in a few years or whatever. But, of course, if you read between the lines, and you see you’re looking at warp drive, traversable wormholes and stargates. I mean, we’re not looking for what the Chinese are gonna make next year. This program was absolutely directed toward trying to address and solve, to the best of our ability, “The UFO Problem.”
Another set of the papers…we were into looking at the forefront areas of everything.
In case you have any resonance with people saying, “Well no, this was just looking at advanced aircraft production.” Well then how do you explain that we had a whole program on evaluating the Statiscal Drake equation, which is an estimate of how many intelligent civilizations are there capable of technological, advanced in our galaxy? This was definitely a UFO program. A U-A-P program, as we call it.
These papers were collected together and put out as a series of Defense Intelligence Reference Documents (DIRDs). They were put up on a special server called JWICs (Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System). As you see here, they were unclassified but for official use only. So contractors and defense officials, and intelligence community officials…they could all go in and read these papers.
Now, the DIA often does these DIRDs, as we call them – Defense Intelligence Reference Documents. Typically, a series of papers would go up for…let’s say a few, couple months, for three or four months, and then they’re taken down and replaced with something else. Our thirty-eight papers, it turns out to be the hit bonanza. Years went by and they were still on there being looked at every day, practically. So, this was really quite a hit series because they’re very advanced, technical, detailed papers on all kinds of things that would be of interest in the community.
So let me give you a couple of examples. We have one here called “Metamaterials for Aerospace Use.” I can talk about an open source sample, I can’t talk about others. And many of you have probably, if you’ve seen various TV programs and interviews and so on, you’ll know about this.
There was a sample that was sent anonymously by a military source. He claimed that his grandfather had been involved in a crash retrieval operation and had gotten some material from it. He didn’t want to identify himself, but he sent it forward for analysis.
That’s what it looked like. It was a multi-layered, piece of material. And Linda Howe was the one who got it and began shopping it around and trying to get analysis of it. She’s really a stalwart person to try to find out about this. It had layers of bismuth. The size of that is less than a human hair. Those are the black areas you see through here. And then they were separated by layers of magnesium, which are the lighter areas. And so that’s what the sample actually looked like.
There’s been a lot of controversy, a lot of discussion about this because, after all, here you see something that does look like it was in a crash. The thin lines were the bismuth lines.
So, what do we really know about this? The chain of custody is non-existent. The provenance is questionable. So for all we know, it could be a hoax, it could be a fraud, it could be some slag from a foundry floor of some factory. But nonetheless, it was an unusual sample, so we decided, okay, well then we should at least take a look at it. Have an open mind. Early on, Linda Howe, the researcher who had this sample given to her by Art Bell, went around to many institutions and groups to try to get some analysis. First of all, a survey of academic publications, interviews with people from organizations involved in special materials and so on. Even went to archives of the national labs like Los Alamos or wherever. And nobody had any data on this kind of construction having been made.
And then there was someone else she went to, and they tried to see…could they just duplicate the material. In fact, they had trouble bonding the magnesium and bismuth layers together. So, it wasn’t clear exactly how you would make it. And then finally, in talking to materials experts, they say, “Well, let’s just say somebody could make this. What would you use it for?” And all the material scientists said, “I don’t have a clue. I can’t even imagine the reason for constructing something like this.”
However, what happens is, a couple of decades go by, or more, and suddenly we have our whole science of so-called metamaterials has been coming into the fore and developing kinds of stuff. And lo and behold, a paper gets published, which says, you know, if had a bismuth layer of just this size – it happened to match what we had – and it is separated by magnesium layers of about the size that we see, this would have a very special property. This came out of a metamaterial research and not directly associated with the material.
So, it turns out this would make a terahertz wave guide. What’s a terahertz? Well, you hear about megahertz and gigahertz, and the microwave spectrum, and then you hear about infrared radiation. Well, terahertz sort of lies in that no man’s land as far as technology development goes. Above microwaves, above gigahertz but less than the wavelength of infrared heat.
