Commander David Fravor was the guest on a recent episode of “The Fighter Pilot Podcast” to discuss his encounter with and subsequent chasing of, a Tic Tac-shaped UFO back in 2004. This is the most detailed interview with Fravor I have heard so far. I transcribed about 80% of the interview and left out parts […]
aatip, aiello, cap, Elizondo, fighter pilot, fravor, knapp, nyt, pilot, slaight, tic tac, uap, ufo
On August 8th of this year, Sgt. John Burroughs, (USAF Ret.) an eyewitness to the three-day, Rendlesham Forest UFO incident, was the guest on UFO News Network Sunday. I suggest you listen to the entire interview because there’s some very valuable information presented by Burroughs. Click on this pic to hear the segment about Green and […]