Commander David Fravor was the guest on a recent episode of “The Fighter Pilot Podcast” to discuss his encounter with and subsequent chasing of, a Tic Tac-shaped UFO back in 2004. This is the most detailed interview with Fravor I have heard so far. I transcribed about 80% of the interview and left out parts […]
aatip, aiello, cap, Elizondo, fighter pilot, fravor, knapp, nyt, pilot, slaight, tic tac, uap, ufo
“I did see something that transited very quickly by our E-2, and I can honestly say I’ve never seen anything like it. The “object” joined up with us briefly and all onboard had a view for a matter of a few seconds.” ~“Roger,” Radar Officer “PJ told me this was highly unusual. The classified data […]
Beaty, data, e2, Elizondo, fravor, hard drives, hawkeye, kevin day, men in black, Nimitz, Princeton, radar, slaight, tic tac, uap, ufo
By Joe Murgia Unless you’ve been living under a rock lately, you’ve seen the excellent, short film, “The Nimitz Encounters,” by filmmaker Dave Beaty. I’ve known Dave since the late 80s when we worked alongside each other as videographers/editors for WINK-TV News in Ft. Myers, Florida. When the station needed something to look extra nice, […]
aatip, Beaty, e-2, Elizondo, fravor, hawkeye, kean, Nimitz, Princeton, slaight, tic tic, To The Stars, TTSA, uap, ufo