So it turns out that ordinarily, when you have a wave guide and you want to send a signal from one place to another, you know, you have a pipe, for example. And the pipe generally has to be about the size of the wavelength. A half a wavelength, for example. Well in this case, there’s a frequency band around five terahertz and the wavelength is a certain size. Well it turns out, in this special kind of material, those thin bismuth layers would transmit those signals at 1/20th the size of the wavelength. And so that means , you now have sub-wavelength, waveguide effects.
So what that means is, if you wanna transmit a lot of data at terahertz frequencies, and usually you gotta imagine a stack of waveguides to do it with, now suddenly you’ve got this whole thing micro-sized down and you can carry out your task. And it’s only because of metamaterials being developed. No there were no metamaterials being developed back in the days when the sample was found, that’s for sure. But anyway, so there’s a possibility this has an important effect.
So actually, what we see here then, and this happens in many cases, you get a material sample, unusual characteristics and you wanna evaluate it. Method of manufacture is difficult to assess or reproduce, as it was here. The purpose of function is not readily apparent. But then our own science advances on over the decades, and finally we get to a place where we can imagine a possible purpose or function comes to light, which was the case here. We still have this in a pipeline to do a lot of experiments on that haven’t done yet because we haven’t raised the funding for it. But there’s more to be done.
Let me pick another one. Spacetime Metric Engineering, which is a mouthful. This happens to be the area that I personally was the leader on.
The question is…can you account for what we’re seeing based on known physics? And, of course, all the pilots get back and say, “Oh my god! I can’t believe these things! And they’re violating the laws of physics. They’re standing still. They’re taking off instantly, like they don’t have any inertial mass. We don’t know how that can even be possible in principle.” Well that’s fine for the pundits and the media and even the pilots to say, but the truth of the matter is…we can account for them. We can account for them.
By taking an engineering approach to Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity. So what does that mean? Well all of our electronic devices…this device I’m holding (laser pointer), your cell phones, the lights – whatever you wanna say – are all using equations, using electromagnetism. Electromagnetism has its foundational equations and everything that we have is really built on what the equations predict. And that’s a completely mind area of science and technology.
But when it comes to general relativity, Einstein’s theory of general relativity, that’s mostly been in the purview of astrophysicists who are trying to figure out what happens when black holes merge or whatever. No one ever thought of taking the equations of general relativity, just like we have the equations for electromagnetism, Maxwell’s equations, and say, “Well, supposed we can engineer those equations? Suppose we can build something based on those equations?” This is textbook physics we’re talking about. Not fringe physics.
So one of my jobs was then to make a list of all the weird anomalies reported about these objects. Actually, from my standpoint, the weirder the better, because if somebody is making up something and it’s fraudulent and a hoax, they’re gonna try to say something that kind of could sell, and make sense. But then somebody comes up and says, “Well, you know, I was outside the craft and it was only that big but when I got inside, it was a football field in size. I mean, I’m…”
So you list all the weird aspects that have been reported, and list all, what would be the weird things you would find, if you could engineer general relativity equations, and they matched up hand and glove. I’ll give you some examples. For example, warp drive. How about zipping across the Universe? You always hear, “You can’t do that! You can’t beat the speed of light,” and so on. Well, that whole thing about not beating the speed of light has to do with Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity. But it turns out that in the General Theory of Relativity, there’s a way to do that.
Here’s a very famous astrophysicist by the name of Alcubierre. He was a Star Trek fan. And so he said, “You know, I wonder if I could find solutions in general relativity that would let me make warp drive? And I have a lot of constraints on that. You know, I wanna leave at breakfast time, have breakfast at home, go to Alpha Centauri for lunch (audience laughs), come back and have dinner with my family, and I want them to still be the same age I am. And on the trip I don’t want to be turned into sauce on the back of the spaceship with giant accelerations. In fact, I’d like to just be…feel like normal kind of things.” And so he worked through that solution and developed what’s now called the Alcubierre Warp Drive.
