Hat Tip: Chris Wolford – @devgru1980mi By Joe Murgia – @ufojoe11 on Twitter Tucker Carlson: Well after decades of denial and secrecy and flat out lying, America’s defense establishment is finally admitting, some of what it knows about UFOs. The Navy has admitted that its pilots encounter unidentified aircraft so often, that they’ve had to […]
aliens, congress, disclosure, extraterrestrial, fox news, mark walker, trump, tucker, uap, ufo
Transcript by Joe Murgia – @ufojoe11 on Twitter. Tom DeLonge was the guest on The Kevin and Bean show on KROQ on July 17th. The following is an edited transcript of that interview. Tom DeLonge: What happened was is about 12 years ago, I started “Angels & Airwaves,” when Blink first broke up, to be […]
#ufos, aliens, congress, contact, Delonge, disclosure, Elizondo, et, extraterrestrial, kevin and bean, kroq, lockheed, lockheed skunkworks, senate, To The Stars, tom delonge, TTSA, uap, ufo
Alejandro Rojas = AR Bryan Bender = BB AR: I am very happy to welcome to the show, Bryan Bender. Thanks for being here. BB: Thanks for having me. AR: And this is fun. We’re live in the studio. And you have your cool NASA shirt on there. Old school. BB: I do. These t-shirts you […]
alejandro rojas, alien, bender, black money, bryan bender, congress, disclosure, Elizondo, extraterrestrial, harry reid, knapp, mellon, politico, reid, senate, uap, ufo
by Joe Murgia Happy Anniversary! One year ago, the subject of UFOs took a quantum leap forward into the mainstream. Thanks to a top notch source, I knew something big was coming but I didn’t know exactly how it would unfold. Then, on a lazy Sunday afternoon, The New York Times published a story about […]
alien, confirmation, Delonge, disclosure, Elizondo. ttsa, et, extraterrestrial, klas, knapp, ufo