
Knapp: Wilson/Davis Is Not A Hoax. It was Written by Dr. Eric Davis and Shared with Scientists and Former DoD Personnel and Contractors

23 Jun , 2020  

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by Joe Murgia@ufojoe11 on Twitter

On the June 19th, 2020 episode of “Mystery Wire Podcast,” more than a year after they first appeared online, investigative reporter, George Knapp, of KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, finally commented on the infamous Wilson/Davis documents. This is a partial transcript.


George Knapp: Before AATIP, before AAWSAP, before BAASS, there was something called NIDS, The National Institute for Discovery Science. It was created in the mid-1990s, I think 1995, by Robert Bigelow, billonaire businessman who’s interested in these subjects, here in Las Vegas. He put together a Science Advisory Board comprised of a terrific, world-class group of scientists, investigators, former government folks. Among them was Dr. Edgar Mitchell, a scientist, 6th man to walk on the Moon, a brilliant man. There was another scientist, an astronaut, who was on that board. Harry Reid sat in on meetings. There were former CIA guys, physicists, a lot of really high-powered folks who were trying to get to the bottom of the UFO mystery.


One of the people who was hired by NIDS, is a physicist named Dr. Eric Davis, who has worked closely with Hal Puthoff, a world-renowned scientist. Dr. Davis worked for NIDS. He was also involved in the investigation at Skinwalker Ranch. And among the things that NIDS was trying to do connect with people in the government, people who were still inside, at a high-level in the military, who may have heard bits and pieces about the UFO mystery. And the big story, the big question is: Do we have pieces of these things, do we have recovered craft? That’s the story that was told by Bob Lazar about Area 51. It’s the one that we’ve pursued for more than thirty years now and we hear tantalizing hints that there are materials that are sitting in vaults, that are in labs, being analyzed. That maybe you have entire craft, stashed somewhere, that we’re trying to reverse engineer it and figure out this technology. As Senator Reid told us…look, this is an important, national security issue. Whoever gets that technology first, wins, that’s it! If you have anti-gravity, if you have something like the Tic Tac that can fly, you only need one of the them, you win, period. So we have to get there, Senator Reid said, before the Russians and Chinese do, or we’re in big trouble.

So there is a program to look at that. There are these rumors for a long time about metamaterials and crash sites and crash recovery teams. So Dr.Eric Davis, back in 2002, while working for NIDS, has a rendezvous with Admiral Wilson, who was a pretty high up there guy, to talk about what Admiral Wilson may know about crash retrieval programs and the analysis of metamaterials. So Eric Davis, is a very plain-spoken kind of guy, a PhD scientist, has held numerous security clearances. A very interesting and brilliant man, has a meeting with Admiral Wilson and they discuss a variety of different things, scuttlebutt, programs, recovered technology and basically, alien materials

The meeting supposedly took place here in Las Vegas, outside the terminal where EG&G used to have its own terminal near the airport. And thoss guys, that are allegedly in this, certainly travel in those circles, they were interested in these topics. So it makes a lot of sense that they would want to have that kind of a conversation with someone like Admiral Wilson. But it was never supposed to see the light of day, assuming that it’s real. Eric Davis has said, “No comment.” That’s it. He hasn’t said it’s not true, he just says, “No comment.” I think that is telling. Admiral Wilson says it’s fake.

I’ll just tell you this. I am fairly certain that this is an accurate representation of a meeting that really did happen. It was typed up, not to distribute to the public, but to share with a very tight group of professionals at the NIDS Science Advisory Board. Among them was Dr. Edgar Mitchell. It looks like Dr. Edgar Mitchell, after he died, his personal papers got into the hands of members of his family and then have dribbled out to the UFO community, and I think that’s where this came from.