He published this in an absolutely tier-one physics journal that deals with general relativity. There’s a very sort of famous picture of what his warp drive solution looked like, where you sort of depress, space-time metric, as we call it, in front of the ship and build it up behind it, and let the space-time metric push you through and so on. So there’s a cottage industry of general relativity theorists who are working on various forms of warp drive and so on.
Well what about the Velocity-of-Light ‘Constraint’? Again, in general relativity you can solve the equation and come up with something called, for example, a wormhole. And again, I’m not talking about fringe physics. This is textbook material. Matt Visser is one of the great, general relativity theorists. And if there are any engineers in the crowd, I would point out that, well what do you mean by velocity of light? Velocity of light is given by a little equation here: One over the square root of the magnetic permeability and the dielectric permativity of the vacuum.
So if you want to go faster than the speed of light, you just simply arrange to reduce the value of those constants, and now the effective speed of light, in your engineered region, is much higher. And so, even though you’re zipping through faster than the speed of light, as far as any one on the ground is concerned, actually within your engineered space, you’re not actually beating the speed of light. But it works, in principle.
So the take home message here is reduced-time, interstellar travel, either by ET or ourselves in the future is not as naive a consideration might hold, fundamentally contrained by physical principles. And it can be expressed, exotic physics, in engineering terms. Metric engineering.
So you might well ask, “Okay, well then why aren’t we zipping around the universe?” Well unfortunately, you solve the equations and say…oh yeah, all these things could be done, what would be the engineering required to do it? Well, our solution so far is, “Oh my gosh, we have to have so much energy density compactified in such a small volume, there’s no way we could get there with our present engineering smarts.” So, it’s going to be far future for us, unless we happen to find some kind of back door that lets us through.
So in fact, that was one of the papers, in fact, this is the paper that I published. So it was one of the Defense Intelligence Reference Documents, one of the thirty-eight that went up on that special website. But by the way, as I mentioned, we didn’t tell these authors that we got the thirty-eight papers generated by, that this was some kind of spooky UFO program. “Oh,” we said, “you can even publish your work in open literature, if you want.” Of course they didn’t know it had anything to do with UFOs.
So in fact, I published my paper, Advanced Space Propulsion Based on Vacuum (Spacetime Metric) Engineering, in a physics journal. Now we kept the list of these titles and the authors still secret, and then finally somebody, through a Freedom of Information Act request, got a letter from John McCain, which listed all of the papers and the authors, and their affiliations. And I thought, “Oh my gosh, that means my phone is gonna ring off the hook saying, ‘What? You didn’t tell me this was a UFO program!'” But actually, I haven’t heard any pushback, so. Lucky so far. The papers generally have not been released by the Department of Defense and the intelligence community. And only a few have begun to publish some of the work, as I did here.
So is there anything you can learn from this, that can help us in terms of evaluating observations in the world associated with unidentified aerial phenomena? I’ll just give you one example. And I have about a thousand I could give but that would take about a week or so.
In this room, most of the electromagnetic energy you can’t see. Why? Because it is in the infrared, in the form of heat. And there’s a very narrow band in the electromagnetic spectrum that you can see. And that’s what we call the visible spectrum. And then there are higher frequencies into the ultra-violent and beyond that we don’t see.
Now it turns out that one of the side effects of engineering the spacetime metric, to get this kind of flight performance, is that it…we call it…blueshifts the frequencies. All the frequencies that are involved, get moved to a higher frequency. It’s just built in to what the equations say, when you generate these anomalous effects. So what that means then, and it has significance for us…is the infrared, we don’t ordinarily see, gets blueshifted up into the visible. So when we hear that these craft are so bright and so luminous when you see them, it’s not surprise.
And then what was in the visible spectrum, gets shifted up into, let’s say, the ultraviolet. And so, if you get too close to one of these things that are powered up, you’ll get a sunburn, often reported by people who’ve claimed to have gotten close to a craft. And if you get too close, you might actually pick up some of the blueshifted radiation from the visible that’s now blueshifted up into the soft x-ray region and get radiation poisoning. And there have been cases where that’s been reported. So having these set of equations and seeing what they predict and then going out and matching them against real data, I mean that’s really a boon.
