If you like what you see on my blog and my Twitter and appreciate the time and effort, here are my Patreon and Pay Pal. https://www.patreon.com/ufojoe PayPal – ufojoe11@aol.com ~~~ “When you have material in your hands, physical evidence that you can analyze, there’s not a whole lot better than that to base and formulate […]
aatip, aawsap, aliens, crash retrieval, dolan, Elizondo, exotic, lue, lue elizondo, luis Elizondo, reid, sheehan, uap, ufo
AATIP, Bryan Bender, Elizondo, Eric Davis
If you’d like to support my work on Twitter and this blog, my Patreon can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/ufojoe ~~~ by Joe Murgia – @TheUfoJoe on Twitter. Yesterday, Bryan Bender, a senior national correspondent for Politico, tweeted about AATIP, the Pentagon’s UFO program now known as the UAP Task Force. ~~~ Twitter user, SicCoP1, tweeted to Bender: […]
aatip, aawsap, bender, bryan bender, Davis, Elizondo, eric davis, lue elizondo, luis Elizondo, politico, uap, ufo
If you like what you see on my blog and my Twitter and appreciate the time and effort, here are my Patreon and Pay Pal. https://www.patreon.com/ufojoe PayPal – ufojoe11@aol.com * * * * * Coast to Coast – July, 19 2020 George Knapp (GK): Two of the people most directly responsible for making all of […]
aatip, aawsap, aliens, christopher mellon, coast to coast, coast to coast am, george knapp, knapp, lue, luis Elizondo, mellon, paranormal, uap, ufo
~~~ If you enjoy my articles and would like to support my work, here is my Patreon. URL: https://www.patreon.com/ufojoe ~~~ by Joe Murgia – @ufojoe11 on Twitter! Limited Transcript To watch the whole interview, you need to subscribe to The Glenn Beck Program Friday Exclusive: The Glenn Beck Program with Guest, Luis Elizondo Glenn Beck […]
beck, glenn beck, luis Elizondo, sap task force, TTSA, uap, ufo
Transcript of May 1st interview between John Williams of 720 WGN Radio, a 50,000 watt, AM monster out of Chicago, and Luis Elizondo of “To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science.” To The Stars Academy: The UFOs in Pentagon-released videos are real John Williams (JW): Videos show what appear to be unidentified flying objects. […]
Elizondo, gimbal, go fast, lue, luis Elizondo, tic tac, TTSA, uap, ufo, wgn
By Joe Murgia – @ufojoe11 on Twitter “Most of the news stories aired only once on television and haven’t been seen since. The unedited interviews have never been shown anywhere.” ~George Knapp You had me at “unedited interviews.” The above quote is from the intro. video on the new, George Knapp/KLAS website, Mystery Wire. The site […]
aatip, aawsap, alien, Area 51, Chris mellon, Delonge, Elizondo, harry reid, klas, knapp, Lazar, luis Elizondo, reid, To The Stars, tom delonge, uap, ufo
Thanks to the Scientific Coalition of Ufology for organizing this conference and to Rob Freeman for holding his arms up for two and half hours to record this lecture! (Transcript has been lightly edited for clarity. And any comments in parenthesis are mine) Luis Elizondo: I’d rather this be a discussion, if possible, and kind […]