AAWSAP, George Knapp, James Lacatski, Skinwalker Ranch, Skinwalkers at the Pentagon
“You have that database, probably the largest UFO database that exists in the world and is currently being used by the U.S. military. So yes, [AAWSAP] was completely a UFO project.” ~Dr. James Lacatski ~~~ Click on the photo above or HERE to buy the book, which I think is one of the most important […]
aatip, aawsap, colm kelleher, george knapp, james lacatski, kelleher, knapp, licatski, poltergeist, skinwalkers, Skinwalkers at the pentagon, uap, uap task force, ufo
AAWSAP, George Knapp, James Lacatski, Skinwalker Ranch, Skinwalkers at the Pentagon
“You have that database, probably the largest UFO database that exists in the world and is currently being used by the U.S. military. So yes, [AAWSAP] was completely a UFO project.” ~Dr. James Lacatski ~~~ Click on the photo above or HERE to buy the book, which I think is one of the most important […]
aatip, aawsap, colm kelleher, george knapp, hitchhiker, hitchhikers, james lacatski, kelleher, knapp, lacatski, poltergeist, skinwalkers, Skinwalkers at the pentagon, uap, ufo, ufo uap, unidentified aerial phenomena
AATIP, AAWSAP, Colm Kelleher, James Lacatski
“People are forgetting the 100 plus documents that were delivered to the DIA, hundreds of pages, some of them. But there’s an entire room maintained by the contractor, BAASS, Bigelow Aerospace now, of the analyst, raw data. Pictures, recordings, it’s all there. And I ultimately, at some point in the future, would like to have […]
aawsap, colm kelleher, james lacatski, kelleher, knapp, lacatski, orbs, poltergeist, skinwalker, uap, ufo
Click below to hear the entire, “Edge of Reality Radio” show with host, Lee Speigel and guests George Knapp and Jeremy Corbell. https://kgraradioarchives.com/Shows/edge-of-reality-radio/2020/ERR041620KGRA%20-%20Edge%20of%20Reality%20-%20Guests%20George%20Knapp%20and%20Jeremy%20Kenyon%20Lockyer%20Corbell.mp3 Lee Spiegel (LS): There’s one place in America where paranormal phenomena reportedly takes place and it’s been documented by different teams of investigators and scientists since the 1990s. That place […]
#ufos, aatip, aawsap, aliens, bigelow, colm kelleher, corbell, extraterrestrial, kelleher, knapp, lee speigel, nids, portal, skinwalker, skinwalker ranch, speigel, uap, ufo, uinta
“Then I brought up another name connected to Skinwalker: Colm Kelleher. He had written, ‘Hunt For The Skinwalker’ with Knapp. Not a second after I mentioned his name, I heard a voice from across the room say, ‘Did you just say Colm Kelleher?’” ~~~ By Joe Murgia – @ufojoe11 on Twitter As a freelance camera operator, […]
#ufos, bigelow, colm, colm kelleher, Elizondo, hunt for the skinwalker, kelleher, ludwiger, nids, skinwalker, uap