AAWSAP, George Knapp, James Lacatski, Skinwalker Ranch, Skinwalkers at the Pentagon
“You have that database, probably the largest UFO database that exists in the world and is currently being used by the U.S. military. So yes, [AAWSAP] was completely a UFO project.” ~Dr. James Lacatski ~~~ Click on the photo above or HERE to buy the book, which I think is one of the most important […]
aatip, aawsap, colm kelleher, george knapp, hitchhiker, hitchhikers, james lacatski, kelleher, knapp, lacatski, poltergeist, skinwalkers, Skinwalkers at the pentagon, uap, ufo, ufo uap, unidentified aerial phenomena
I went to the Reddit page and cleaned up the AMA so its more readable. I did some light editing for clarity and punctuation. For a nice history of the ranch, check out this History.com article. ~Joe Hi, my name is Travis Taylor. I’m an aerospace engineer, optical scientist, author and part of the team […]
History, history channel, hitchhiker, secret of skinwalker ranch, skinwalker, skinwalker ranch, travis taylor, uap, ufo