June 7th, 2019 – Notes from the Alejandro Rojas (AR) interview with Luis Elizondo (LE), the former head of AATIP. Also known as the Pentagon’s UFO program. From Open Minds UFO Radio LE Articles that AR has written about AATIP and AAWSAP are, “from my perspective, pretty darn accurate.” AR: Did you have an influence with the […]
aatip, aawsap, alejandro, Elizondo, fravor, Lazar, rojas, uap, ufo
Commander David Fravor was the guest on a recent episode of “The Fighter Pilot Podcast” to discuss his encounter with and subsequent chasing of, a Tic Tac-shaped UFO back in 2004. This is the most detailed interview with Fravor I have heard so far. I transcribed about 80% of the interview and left out parts […]
aatip, aiello, cap, Elizondo, fighter pilot, fravor, knapp, nyt, pilot, slaight, tic tac, uap, ufo
“I did see something that transited very quickly by our E-2, and I can honestly say I’ve never seen anything like it. The “object” joined up with us briefly and all onboard had a view for a matter of a few seconds.” ~“Roger,” Radar Officer “PJ told me this was highly unusual. The classified data […]
Beaty, data, e2, Elizondo, fravor, hard drives, hawkeye, kevin day, men in black, Nimitz, Princeton, radar, slaight, tic tac, uap, ufo
By Joe Murgia Unless you’ve been living under a rock lately, you’ve seen the excellent, short film, “The Nimitz Encounters,” by filmmaker Dave Beaty. I’ve known Dave since the late 80s when we worked alongside each other as videographers/editors for WINK-TV News in Ft. Myers, Florida. When the station needed something to look extra nice, […]
aatip, Beaty, e-2, Elizondo, fravor, hawkeye, kean, Nimitz, Princeton, slaight, tic tic, To The Stars, TTSA, uap, ufo