This meeting happened. Admiral Wilson denies it. I think he’ll always deny it. Dr. Eric Davis is not somebody who makes this stuff up. He certainly doesn’t make it up and then hand it to his boss, Bob Bigelow and the Science Advisory Board, made up out of whole cloth. You may not believe that the contents of what is discussed in this meeting is true, and we have no way to verify if all this is true or not. But did the meeting take place? Yes, it did and this memo is an accurate reflection of what happened. I think that…remember, at the beginning of this podcast, we talked about The New York Times poking around. Part of what they’re poking around about is, this memo. Is it true? Does somebody have metamaterials stashed in a hangar somewhere or in a lab? Are they investigating it, are trying to figure it out? It’s the most enticing part of the UFO mystery other than, who are these beings, and where they are from, and why are they here? If you can have physical evidence that it came from somewhere else, that we are taking apart, and trying to figure out how it works, that’s an indication it’s not ours, it came from somewhere else. And that is sort of the holy grail. That would change the whole debate. If The New York goes ahead with that story, even if they are unable to prove it definitely, that’s a really big deal.




My opinion? George Knapp just told us he believes the document is real and that’s not just based on speculation. Bob Bigelow is a good friend of his and Knapp was around NIDS a lot back in the days when this took place. He knows. If you think Knapp is a credible person, the meeting between Dr. Davis and Admiral Wilson has just been confirmed. But to add more fuel to the fire, Knapp reached out to me via email and gave me a similar comment but with some important, new details included. Having the time to collect his thoughts, Knapp’s written words come across as an even stronger confirmation that the documents accurately represent what took place in Las Vegas on October 16th, 2002.


George Knapp: Here is my opinion. The memo is an accurate summary of a conversation that really did happen here in Las Vegas in October 2002. It was written by Eric Davis, a brilliant physicist who has been granted multiple, high-level security clearances by the U.S. government while working on extremely sensitive projects. My understanding is that Dr. Davis compiled the notes and the memo was shared with a small number of Eric’s trusted colleagues, including two or more members of the NIDS Science Advisory Board, a distinguished group of scientists and former DOD personnel and contractors. Dr. Davis worked for NIDS for a few years, along with his mentor Dr. Hal Puthoff.   One of the members of the NIDS board was Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth human to walk on the moon.
The memo was never meant to be seen by the general public. It is not a hoax, not an exaggeration, not work of fiction or a screenplay. It is a serious memo written for serious people. Whether or not we will ever be a able to confirm the information discussed during that conversation is another question altogether. I’m not holding my breath.
It is not at all surprising that Admiral Wilson would deny any knowledge of the memo, deny ever meeting with Dr. Davis, deny even knowing who Dr.Davis is.  That is exactly how he is supposed to react when confronted with information relating to and about classified programs. Dr. Davis has been asked about the document multiple times. His response has always been the same, a curt “no comment.”
Edgar Mitchell was a national hero and a courageous pursuer of the truth. He and his colleagues were trying to get to the heart of the biggest secret that’s ever been kept. Eric Davis was part of that effort.  I have no idea if anyone will ever be able to confirm the information discussed in the memo but I believe Eric Davis is an honorable man and that he not only wrote the memo, but likely has been able to learn a lot more about some of the details that were discussed 18 years ago.
So there you have it. A few weeks ago, after waffling back and forth hundreds of times in my head, I finally concluded the documents were the real deal and correctly detail what happened in the EG&G parking lot in Las Vegas almost eighteen years ago. It was an overwhelming feeling as I danced around my living room in an emotional outburst. There were no tears but I came close. THIS IS HUGE! For the folks still in denial, I believe you’re in for a very rude awakening in the near future.
As far as why Dr. Davis can’t confirm? Researcher Grant Cameron spelled it out for me nicely today via Facebook messenger.
Grant Cameron: It works like a secret society. We work the same way. We are trying to get people to leak the secrets to us, In exchange we say we will not tell anyone. Dolan tells the story of asking one high-level person if he could name who is running it. The guy said – Yes, but telling you not help. You would go to NYT, I would have to deny, and I would lose all access to people who trust me and are telling me things. The ability to get new material is dependent on how you will protect the leak. The document talks about how Wilson checked Davis’s background and how Oke said he was a good guy. Trust is the name of the game. If they know you are going to run and be public they will not talk to you. There might be some legal issues if what they are talking about is classified. It is called “intelligence blowback.” They sit and see how much damage talking did and if there will be discipline. Davis, I am sure, has talked to many many people in the know, but as he doesn’t have all the answers he remains silent.
And now, we wait for Cooper, Blumenthal and Kean as they make their push to get published once again in the New York Times. Our world is about to change.
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