
Text Version: Congressman Walker Letter to Secretary of Navy About Pentagon UFO Program and Physical Evidence

30 Jul , 2019  

by Joe Murgia – @ufojoe11 on Twitter

On July 27th, Congressman Mark Walker, a Republican representing the state of North Carolina, was the guest on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”  Walker had recently sent a letter to the Secretary of the Navy, Richard Spencer, inquiring about the military’s UFO investigation and whether or not they had physical evidence of UFOs in their possession. Below is the text version of that letter and below that is the actual letter.

H/T: Bruce Fenton



Congress of the United States
Washington, DC 20515

July 16th, 2019

Honorable Richard Spencer
Secretary of the U.S. Navy
1300 Navy Pentagon
Washington, DC 20350

Secretary Spencer,

In recent days, Members of Congress and the public have seen press reports regarding unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) engaging with or encountering our Naval aviators. The reports mention the existence of these encounters both domestically and abroad during various missions and trainings. We have also seen statements made by the Department of Defense regrading steps taken by the Navy to draft new guidelines for aviators to report these occurrences.

Additionally, there have been reports of significant investments in advanced aerospace technologies like the recorded UAP encounters by China.

Based on pilot accounts, encounters with these UAPs often involved complex flight patterns and advanced maneuvering, which demand extreme advances in quantum mechanics, nuclear science, electromagnetics, and thermodynamics. If the accounts are true, the unidentified crafts could pose a serious security risk to our military personnel and defense apparatus. They could also represent a tremendous opportunity for advancements in science and technology that can contribute to the public good.

The detailed news of the encounters comes on the heels of an announcement by the Department of Defense in 2017 that noted the end of the Advanced Aerospace Threat and Identification Program (AATIP), which was tasked with investigating UAP encounters. As a member of the House Committee on Homeland Security and the Ranking Member for the Subcommittee on Intelligence and Counterterrorism, these reports are concerning from a national airspace and domestic security perspective.

While I am encouraged by the Navy’s proactive decision to draft new guidelines for reporting, I am concerned these reports are not being fully investigated and understood. Since the decision to end the AATIP, has the Department continued to both log reports/sightings and fully investigate the claims? If so, to what measure? Has the Department found physical evidence or otherwise that substantiates these claims?

Lastly, does the Department have any information regarding private companies or foreign governments who have made significant advancements in aero physics?

We believe the answers to these questions are vital to our national security and scientific research and of significant public interest.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter. We look. forward to working with you on thus important matter to ensure our domestic security.


Member of Congress

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