I’ll give you one example. Colares Island in Brazil, 1977-1978,. The had a massive wave, that lasted for many days, of like a scene from close encounters of the third kind or whatever. Hundreds of advanced aerospace vehicles were observed by civilians and the Brazilian Air Force investigative team. They set-up a whole operation called, “Operation Plate,” the Brazilian Air Force. More than a thousand pages of documents, logs, sketches and maps. More than 500 photographs. Fifteen hours of motion film. Physiological effects and medical injuries. And so in our AATIP program, all of this information was compiled into a big database and we did our best to analyze the implications. So part of what lead to the space-time metric engineering, as we call it, is, when you see all these injuries, you say, “Well, what could have caused that?” Well, the blueshifting would cause it. Well where do you get blueshifting? Oh, from Einstein’s equations , if you were abe to generate the space-time metric engineering.
So, you know, medical injuries, some overlap with current cases, range all the way from numbness, headache, paralysis, some deaths in here and so on. So actually, having a model like this, that can then be matched against data, even medical injury data, turned out to be significant for us.
Now despite the progress in the programs, as in AATIP, Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, let’s face it, the topic is inherently anomalous. No one would disagree with that. Therefore, despite the reality of the observations, the topic does not fit smoothly into a known profile of the Department of Defense or Intellignece Community structures.
And especially if it’s a very black program and the public affairs office doesn’t even know about it, doesn’t know what you’re dealing with. So it’s not a happy marriage. And because of the national security implications, there’s so much compartmentalization and stove-piping, it’s very difficult to integrate all the data and makr rapid progress in trying to get to the root of all these elements that are being observed. It’s very difficult. And the advocacy of the issue in government circles is not viewwd as career-enhancing. People who try to push this inside the Pentagon, inside the intelligence community, aways had to deal with pushback from higher- level people who really didn’t know what was going on. And it was so compartmenalized, you couldn’t brief them and tell them what was going on.
So, a group of us decided that we should set-up an outreach program in the public sector and try and get as much information out there as we possibly could. The goal was to establish a broad-based, high-quality, scientific community of interest. To have the conversation in the public sector, concerning UAP – Unidentified Aerial Phenomena and other related, leading edge topics, because a lot of these topics are linked.
So we set-up smething called, “To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science.” And if you’ve been following the field, you’ve probably seen reference to it. It was co-founded by Tom DeLonge, senior intelligence officers from the Depaertment of Defense and CIA and distinguished researcj scientists. It was strictred as an SEC-regulated, public benefit coproration. So that means it sort of lies between your crowd funding on one end and your usual IP Organization (IPO) that you can buy and sell shares on the public market. It’s kind of in between. And one of the requirements, I mean, people can go to the website and buy shares, they just can’t trade them until, at some future point, you have an IPO and you get into the regular market.
And one of the requirements of a public benefit coproration is that you have to provide something of value to the public. So ecucational aspects are a major requirement to have a public benefit corporation. And the structue is transparent. You can go to the website: www.tothestarsacademy.com, and you can track everything that’s going on. So it’s a very rich, web-based community of interest set-up called The Vault, which is now being developed where there can bea lot of information trasnfer back and forth between the public and the organization and government entities and contractors. And so, it’s growing.
It was set-up by Tom DeLonge, as I said. I mean he was the person who founded Blink 182, the big, rock band. I had never heard of it. When I talked to my sons, they said, “Well, of course, everybody knows about Blink 182!”
Well, he’s had a lifelong interest in the UFO/ET, alien topic and so on. And because of his notoriety, he could always get into the office of various DoD officials and high-level executives in aerospace coprorations. And he made the big pitch that, You know, everyone out on the street knows what’s going on.” And the government is saying, “There’s nothing going on.” You know, that’s not good. It’s not good for your insutry and it’s not good for the goermment. You should let me set-up something where we kind of get a conversaitn going. So, in fact, he was able to convince people to do that. So we formed To The Stars Academy. He’s the CEO. Interim CEO.
