June 7th, 2019 – Notes from the Alejandro Rojas (AR) interview with Luis Elizondo (LE), the former head of AATIP. Also known as the Pentagon’s UFO program. From Open Minds UFO Radio LE Articles that AR has written about AATIP and AAWSAP are, “from my perspective, pretty darn accurate.” AR: Did you have an influence with the […]
aatip, aawsap, alejandro, Elizondo, fravor, Lazar, rojas, uap, ufo
Anthony Lappé is a New York-based showrunner, director and investigative journalist and was a producer on History Channel’s upcoming docu-series, “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation.” He was a guest today on “Podcast UFO.” Watch/listen at the YouTube link above. Below are my notes from the show. And if I thought it was important, I transcribed it. […]
aatip, alejandro, alejandro rojas, alien, Elizondo, gimbal, History, history channel, lappe, mellon, Nimitz, open minds radio, open minds tv, Princeton, rojas, uap, ufo, unidentified, willis