AAWSAP, George Knapp, James Lacatski, Skinwalker Ranch, Skinwalkers at the Pentagon
“Maybe one of the keys to us taking the next step in the UFO investigative scenario would be to start looking at consciousness in a new way. And maybe from that, there will be new avenues of research..” ~Dr. Colm Kelleher ~~~ Click on the photo above or HERE to buy the book, which I […]
aatip, aawsap, communion, hitchhikers, kelleher, knapp, poltergeist, skinwalker ranch, skinwalkers, Skinwalkers at the pentagon, strieber
“I think that’s another level of the human species. I think that we are in contact with ourselves. I think that’s the joke of the whole thing. We’re all looking up in the sky when we should be looking at each other.” ~Whitley Strieber, Malibu 2018 ~~~~~ Comments, links and transcription by Joe Murgia – […]
a new world, alien, breakthrough, communion, confirmation, secret school, strieber, the visitors, transformation, visitors, Whitley, whitley strieber