Lue Elizondo. You’ve probably seen his face if you follow this area at all. He was the last person in the Pentagon who actually ran the AATIP program. And he was frustrated because he couldn’t get more assets to help resolve the problem and so on. He’s one of those people who realizes, you know, this is not career-enhancing and so on. So he actually left, even though he was runnng the program, to join To The Stars. And he has taken a very public stance and you see him on news programs all the time. Here he is on CNN. So he’s in charge of our globals affairs and security division of TTSA.
Chris Mellon. He joined. He’s still a consultant to the intelligence community on national security matters. He had a twenty-year career included being Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence. He also has been very strong, both publicly and you’ll see him in interviews often if you follow this topic. He’s on Tucker Carlson. But he’s also very good at behind the scenes interactions with senators and congressmen and arranging for briefs. I mean, I briefed two congressional committees recently myself, so he’s he’s quite a superstar in helping us.
Jim Semivan just retired from the CIA. He was one of the true James Bond kinds of people. I’ve heard his stories. You know, when you need to get a missile out of Iran or whatever, I mean, he’d be the one to figure out how to go over there and buy it. And so, he was an operations officer, both overseas and domestically. He’s on our board. He’s in charge of operations, Vice President for operations.
Steve Justice, who I had briefed many times at highly classified levels, when he was running black programs at Lockheed Martin Skunkworks. And I couldn’t believe it, that about the time I joined, he left Skunkworks and agreed to join also. So he’s in charge of the aerospace division of TTSA. Brilliant guy, knows everything. Billion dollar programs, all black, that he was in charge. I mean, we’re talking about heavy hitters here.
And then there’s me. I had my physics background, happy as a clam, PhD from Stanford, working on lasers. Got my first laser patent while I was still a PhD student, or whatever. But, in addition to that life – which has resulted now in some 200 publications and three patents and so on – in the background, I also had this other life. Because I started out as a Naval, Intelligence Officer stationed at the National Security Agency NSA, between my masters and my PhD, before I went out to Stanford to get my PhD. And so I had that background. And so it turns out that every time there’s a problem somebody wants to solve, and they want a physicist who’s had clearances, and they know they can trust, and they know the area is so weird that no other physicists are going to agree to do anything about it, who you gonna call? So that’s how I get involved these programs.
And we have a couple of people who are really savvy people, who’ve run investment groups, to handle the financial aspects of TTSA. And so, the SEC filings and everything, are all out there on the website. So, that’s a very transparent organization. Of course, we don’t all tell everything we know.
Chris Mellon is also the chair of a science advisory board, and several distinguished scientists and academicians. So if you go to the website, you can see their CVs and backgrounds. You’ll see that many of them have been involved at CIA or Department of Defense or whatever, with fantastic backgrounds of information. So they can make a real contribution. And as a science advisory board, make sure that we stay on the straight and narrow with any claims we have.
So what are TTSA’s goals? First of all, promote the concept that forefront topics should not be considered taboo investigation by scientists. I mean, that’s always been a problem with these kinds of topics. Remote Viewing, telepathy, psychokinesis, UFOs, search for extraterrestrial intelligence.
And, of course, to generate funding. I mean, that’s why we have a website where people can send money to underwrite significant research in the areas. But because of our public benefit corporation element, we want to have user friendly databases so they can be universal access to whatever information we can come up with and that we can reveal.
And provide positive support for collaboration between government, aerospace industry, academia, to accomplish all these things. For example, we just recently signed something called an Army CRADA, with the Army. CRADA stands for Cooperative Research and Development Agreement. And so we’re still doing things with the government as well as with the public.
But as part of our remit as a public benefit corporation, we create entertainment properties: books, documentaries, films, all that kind. It also makes money to help support the research. For example, there’s a series, a “Sekret Machines” series is now two volumes out – which is science fiction, written by Tom DeLonge, and another author – which kind of incorporates the ideas that we’re talking about, only at a fiction level.
There’s also another series, “Gods, Man and War,” by Peter Levenda, that explores humanity’s history going back thousands of years on claimed interaction with other kinds of beings. Whether it’s angels or aliens or jinn or who knows what they are? So it’s a nice compendium of the fact that there’s a rich history throughout our whole culture, about interaction with non-human beings.
So the structure…we have a science structure that has a series of programs. An Aerospace structure. For example, a beamed energy propulsion launch program is one we’re trying to get funded at this point. Ordinarily, when you put something into orbit, you’re carrying all that rocket fuel and that takes up most of volume and you get a very small payload. Well, it turns out, you can leave all the rocket fuel home and just have really giant lasers on the ground that then hit the back of a satellite, a CubeSat that you want to watch. And so there’s a whole industry there, already proven by NASA and the Air Force to be a viable industry, but the infrastructure hasn’t been set up. Because, I mean, we got rockets working, who wants to put a billion dollars in to a new industry before you actually can use it? But anyway, that’s something that should be done and once that area gets filled out and brought up to speed, the cost for launching satellites into orbit will be 10% of what it is now. So everybody recognizes the economic potential, but who wants to put in all the money to build it, until a decade from now when you actually use and make money. So it’s a tough road to hoe.
And of course, because the entertainment and public interface, documentaries, TV books and so on.
So what our activities today? Well, I mean, in some sense we were responsible for legitimizing the topic in the mainstream press. So that was really a sea change about this subject area. And TTSA working in public, and also behind the scenes.
This is one of their successes. As I say, Lue Elizondo, he’s out there, top media, presenting the facts. So that that’s a big change.
And it’s given [us] the quality of the sources coming out from the shadows. I mean, Ex-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, top-rated, F-18 pilots, important government officials. The bar has been raised on legitimization. So after that New York Times article in December 2017, the ridicule factor has by and large, gone way down, in comparison to the acceptance that there’s something here. The three, high-quality F-18 videotapes of Unidentified Arial Phenomena. I showed you one here, you go on the Internet or to the TTSA website and see the others.
They’ve been pulled out of the Pentagon and released, due to the pressure from, primarily Lue Elizondo.
And we set up meetings with people in foreign UAP programs. Some of them have promised to provide us data and even materials from crashed craft. In the past, whenever some foreign country came up with some, let’s say some material or whatever, call in the United States, give it to them, it disappears in the black hole and they never find out anything about it. So that’s the end of that. Well, we’re coming on as a public benefit corporation saying, “You give us pieces. Whatever we learn in our evaluation is going to go on a website for the public. So it’s not going to disappear into a black hole.” So suddenly, we have generals in other countries – I met with the general from Brazil and this whole issue myself – who are really willing to cooperate.
And, of course, negotiations with media outlets, to share documentation, are in process. Some you may know, or have seen, “Unidentified” was a History Channel series of several episodes that went forward last year. We’re now recording the second season. And unlike “Ancient Aliens,” on History Channel, that has a lot of speculation and stuff that’s fascinating, but you don’t know how much of it is real. And also, unlike things like “UFO Hunters,” where people go out and talk to peopleand you get a pretty sensationalistic view, the “Unidentified” program really went out of its way to like, really just reveal the facts. So, most of Lue’s time was going around interviewing the F-18 pilots, interviewing the radar operators on the ships and that that kind of thing. So, it was pretty straight line. No, exaggerating, went out of our way. In that whole program, you’ll never hear anybody say the word alien. I mean, until it’s absolutely nailed down, what’s going on, speculation is off the table. Just the facts, bam. That’s it. We’ll follow the data. Whereever the data leads us, it will be told. But that’s what it is, follow the data.
Now some of the pressure and especially behind the scenes stuff, the Navy finally confirmed, for the first time, that those videos really are, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. I mean, after the videos were released, you had everybody and their cousin saying, “Oh well, maybe it’s just some new drone that the Navy or the Air Force is testing and whatever. I mean, why should I think it’s really, that they don’t know what it is?” But because of the pressure and the FOIA requests and briefing behind the scenes, the Navy finally agreed to come forward and say, “They really are unidentified.”
For example, in Politico, Brian Bender’s writing about defense, said the U.S. Navy is drafting new guidelines for reporting UFOs. I mean, up until this time, I’ve told you, there were decades of Navy pilots running into these things, all over the place, but they never reported them. Why? Because they were concerned their superiors would tell them, “Okay, you’ve been smoking dope or something? I mean, what’s going on?” So no one wanted to lose their flight status by reporting UFOs. So they didn’t. Now, because of the pressure, the Navy has come out and put out official edicts to the F-18 and other pilots saying, “If you see a UFO, first of all, grab all the data you can.” And I’ve seen some neat ones where the pilots actually use their cell phones to take a picture. And you must report it. So that’s now part of the new culture.
And the Navy even as admitted, they provided a series of briefings by senior Naval Intelligence Officers as well as aviators who reported hazards to aviation safety. So this is not just lying in a little cloister of people would like to, kind of be part of this kind of thing. No, it’s it’s being briefed. You won’t hear who’s being briefed, because they don’t want to make an issue of it. But there are a lot of people at high places, being briefed. I even saw on the Tucker Carlson show that President Trump was told that, “Oh these things are going on. What do you think?” And he said, “Well..I sort of…I don’t know about that. But on the other hand, our pilots are really sharp people, so…”
Anyway, so that’s the back story and the forward story. The back story is, DIA set-up this program, one in 2008, that had a whole precedence of other programs, other programs ongoing. And then the forward story is some of us coming forward to form To The Stars Academy to try to get a better acceptance and more conversation out into the public. And so that’s what we’ve been doing. That’s our forward story contribution. So that’s the story.
Thanks for your interest.
Part 2…
The Arlington Institute was founded by John L. Petersen in 1989.[2] Petersen was a naval flight officer in the United States Navy, and has worked at military institutions in the United States, including the National War College, the Institute for National Security Studies, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and the National Security Council at the White House,[3] and has had experience in business and non-profit organizations.[3] Among the 2003 Board of Directors was Jack DuVall, who had two years earlier created the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict together with Council on Foreign Relations Board memberPeter Ackerman.[4] In 2005, the Board of Directors of the Arlington Institute was chaired by John L. Petersen, and included Napier Collyns, George H. Kuper, David Martin, and another military expert, Owen Wormser. Wormser worked in the United States Air Force, worked in the Department of Defense, and in 2005 was a visiting professor at the Joint Military Intelligence College.[5]
JBIS, Vol. 63. pp. 82-89, 2010 Advanced Space Propulsion Based on Vacuum (Spacetime Metric) Engineering, by Harold E. Puthoff, Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, 11855 Research Blvd., Austin, Texas 78759, USA. Email: puthoff@earthtech.org
Paper Summary:
A theme that has come to the fore in advanced planning for long-range space exploration is the concept that empty space itself (the quantum vacuum, or spacetime metric) might be engineered so as to provide energy/thrust for future space vehicles. Although far-reaching, such a proposal is solidly grounded in modern physical theory, and therefore the possibility that matter/ vacuum interactions might be engineered for space-flight applications is not a priori ruled out [1]. As examples, the current development of theoretical physics addresses such topics as warp drives, traversable wormholes and time machines that provide for such vacuum engineering possibilities [2-6]. We provide here from a broad perspective the physics and correlates/ consequences of the engineering of the spacetime metric.
38 Defense Intelligence Reference Documents (DIRDs)
Cite: ufos.scientificresearch.blogspot.com
In a KLAS-TV news report, on 25 July 2018, journalists George Knapp and Matt Adams published a list of the 38 DIRDs generated under a contract with the Defense Intelligence Agency, for the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP.) Although the source of the list was never revealed, former program manager, Luis Elizondo, confirmed that the list was genuine.
That list was as follows:
1. Inertial Electrostatics Confinement Fusion, Dr George Miley, Univ. of Illinois.
2. Advanced Nuclear Propulsion for Manned Deep Space Missions, Dr F Winterberg, Univ of Nevada-Reno.
3. Pulsed High-Power Microwave Technology, Dr James Wells, Northrop Grumman.
4. Space Access, Dr P Czysz, HyperTech.
5. Advanced Space Propulsion Based on Vacuum (Spacetime Metrics) Engineering, Dr Hal Puthoff, EarthTech International.
6. Biosensors and BioMEMS, Dr Bruce Towe, Unic of Arizona.
7. Invisibility Cloaking, Dr Ulf Leonhardt, Univ of St Andrews.
8. Wormholes in Space Time, Dr Eric Davis, EarthTech International.
9. Gravity Wave Communication, Dr Robert Baker, GravWave.
10. Superconductors in Gravity Research, Dr George Hathaway, Hathaway Consulting.
11. Antigravity Studies, Dr Eric Davis, EarthTech International.
12. Field Effects on Biological Tissues, Dr Kit Green, Wayne State Univ.
13. Positron Aerospace Propulsion, Dr Gerald Smith, Positronics Research.
14. Vacuum Energy Applications, Dr Eric Davis, EarthTech International.
15. Improved Statistical Approach to Drake Equation, Dr Claudio Maccone, International Academy of Astronautics.
16. Maverick vs Corporate Research Cultures, Dr George Hathaway, Hathaway Consulting.
17. Biomaterials, Dr Bruce Towe, Univ of Arizona.
18. Metamaterials, Dr G Shvets, Univ of Texas-Austin.
19. Warp Drives, Dark Energy, and Dimensions, Dr R Obousy, Obousy Consultants.
20. Brain-Machine Interfaces, Dr R Genik, Wayne State Univ.
21. Material for Advanced Aerospace Platforms, Dr J Williams, Ohio State Univ.
22. Metallic Glasses, Dr T Hufnagel, John Hopkins Univ.
23. Programmable Matter, Dr W McCarthy, Programmable Matter Corporation.
24. Metallic Spintronics, Dr M Tsoi, Univ of Texas-Austin.
25. Laser Weapons, J Albertine, M.S., Directed Technologies.
26. Quantum Entanglement Communication, Dr J Cramer, Univ of Washington.
27. Aneutronic Fusion Propulsion, Dr V Teofilo, Lockheed Martin.
28. Cockpits in the Era of breakthrough Flight, Dr G Millis, Tau Zero.
29. Cognitive Limits on Simultaneous Control of Multiple Unmanned Spacecraft, Dr R Genik, Wayne State Univ.
30. Detection and High Resolution Tracking of Vehicles at Hypersonic Velocities, Dr W Culbreth, Univ of Nevada-Las Vegas.
31. Aneutronic Fusion, Dr W Culbreth, Univ of Nevada-Las Vegas.
32. Laser Lightcraft Nanosatellites, Dr E Davis, Earthtech.
33. MHD Air Breathing Propulsion and Power for Aerospace Applications, Dr S Macheret, Lockheed Martin.
34. Quantum Computing and Utilizing Organic Molecules in Automation Technology, Dr R Genik, Wayne State Univ.
35. Quantum Tomography of Negative Energy States in the Vacuum, Dr Eric Davis, Earthtech.
36. Ultracapacitors as Energy and Power Storage Devices, Dr J Golightly, Lockheed Martin.
37. Negative Mass Propulsion, Dr F Winterberg, Univ of Nevada_Reno.
38. Redacted.
aatip, aawsap, aliens, arlington intitute, earthtech, extraterrestrial, hal puthoff, john petereson, lecture, petersen, Puthoff, transitions talk, uap, ufo
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